Monday, July 24, 2006

The Ecke Shopping Center Needs a Fountain

You know that weird dead part of the Target/Ecke shopping center? I think it needs a groovy community fountain.


  1. And a soul.


  2. There's graffiti in the shopping center. Not good for encouraging shopping there.

  3. it also needs some new parking lot striping or new parking lot design... it's like following ancient donkey trails getting in and out of the target side

  4. No bums there because there are no struggling liquor stores willing to sell to them in Ecke Ranch.

  5. And a place for hiring migrant workers. The Home Depot across the street is too crowded.

  6. There are always bums with cardboard signs at the Target intersection.

  7. Ross Dress for Less rocks my world.

  8. Leucadia Road Side Park needs a fountain! That little park should be the showpiece of Leucadia not a pissy mude hole.

  9. Leucadia Road Side Park needs a fountain! That little park should be the showpiece of Leucadia not a pissy mude hole.

  10. It is a symbol of leucadia and shows off its best features including RSPB.

  11. Could we get a statue of Paul Ecke III in the middle of the fountain. Make sure the water doesn't hit the head so the gulls can perch there and do their business.

    Maybe Christy could be kneeling along side and lawnmower man kissing his feet.

  12. What??? And give up the SWAMP??? In all seriousness Leucadia Roadside park can and should be more than it is, BUUUUUUTTTTT the forces of NO CHANGES EVER will never let that happen !!! So don't expect anything to change, I don't!

    And this is such a depressing subject, the topic of "Change in Leucadia" that I'd rather just go get drunk instead of posting anymore here today.

    Perhaps the city should dump some dirt on the Enc. Ranch Town Center and let tumble weeds grow along El Camino Real, after all if these things add "character" to Leucadia then why can't they add character to Encinitas also.

    No, no too depressing, gotta get some more beers to fight the heat and dehydration and humidity!!

    Staggering down the 101 too depressed by the ugliness and the heat that surrounds me, it's your Roadside Park Bum.

  13. How much do I love the fact that you use the word "groovy". Can we bring it back. It so fits with Leucadia.

  14. Just think, if there was a fountain in the little Leucadia park then roadside bum could pick pennies out of it.

  15. The shopping center doesn't have a concentration of wireless equipment on its grounds.

    On August 3 the planning commission will vote on putting 7 galvanized equipment cabinets on a steel platform on top of the senior/community center. That's in addition to 12 antennas. This is for Cingular Wireless.

    Will that make the community center like a microwave oven?

    Who knew when the white elephant center was built that it would be a supporting stand for equipment for telecommunications businesses.

  16. But now if I call to let you know that a bocce ball court is open the call won't drop.

  17. Are they serving wine at the bocce ball courts or is it BYOB?

  18. Hey, my idea for a public fountain in the Ecke shopping center is even more revelant if we get a theater. Imagine mingling around a nice fountain before and after shows. It would be great.
    Now the important question, will the yuppies of Encinitas support the arts or just keep going to Blockbuster video?

  19. New theater in the shopping center -
    $15,000,000 paid by the city.

    Lease for the new theater - $1 a year paid by the private business.

    Yearly contribution by the city to keep the theater afloat - $250,000

    Cost to Encinitas property owners -
    $14,999,999 for the theater

    Cost to Encinitas property owners =
    $249,999 for yearly contribution

    An even better deal than the one in Escondido, and the yuppies don't have to drive to Escondido.

  20. Information from a Union Tribune article - July 15:

    The Miracle Theatre Productions is paying a maximum of $1,400 a month.

    The new state parks department contract requires among other conditions:
    At least $370,000 for ADA renovations, and at least $40,000 per year rent.

  21. Fishy, fishy.

    Is there some law that doesn't allow personal gain from a public office?

    One of the owners of Miracle Theatre Productions is an appointed arts commissioner.

  22. Correction:

    One of the owners of the Miracle Theatre Productions resigned from the art commission on June 22, 2006.

  23. This blog could be a more useful forum for our community if the individuals that commented spent more time addressing specific issues and not so much time personally attacking individuals. People may not like all of what the Ecke's or others have done in this town but personally attacking individual family members does nothing more in my mind then make me feel sorry for those being attacked. I was taught you shouldn't hate an individual unless you know them personally. Be unhappy with choices and decisions people make versus attacking indivduals. I think everyone would take this blog more sersiously if people did.

  24. I imagine that serious bloggers are a bitter bunch by nature. The Eckes are easy targets for the less creative, bitter bloggers. Bitter is a lot easier to pull off than constructive. I think the fountain is a great idea, and I'm totally into the theatre going in at the Target Center. A theatre will answer Reverend Ralph's prayer: the center will get a soul. There are plenty of people who will go to the theatre. I'll be the first in line for season tickets. I suggest a statue of Clayton Liggett, the late, great theatre teacher at San Dieguito High School, who influenced many a theatre geek in his years, me being one of them, Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam being another. He even wrote a song about Mr. Liggett. Let's work on this one.

  25. I'm not bitter, in fact I'm rather chummy. ;)

  26. You do understand that the community center was built with a stage for performances.

    The land in the commercial center will be given to a private business so they can make a profit in their business. It isn't a little community storefront theater.

    If you aren't an Encinitas property owner you will only have to cough up the ticket price. Encinitas property owners will see general fund money used for the theater and less money for potholes.

  27. I agree with the comments about negativity. If you can't say something productive without name-calling, you're by nature a loser. Losers are just plain losers and always will be. This blog will just become a losers hang out with no real value.

  28. Comments like the last one are what make this blog so fabulously funny: "If you can't say something productive without name-calling, you're by nature a loser. Losers are just plain losers and always will be." I'm gonna give that blogger the benefit of the doubt and assume he was trying to be ironic. If so - clever; if not -classic!


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