Saturday, March 21, 2009


Take time to read this excellent article from Rolling Stone magazine,
The Big Takeover


People are pissed off about this financial crisis, and about this bailout, but they're not pissed off enough. The reality is that the worldwide economic meltdown and the bailout that followed were together a kind of revolution, a coup d'état. They cemented and formalized a political trend that has been snowballing for decades: the gradual takeover of the government by a small class of connected insiders, who used money to control elections, buy influence and systematically weaken financial regulations.

The crisis was the coup de grâce: Given virtually free rein over the economy, these same insiders first wrecked the financial world, then cunningly granted themselves nearly unlimited emergency powers to clean up their own mess. And so the gambling-addict leaders of companies like AIG end up not penniless and in jail, but with an Alien-style death grip on the Treasury and the Federal Reserve — "our partners in the government," as Liddy put it with a shockingly casual matter-of-factness after the most recent bailout.


  1. Exactly! Let the truth be known!! Will the public wake up or end up giving up our nation’s blood spent and hard earned liberty?

  2. Dear Ron Paul,

    I'm so sorry I didn't believe you and I jumped on the make Ron Paul out to be a kook bandwagon. You were right all along and we will all suffer for the rest of our lives because we want to hear people tell us good things not the realities.

  3. This is not the change I voted for....

  4. The Leucadians are going to a new low by being anti-semitic.

  5. Being against a Zionist government is not anti-semitic. Israel is filled with voices protesting the current Zionist illegal acts. Besides, semitic refers to both Arabic and Jewish - so it is clearly an incorrect use of the term.

    That being said, that comment is pretty hysterical or at least the all caps make it seem that way even with facts.

    The Zionists don't get all the credit for the financial meltdown - when we have our home grown American causes (from AlterNet)All of this seems to have been part of the Bush Administration's own Ponzi Scheme, which figured that the illusion of an ownership society, terrified of the "terraism" and steeped in the me, me, me, culture would look the other way while they finished clearing out the vault. Beyond that, it's clear that the media hyped housing bubble encouraged the house flip mentality and the idea that anyone could be rich. The idea of the lottery dropping on our own heads made us more protective of the rich, because we might one day be one....or look, we could be one with no money down, if we could just balance that on this, and flip that house!!

  6. JP, you are seriously OFF BLOG-tic.

  7. JP-

    Keep up the great work to help Leucadia and America remember where our liberty stems.

    These Zionist comments, whether pro or con are a irrelevant.

    I am a Jew and more importantly an American.

    Focus on American Liberty and let those that need to take ownership for their actions be exposed. Jew or non-Jew.

    Jews, Christians, Arabs, Persians, Africans, Asians, Islanders and other breeds all have their sins. When will Muslims stand up against terrorism?

    In the end, I am all for stopping funding for all foreign efforts and let’s focus on making America great again.

    Let’s stop spending money we don't have on other countries issues. Let them figure out their own issues.

    We have big enough issues to figure out in our own country.

    Watch or read the book or movie "John Adams" and you will know what it means to be an American.

    To all this chatter, I say Poo or in current terms "whatever". Get over it and focus on restoring American freedom, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. God bless America!

  8. This is about low-life politicians who changed the existing laws regulating the banks and insurance giants. They were both Democrats and Republications who sold their souls to the devil for riches. May they rot in hell for all eternity, but first in prison for the rest of their life.
    When banks required 20% down for any purchase it was guaranteed that they would get their money back if the property had to be sold. Not so when they loaned any amount to anybody for anything. The Government has the power to rectify the situation but that would mean probing and prosecuting those same bankers and brokers who donate so many millions to their campaigns. We know that will never happen. But we don't have to worry to much as most of the taxes will be paid by our children and grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.
    Aren't you glad you voted Democrat!

  9. Or Republican!

  10. Government "help" to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off.

  11. Anonymous said
    Anonymous said
    Anonymous said
    Anonymous said
    Blah Blah Blah

  12. I'm with Ned. There is no accountability. Starting with the head of the previous administration who looked the other way while his banker and defense contractors friends raped the nation. Now we are looking the other way and not holding these people accountable. What are YOU going to do about it Nothing!! I think we start with George and go right down the line no executive privilege..


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!