Friday, August 27, 2010

Public Overreacts: Dan Responds Responsibly

Dan speaks about halfway through.


  1. Had Dalager completed his 2010 ethics training, it is only 2 hours but seems he completed only 1/2 hour, maybe he wouldn't be in this boat. He has not responded responsibly, he has asked the City Attorney for free legal advice and refuses to let the press see his allegedly damaged goods. Encinitas needs leadership with intelligence, not a mascot.

  2. Dan,
    I built an illegal rock curb thingy on city property to fool people into believing that they can't park in front of my house. It has worked for years but now I'm getting worried with all the press.

    I do have a canoe that has never been used but has a small paint stain on the very back from my goofy son and one of his Boy Scout projects. We can call it scrap and you can have it if you will coach me through the process of making this little curb of mine legal in the eyes of the city.

  3. How is this an overreaction?

    If this wasn't intended as a small-town, you-scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours bribe, why did Maggie say they also offered her a free refrigerator?

    And if the dollar value of around $1000 seems trivial, that's how corruption starts. I'll bet Duke Cunningham's first bribe was a smaller transaction that he could have persuaded himself was not unethical.

  4. We have are very own Duke Dalager. Throw away the key know.

  5. Show the video clip of the 2-17-10 public hearing where the Council members are asked if they have any information regarding contact or actions with the appellant that are not included in the staff reports.

    watch Dalager ramble about a conversation during super bowl in New Orleans, but crickets on receiving free goods.

  6. Watch the video. This is included

  7. I sure love living in a country, state and city where the expression, “The best government money can buy,” rings so true.

    Wow, scandalously cheap ovens and stoves, free microwaves for the asking. Is this a great country, or what?

    My house is 26 years old, so I jumped on the opportunity for premium-free or almost-free appliances.

    I called Aztec Appliance to get in on the deal given Encinitas Mayor Dan Dalager (“Mayor’s appliances are darn close to free,” Aug. 25) and was told that no such deals exist.

    I asked about the free scrap stuff and was told it did not exist either.

    I went down the list of items the mayor purchased, citing the cost and was told no, no, no, I can’t buy that stuff.

    I called the city of Encinitas and was connected to the mayor’s secretary, or so I was told. I asked, where do I go to get free appliances? I asked, how come I can’t get free stuff like the mayor? I asked, does it seem right for the mayor to get special deals when the person offering the special deal needs a special deal?

    I asked, but I did not receive answers.

    Why didn’t the Encinitas City Council simply triple its payroll and pensions like the big dogs do? Why sell your integrity so cheaply – allowing an encroaching wall for just an oven?

    Alas, no free stuff for me.

    Glenn Ables


  8. Leucadia blog has a big problem. At least one other person is using my user name. Others have the same problem. What's the point of a user name if it is not unique? I think it's the use of OpenID which is causing the problem. Get rid of it and use only Google Account or go back no identity.

  9. Great letter, Glenn. The U-T printed it:


  10. Hey Cardiffian-

    This is my tag. You don't have a copyright and I thought up the name 25 years ago. Get your own if you want to be unique.

    I might be willing to share my name if you quite your girly complaining.

    If the blog would go to anon again, everyone could be anon and your points wouldn't matter.

    blog masters- please return the anon to the blog and promote free speech. It saves time and make the blog more interesting.

  11. Hey -

    I am the really Cardiffian. the last post was an impostor.

    Lets return the anon feature to the blog and end this silliness.

  12. Word.

    Return the anon and return the value, free speech, and entertainment to the blog.

  13. What's in a name. Come on people! Who cares what your tag is. Cardiffian, I know you by your ideas and the way you put them across to shape your point of view. Same goes with WC. We don't need to hide behind ANON because we all know who is adding to the debate on the blog. Dan fucked up. It's a petty thing but it looks real bad and totally stupid in this political climate that we live in today. Here's your best shot. All the rest is bullshit. We are all to blame for park fiasco. Unions are to blame for pensions. The broken State of Caifornia is a joke and is to blame for where we are today. There are five on the Council and I hope we all voted or it's your own fault. So quit Bitchn. Loser

  14. Anybody know what happened to our summer? I don't recall seeing one this year. Labor Day is here and we get our favorite beach back soon but NO SUMMER! Loser

  15. Unions are to blame for pensions.


    Dan, Jerome and Maggie are to blame for the fucking ridiculous criminal pensions given to City employee that will steal our kids future.

    They are responsible. Get the word out. Dan Fuck up Encinita's future. its that simple.

  16. End the waste of time by having to sign in.

    Return open Anon. Don't waste our lifes and make the blog more valuable.

  17. It takes five seconds to sign in. You are all paranoid. Go ahead and admit it. Please stand up if your going to point fingers. SEIU is robbing us blind. Look it up. Loser

  18. This is so boring! Next subject please. Loser

  19. Did Dan steal our summer too? Loser

  20. You definitely have the right name.

    another one could be Mike Ahole.

  21. Lets do a post about the happenings of fat ass Mike Assream and his queer little side kick

    Gary fucker.

  22. You are a child. Grow up. You don't get it do you? Loser

  23. The tag is loser because we are all losers if we don't pull together. We have become the Divided States of America, all serving are own special interests. I got mine, so fuck you and yours is now our battle cry. How sad. Loser

  24. How about a post for the up comming Lima Bean Festival. Help the Heritage Museum. Dave Oakley needs your help. Loser

  25. PS-

    If you figure out who I am.....

    I love to give huge men big blow jobs.

    my first initial is M


    they even look lazy.

  27. You're not even close. It must be keeping you up at night not knowing who I am. I haved lived in Leucadia,Old Encinitas and I currently live in Cardiff. I haved lived here since 1986. I have a wife and two kids who are in school here. What's up with your obsession with blow jobs and Mike Andreen and Gary Tucker? Did they not give you one? If think hijacking my tag helps you sleep at night, go ahead Big Boy. Loser

  28. Let's do a post and call it... Where's the loser? Another clue for those that do not have a clue... My favorite beach is Beacons. I am a North Reef Rider. I ride a single fin. I like breasts, not cocks. My first initial is P. Loser

  29. Do you always think of men giving other men blow jobs before you go to sleep at night? Who's in the closet? Most homophobes have secret lives they try to hide. Sweet dreams Big BOY! Loser

  30. so the highjacker will not respond to my posts. poor highjacker.

    don't be afraid to admit your a closet gay we all are in cardiff. We even put up a statue of a gay surfer.... we embrace are gayness. Jump in the waters warm. Next time you see Mike give him a big kiss for me. just watch his tongue, its pretty gross. Loser.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Wow. how can I get my impostor high-jacker to respond? I guess gay people are not up to fighting for anything these days except maybe a good gerbil fight. Anyway, enjoy our statue... Its always the gay community that adds the most to any community. Loser

  33. You have a sick, tiny, myopic mind. Vulgarity is the only way that you can respond when you can't make a cohesive argument. You still don't get it! The jokes on you. I'm sorry that you had to wait for me to respond. I was having a life. Why don't you get one? Loser

  34. Oh loser. you are the loser and a name intruder.

    Don't preach you have your own views on life. Get your own handle.

    You are a leach. Get a life and get your own position on things. Loser.

  35. Hey loser. Get a life. I have mine. you need to get yours. You still don't get it. Loser.


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