Thursday, May 19, 2011


The Encinitas City Council has decided that a stained glass mosaic of a surfing Madonna must come down. The artwork on a railroad bridge support along Encinitas Boulevard has become a popular attraction, but the City Council ruled it was put up without permission and must go.

Stan Gafner was one of dozens of residents who addressed Encinitas City Council members Wednesday night. He argued the 10-by-10 "Surfing Madonna" mosaic wasn't sanctioned by the city, and is technically graffiti that needed to be removed.

Mike Andreen said...

Congratulations to the Encinitas City Council for finding an equitable solution to the 'Surfing Madonna' mosaic.

Allowing Cap'n Keno's Jerry Sova, (who has been operating the home-style restaurant since 1970 and feeding the poor and homeless and exhibiting humanity and altruism for over 40 years) to arrange for the 'Surfing Madonnna' mosaic to be moved to the Leucadia location makes the most sense from a public safety standpoint. Folks like to take photos of the mosaic and like to photograph friends and relatives in front of the mosaic and Cap'n Keno's is set back far enough from Hwy 101 to allow folks to take photos without endangering themselves by standing hip deep in oncoming traffic.

Plus, can anyone deny that this spiritual piece isn't a little bit funky?

Hat's off to Leucadia 101 for stepping forward to raise the necessary capital to move this magical artwork to a place safe and sound. Let's ALL pitch in!

Let's watch for news from Leucadia 101 on 'when and where' their fundraiser to move the 'Surfing Madonna' is?

It is a community park now

Dr L writes:
Last night at the City Council, I, as chair of the subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Commission, presented to Council the name Rossini Creek Community Park as the P&R Commissions recommendation to name of the new park. There was much dialog before the meeting about whether it was true community park, or a special use park. The Parks and Rec. Commission used Community because we felt it was going to be used by the 5 communities of Encinitas, Most people who have followed the 10 year saga of this park know it is not a true Community Park, and indeed is a special use park, with a heavy emphasis on the sports fields. The Council thought they had a better idea, and in a 5-0 vote named it Encinitas Community Park. The names given to the members of the Council were submitted by the good citizens of Encinitas-175 total names. The list did not include this name. So, it makes me wonder, why do we have Commissions at all, unless it is to rubber stamp what the Council already wants. Nancy has a good point. This blog asked "Does a name matter?" In my opinion the answer is YES. At least Rossini Creek would have honored the geographical location of the park, as well as the people who live in the area around it. It would have said we honor the founding fathers and mothers of the area of Cardiff, known as the Composer District. Rossini was an Italian opera composer, noted for his works, especially the William Tell Overature, and The Barber of Seville. So the next question is where is the money to pay for building anything on this park? After 10 years the City cannot give the citizens an answer, yet it was the citizens that paid for this park. 17.5 million dollars for the land and a 23 million dollar bond that will cost over 40 million when paid off. When will this park be built? Your guess is as good as mine. Stay tuned. Althogh after this post, I will probably not be reappointed to the Commission. I am not a rubber stamp.


  1. What a boob. Look at his art. No wonder... he's jealous.

  2. That's not art. That's scheisse porn!

  3. How about this one!

    Goodness gracious.

  4. While Captain Keno's offer is laudable, Mr. Gafner's comments on Surfing Mary are deplorable. But what else can we expect from someone frustrated with no talent? As Lilly Tomlin once said "Why can't people like that just stay home?" Stay home, but stop ruining sheets. And Leucadia Blog, post a warning on this thread that people who view this video will never get those two minutes and twenty four seconds back of their lifes. I was going to say he ruined a perfectly good sheet, but I wasn't looking close enough.

  5. At least they didn't show Mike As face. Thats just disgusting.

  6. OMG
    the damage to the mosaic was miraculously repaired and my English muffin had the image of the Surfing Mary.

  7. Ode to Surfing Madonna

    Surfing Madonna
    Big swell at your back
    wonder how you manage to beat the flack

    Who find the money when your grotto’s gone
    Don't you know that kindness comes all along

    Friday night arrives without a permit
    Sunday morning creeping people come
    Monday night it’s all about the concrete
    see the rats run

    Surfing Madonna
    Big swell at your back
    wonder how you manage to beat the flack
    pa pa pa pa
    see the rats run

    Surfing Madonna flying down the wave
    listening to the ocean music heaven made

    Tuesday afternoon the critics are not stopping
    Wednesday night the council says your gone
    Thursday night Jesus hallelujah...see the rats run!

    Don't take no money
    Don't take no fuzz
    only thing it takes
    is what is us

    Surfing Madonna
    Big swell at your back
    wonder how you manage to beat the flack

  8. Must be nice to inherit a greenhouse on a million-dollar property and then have the luxury of throwing stones at those who actually create art and beauty in the community.

  9. WC Are you lookin at me? Cause, you must be tired as this is a tribute piece.

  10. No, Violet! I love your lyrics! Very appropriate and clever.

    I was referring to the afore-mentioned "artist" who is raging against the Madonna.

  11. That is a cool poem. thanks.

    Run for council. We need some smart people leading our City.


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