Sunday, June 12, 2005

Examples of Blight in Leucadia

Above are some examples of a "blighted" property in Leucadia. Note the weeds, old chain link fence, rusted out truck, illegal structure and dead tree (if only someone had some sharp tools to cut it down). Is this property owner the kind of person we want residing in Leucadia?

Please attend the next meeting about redevelopment Monday evening. Let's pack the house and find out what these "devil in the details" really are.

Encinitas City Hall
Council Chambers
505 South Vulcan Avenue
Encinitas, Ca 92024

Call the City Mananger's Office for more info


  1. The city council needs an enema.

  2. Although I worked, in 1985 for the North Coast Coalition to Incorporate Encinitas, I am dismayed by the direction Encinitas Council has taken! Leucadia is not blighted, our Council is! The corrupt, unacountable city attorneys give conflicted, terrible advice, which Council, in its haste to over-regulate and micro-manage, is far too quick to take. Council is busy patting itself on the back and posturing for its next turn at re-election. They cannot see, or understand opposition to the issues, and do not really understand the citizens, taxpayers and voters.


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!