This city council is a great disappointment. In 2005, Kerry Miller got 2 raises. Firefighters got a nice raise and the Sheriff's Deputies got an 8% raise. In March, city employees got a staggering 35% raise in the form of a lifetime boost in their retirement income as well as a 3.2% raise in salary for the next 3 years. What did we get. They increased our water rates, increased the appeal fee from $100 to $250, our sewer rates have gone up, they want us to pay for the clean water program and they are telegraphing even more taxes and fewer services in the days ahead.
What's wrong with this picture?
from the Encinitas Taxpayers Association.
Uh yeah, but they changed the name of the parade for us so be grateful. Thanks city council!!!
ReplyDeleteThe increases are the tip of the iceberg. The city's general fund will charge other funds (landscape and lighting, water district, sewer district, clean water progam, etc.) for city hall rent, staff time, etc. Read about the internal city support costs allocation on the Dec. 14 council meeting - consent calendar item #7. Fees will be going up to pay money back to the general fund.
ReplyDeleteWe went to the Dec. 14 meeting. Incredible all the things on the consent calendar that just go sailing through without discussion.
ReplyDeleteAnd the library and the park at the Hall Property are stalled because of lack of money for underestimated costs of these capital improvements. One thing that was underestimated was the expense of an environmental clean up of the toxins in the soil at the Hall site, which the City churned up, contaminating people in the neighborhood.
Yes, James Bond had asked for an audit before. Why was he absent Dec. 14? Was he ill? Or just sick at heart about the new raises. Hard to believe the extent of Council's shortsightedness, after what we can see City of SD is going through.
Vote out Dalager, Guerin; recall Stocks. Chris asked good questions during oral arguments. Why did Jerome support Arnold, and Christy, too, when they both sanction big benefit and salary increases? The private sector cannot afford the increasing taxes and fees necessitated by all the capital improvements, plus expanding staff size and inflating compensations. The City is showing poor management skills. Yet City Attorneys and City Manager receive two raises in one year!
The city council has been staying out way past curfew. I think I smelled cigarettes on their clothes and I don't like the boys they have been running with. The city council is going to wind up pregnant or worse if they keep up this behavior. They are grounded for 3 weeks.
ReplyDeleteha ha! Yes, we just found out they canceled the next two Council Meetings. Maybe cause they're grounded.
ReplyDeleteCouncil pushed through all the pay, benefit increases, now they won't meet for awhile, most likely because they don't want to face the wrath of overburdened taxpayers.
Seems like Council is way more comfortable making decisions behind closed doors. Yeah, also seemed like there was a whole lot of squirming going on up on the Council, City Manager, Attorney, Clerk dais last Wednesday. City Attorney was biting his nails, at one point. They still got their hourly rate increases, but we, the people got in a few good rebukes.
The council members aren't recalcitrant children. They are adults and their decisions are intentional.
ReplyDeleteEven a devious weasel like me thinks that the city council is sneaky.
ReplyDeleteYes, for those of us who are more "WYSIWYG," what you see is what you get, we were not prepared for the deceptions and misrepresentations of Council and City Attorneys.
ReplyDeleteThey are adults, not kids. The voters can choose to hold them accountable. That is the only way we can put an end to the lies upon lies.
Vote out Anti Christy, aka Ms. Bossy Pants. Put Lawnmower Man Dalager out with the yard waste. He may be ok at running his family biz; he doesn't have balls as big as Anti-Christy's.
ReplyDeleteYou can't always tell a book by its cover. Particularly when the book is about a weazle/wolf, but is covered with sheepskin.