Thursday, April 07, 2011

Historic Leucadia Buildings

The Encinitas Historical Society ran an article on one of Leucadia's oldest and coolest homes in their Spring edition of Little Oaks newsletter.

The log cabin home is found on Hymettus Ave.

It was built in the mid 1920's using cedar telephone poles. It was built by Miles Kellogg who also built the boathouses. In 1930, the owner cut down 30+ eucalyptus trees and plants and orchard of avocados. Those trees were still productive until at least the 90's, and if root rot hasn't gotten to them they may still be productive today.

Buildings, and history, like that bring value to the Hymettus neighborhood. They are symbolic of who we are.

If you are not a member of the Encinitas Historical Society, membership is a bargain. Sign up here.


  1. I too, encourage all to join the Histerical Society.
    If you wish to support them, contact them and get involved with a coupon program that they are putting together to raise funds.
    Check out the Old School House at Pacific View. There are a lot of cool memories there.
    Big thanks to Lloyd O'Connell for his many years of caring and work he has offered that will benefit the community for generations to come.


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!