Saturday, October 06, 2012

Fun with Mayor Jerome and Mark Muir

It is like a cool little party. Mark Muir and Jerome Stocks have been out late at night playing with campaign signs for close to a decade.

Cheaters. Big deal.

It is not like they lied about the Hall park, gave cronies millionaire jobs, gave developer bros millions in taxpayers dollars, tried to cover up public safety misconduct that put people at risk, or let staff lie about a stupid streets condition report. How about selling out our future on a 35% pension spike for all employees or giving staff a 15% pay raise through the recession? All really good ideas. 98% are satisfied.

Hum. Muir and Jerome must worry a little bit that the public will not like the cheating. Why else would they be out in the middle of the night doing this stuff? Don't these guys have something better to do?

What is up with the Mayor? Is he drunk or sleep-deprived, because I am 98% sure he has watched TMZ. Any dude who has watched that show knows that paparazzi-types can video and ask questions when important people are out in public doing stupid things.  


  1. Those guys are just evil.

    Too bad so many other people are running. It really dilutes the people's rage against them... that's why a sitting turd has the advantage.

  2. Those guys are just evil.

    Too bad so many other people are running. It really dilutes the people's rage against them... that's why a sitting turd has the advantage.

  3. Vote for Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz.

  4. Congratulations Joe. Superb job keeping your cool and staying respectful. This video is priceless.

    In 2004, I had a similar late-night encounter with Jerome Stocks and Mark Muir putting signs up at 1:30 am in the morning. Jerome was more civil during my 2004 encounter. Mark Muir was the one violating policy that night since he was putting up James Bond campaign signs in direct violation of the City's employee policy prohibiting their campaigning in City Council elections. They noticed me that late late night and drove over to see who was watching them. We talked in the Home Depot parking lot. They certainly remember that incident too. I only wish I had a smart phone or video camera like Joe.

  5. Caught with their pants down! Great investigative journalism. This should be played during the open comment session at Council as citizen's complaint for violations of city laws. DUMP STOCKS.

  6. Caught with their pants down! Great investigative journalism. This should be played during the open comment session at Council as citizen's complaint for violations of city laws. DUMP STOCKS.

  7. If any of you out there thought that possibly Mark Muir could be a decent Councilperson and not a toady for Stocks, watch the video again. Stocks believes he is above the law. What is with Stocks taking pictures of the the film makers car ? Does he plan some sort of retaliation ?
    Enough is enough - Muir and Stocks should resign and quit the race. If they don't, they are going to get blasted at the polls anyway.

  8. If any of you out there thought that possibly Mark Muir could be a decent Councilperson and not a toady for Stocks, watch the video again. Stocks believes he is above the law. What is with Stocks taking pictures of the the film makers car ? Does he plan some sort of retaliation ?
    Enough is enough - Muir and Stocks should resign and quit the race. If they don't, they are going to get blasted at the polls anyway.

  9. These guys gotta go; I am so sick of their arrogance. If we encinitas voters just take a few minutes to learn the facts about their financial supports, their voting record, their abusive treatment of their constituents, and their on going pattern of deceit. They just think they are above the law and untouchable.

    We really need to get them out. Talk to your neighbors today!

  10. These guys gotta go; I am so sick of their arrogance. If we encinitas voters just take a few minutes to learn the facts about their financial supports, their voting record, their abusive treatment of their constituents, and their on going pattern of deceit. They just think they are above the law and untouchable.

    We really need to get them out. Talk to your neighbors today!

  11. Thanks for doing this! These guys are what's wrong with our country. Start local!

  12. Thanks for doing this! These guys are what's wrong with our country. Start local!



  14. $tock$ is one arrogant, belligerent fool. He represents every corruption that has muddied the waters of democracy. Muir is a lackey, parasitizing at the public trough. How this city has ended up with individuals like these in positions of authority is absolutely appalling! DUMP $tock$ and send Muir packing.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Why the attack piece on Maggie, Lorri?

  17. What a couple of donkeys. The arrogance and entitlement shown by Jerome Stocks and Mark Muir makes me feel ashamed for our community. I appreciate the effort of the film maker/investigator. I realize in the moment it was scary, thinking Big Man Jerome was texting his sherriff to "take care of this." Does he have the local law enforcement in his pocket? Obviously he's got Mark Muir there, wrapped around his big inflated head.Who does he think he is Nookie Thompson?

  18. Ahhhh. the stupid public hasn't a clue. all their tax money goes to the pensions thanks to Stocks and Muir laughs all the way to the bank. Stupid public.

  19. Be careful Joe, Community-based harassment (organized gang stalking) DOES exist in Encinitas. This is not a threat, I am just speaking from experience (being on the receiving end of it). Notice one candiddate's sign states "the Law Enforcement choice". Seriously be careful.


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