Thursday, April 25, 2013

Discuss Leucadia stuff on May 7th


  1. Hey thats my backpack. Thief!

  2. Despite it being by the roadside, it's still a nice place to nap.

    Viva siesta!

    1. Especially when you can't remember to breath or keep your eyes open do to massive consumption.

  3. Speaking of bums sleeping around that area, has anyone seen Burt in recent years? I used to see him sleeping behind what used to be F. St. about 10 years ago, but haven't seen him in ages.

    "I'm not that drunk -- I just can't move my legs."

  4. Burt cleaned up, got his act together and got outta town last I heard. It happens.

  5. The best thing you can do for these " bums" is wake them up and tell them to get with appreciating life and earn they're keep.

    Dont be an enabler. Victims never have a good life.

  6. I was just about to leave the bar the other night, when someone stepped on my hand.

  7. "and earn they're keep"

    What an idiot.

  8. Rob, you have to inform people that there is a difference between:
    Their; They're and There or you're just part of the problem. ;) But what gets me is that one blogger who ALWAYS adds an "e" to the word "wait". So knock it off!

  9. Idiot. Maybe, maybe not? Maybe I don't care about spelling or punctuation on a blog comment.

    In all your blog comments, I have yet to read anything mind provoking.

    Maybe you can spell, maybe not? Can you think of anything mind provoking?

    Probably not.... you're probably one of those enablers or a victim mentality. I guess I will have to "wait".

  10. lol. See it's working already.


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