Thursday, May 16, 2013

Prop A Forum Tonight

I wasn't invited to attend. But, I was invited to the English tea luncheon!


  1. The Leucadia Town Council Prop A debate was very helpful. The "No on Prop A" guy assured everyone that the Leucadia Specific Plan promises that a 3 story building cannot go next to a 1 story building (like the one I was deluded into believing was built next to me. My bad. I'm now on the road to recovery and feeling a lot better about what the Leucadia Specific Plan says.)

  2. I'll put K.C. after BE THERE! on the next public poster, K.C. Or just kick down ten bucks to join LTC and get all our eblasts. ;)

  3. Fred,

    I've been getting eblasts from "Rachelle" for the LTC for many years. The last one I got was on 3/9/13 (titled 18th annual English Tea forwarded thru LTC). Over the last 6mo I was getting something like that about monthly.

    How did the LTC distribute the forum announcement? Was it on a different email list than the one I’ve been on for many years beyond the last time I paid dues? Why not use the wider list?

    I won't give the LTC $10 precisely because the organization that is supposed to represent Leucadia does an almost absent job of:
    1) Communicating what it has done
    2) What it is planning to do
    3) Who is participating on the LTC
    4) what positions it is taking.

    There are a few striking exceptions, but most of these were not good (Fred, you want examples or should we just agree on that one?)

    LTC members participate in many government activities but there doesn't seem to be a coherent effort to reach out to its members to determine how Leucadians want to be represented, or to tell Leucadians what has happened, or what might be on the horizon.

    I and several others have offered to help over the years. We’ve offered to organize and format emails and set up a serious email blast system. Keep that in mind.

    At one point I met with a guy in Sol Beach to help leucadia craft a summer movie night in Leu like theirs. I thought theirs was a fun event and a way to jump start the LTC (which I incorrectly thought was dead and had few active members) After getting a few people to commit to helping, I went to the LTC Pres and met with board members.

    I didn't realize there were a bunch of board members and that they had been regularly meeting! It seemed like they were happy and didn’t want to proceed when there wasn’t a strong follow and clearly articulated resolution of the nonproft status, so up I moved on (they had issues with their nonprofit status lapsing, or something like that).

    So I’ll keep my $10 for now.

    My cash flow is low and I don't even have text service (Don’t text me, it goes in a blackhole).

    LTC can have my $10 as long as the nonprofit status stays in good standing and there is a track record of reporting out on at least the basic things that have happened.

    Did the LTC send out an email with the highlights of the Membership meeting and the Prop A Forum?

  4. Kevin, I sent you the invitation personally on the 11th and asked you then to post it here on the blog. Thanks for posting it on the day of the shindig anyway. Did you recieve the poster from someone else? Your helpful suggestions are always welcome. Meanwhile, we do have a website up and I'm working on a Leucadia Town Council Blog to keep even more people informed about our community. I'll check with Rachelle about your other concerns.

  5. Fred,

    My front post text was in jest, obviously, because I uploaded the poster.

    Your email was in response to my questioning if there would be any announcement sent out to the email list because I seen one go out from the LTC (and never saw one go out). I was surprised to see a cool poster for the event and figured your effort would be worth emailing around widely.

    I’m not sure if you answered. To who was the announcement sent?

    Will there be a follow up email with a summary of the meeting?

    (Lots of days between the 11 and 15th. I'm that busy. I'm not the only contributor.)

  6. I'm not asking anyone to give me $10 for my services.

  7. It was funny and I laughed when I read it. I don't even remember the English Tea. And I'm certain you're busy too, but really do appreciate you posting the announcement.
    A follow up of the meeting should follow soon. I don't send out the blasts so I can't answer that question, but all of our current members should have recieved it.
    If you ever do decide to ask $10. for your services, I'll make your poster for free too. Just never charge per word or Lynn and I will go broke fast.

    1. lol, Fred

      Thanks for sending me the e-mail poster; I didn't get it through Rachelle. I think $10 membership fee is reasonable, as it is for ETA, which has done a lot of work trying to help our City, and us citizens. But it was unfair for L-ETC (sounds like Leucadia, etc., ha ha, never knew it was called that, before the forum) to solicit memberships, then for people to be told, after the meeting started, about half an hour late, that one had to be an "active member in good standing for three months," before being allowed to vote at a meeting.

      Also, a lot of people got excited, and there were some comments and shout outs from the audience, on both sides of the issue. However, only I was chastised by Kathleen Lees for "speaking out of turn." She came over to my chair to reprimand me, threatening that she could ask me to leave. I just said, "thank you, Kathleen."

      When I asked, after the forum, why she singled me out, when lots of people were speaking out from the audience, she said, "After I spoke to you people quieted down."

      I told her, "for a few moments, maybe."

      I also repeated to her that SHE misrepresented what I said in my Community Commentary. I didn't misrepresent ANYTHING or anyone, as she falsely claimed in her own commentary, the following week, noticing the forum.

      The way she chastised me, publicly, only apologizing in private, she appeared to be endorsing the two other Anti A commentaries that week, including one from Lisa Shaffer, seen as a turncoat, by many, with a bunch of untrue excuses and conclusions, and one from L101MA that said it hadn't given permission for the fliers that were subsequently had delivered to contain the L101MA logo. But deceptive, misleading mailers went out, were hand delivered, ANYWAY!

      I stand by my statement, and add the following edit, to clarify:

      Past Encinitas Councilmembers didn't support the neighbors involved, but overrode the CAB's (Community Advisory Board's) and the SPARC's (Specific Plan Action Review Committee's) recommendations for the North 101 Specific Plan to be capped at 30 ft, two stories, in order to remain consistent with our General Plan. That's one of many reasons why Leucadia Town Council members, including Rachelle Collier, past Council candidate, whom we supported, and Fred Caldwell, who's also on the board of Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association, support the right-to-vote-on-upzoning initiative, Prop A. We will be voting YES!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yep, I was one of the blurters and it was out of order AND before Lynn's blurtation. In the Prop A debate at the Leucadia Town Council Membership Meeting, the No on A guy assured the crowd that "the current Leucadia Specific Plan promises that a 3 story building cannot go next to a one story building". But the second time he said it I couldn't help but murmur "...and has broken that promise". Figuring it would better be revealed in the form of a question, I waited for the end of the meeting when questions from the audience were taken. The question would have been: "If the Specific Plan promises a 3 story can't go next to a 1 story, why did the Planning Commission break that promise when they approved a 3 story next to our 1 story?" My raised hand was overlooked.

      It was a good move for LTC to have the Prop A debate and that Bruce Ehlers and Steve Shackelton were willing participants from opposite sides. (And a big shout out for Bruce and Steve!) Only wish the L-101 group would have done the same at our annual Membership Meeting the week before, but the influential folks in our group weren't keen on even our board exposed to a qualified debate between Mike Andreen (who was invited to our board meeting to speak against Prop A) and Bruce Ehlers (who was especially uninvited to attend the same meeting who is YES on Prop A). I still don't believe that was fair to our group. I am also dismayed that only board members of L-101 and DEMA were polled for their opinion of Prop A and not the hundreds of businesses we represent on 101. Not to mention the many months prior we had to discuss the matter, but that it was ignored until the 11th hour when it suddenly became an urgent matter the city wanted us to take a stand upon. I can't remember the source of the claim that "4 and 5 story buildings aren't even on the radar at the city". But the tape of the ERAC committee meeting with their unanimous vote to encourage council to proceed with 4 and 5 stories here in Encinitas is strong evidence for over building our town, at least for me. Especially when a cavalier Planning Commission already allows some developers running roughshod over the Specific Plan.

      Back to Kathleen and Lynn. I think Lynn's brief reference to me in an article she submitted to the press was one of those times someone could conclude two separate meanings from a statement. Namely, that I was mentioned being Pro A and was on L-101 and LTC boards. It didn't mean our entire boards were Pro A, but may have sounded that way to some. I learned my lesson long ago not to come off as a spokesperson for a group without permission. I understand Kathleen's feeling of defending the LTC board from any unauthorized member representing LTC on any matter. It's simply not what Lynn meant, but the way it came across for some. Hopefully they can put that rift behind them. That said, I think it would be fair for me to say that 4 of the 9 votes at our L-101 meeting were NOT to support council's decision on Prop A. It's only equal time for the 9 who repeatedly beat that side of the drum saying they do. So there.

  8. Welcome again everyone, to the Kevin and Fred show.
    Kevin, Rachelle says she sent it 4 times to your email, but that is not what I have. Perhaps LTC was not notified of the change or who knows what. Glad you got the English Tea invite though, I think.

  9. 4 times?

    Why 4 times?

    Have her forward me those outbound email. I would like to determine why email is not getting to me.

  10. Dude.

    u seriously need to wake up and see the world around you. WIU?

  11. I am still waiting to get the emails forwarded from RC. She's sent me other stuff about this issue, but not the emails that were sent out. Anyone on the board willing to forward me the emails?


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