Sunday, September 15, 2013

You can't improve perfection

SDUT: Encinitas to start redesign of Coast Highway


  1. The city should've upped the proposal number to $10 billion then if the council only spent $1 million they'd be saving billions!

  2. Check out the people parking already are doing reverse angle parking which is what planned in the streetscape. It inherently feels like the best way to park and they are right. Safety for them and safer for bicylists, Cars and bike when they are leaving.....

    Good post. Besides the KLCC most people like other types of landscpaping like trees instead of dirt and weeds.

  3. On the 101 south of Swamis you see lines of cars on any busy weekend where they have reversed in like this alongside the railroad tracks. Easy to get in, easiest of all to get out.


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