Friday, October 11, 2013

Leucadia Gets Even More Surfy

Surfy Surfy and Leucadia 101 Main Street Association is doing this fun Surf Board and Grom Swap at Roadside Park this Saturday 9am-2pm. It's some kind of thing where people can bring their surf equipment that they no longer want and barter with people for other surf equipment that they do want.

Anybody got an extra LBXT Lock Box fin for Schmitty's twinnie? Willing to trade for 3 used wetsuits with holes in them.

Speaking of all things much more surfy can Leucadia get you ask?

A whole lot more.

Classic surfboard shaper 'Bing' is opening a new surf shop where 'Grateful Dog Pet Grooming' once existed. Terrier Garcia and Dachshund Grisman could not be contacted for comment.  But the staff at Surfy Surfy we spoke with was stoked about having another surf shop in town. The theory goes that the more surf shops along 101, the more people coming from all over to shop at the little 'shaper's row' that Leucadia's 101 is becoming. Surfboards are now on the rack at Encinitas Surfboards (though this part of town may or may not be considered Leucadia depending on who you ask), Progression Surf Shop, Bing (not open yet), Surfy Surfy and Seaweed & Gravel.  

We've also heard rumors of a place called Aloha Sunday opening up soon along the 101. We thought that sounded like a Hawaiian ice cream shop, but it turns out to be a surfy apparel type website where you can purchase stuff like this

for $79.00.  Or this

for $119.00. We look forward to seeing what the actual shop will actually be like.

Keep Leucadia surfy bro's and brah's.

We leave you now with something even cornier than this entire post...


  1. Bing will be another great addition to the hood. Cheesy video, but I liked it. I Love the barter for boards concept too.

    Kudos to SCHMiTTY for all you do for the hood!

    1. Thanks LL! We all need some corn and cheese in our life sometimes.

  2. Hello this is michael from aloha sunday! Yes the rumors are true we are moving into 1114 N Coast Highway. We expect to be open on November 23rd.

    We are super stoked to be part of a great little community. To everyone on this blog feel free to stop by on the 23rd or even before to peek in the windows to see the progress.


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