Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sign posted in Leucadia

Dear David, you are a bad person. Just give the lost phone back.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Really Thomas K Arnold?

TKA is a strange fearful man. 

This Carlsbad resident is always ready with am radio style attacks on the city of Encinitas. 

In his latest column for the Seaside Courier (yes, that still exist) TKA uses random crime episodes that occurred in other north county cities to attack the Encinitas city council for not hiring more sheriff deputies. He then rants how governments primary mission is public safety. 

The very same issue of the Seaside Courier has a story about the new approved city of Encinitas budget which includes new lifeguards and new fire fighter hires. You know, PUBLIC SAFETY.

Real residents of Encinitas know that our local sheriffs meander around town bored most of the time, looking for tickets to write or the occasional mentally ill person to gun down, while the lifeguards are overwhelmed as our beaches surge in popularity. 

Lesson: don't write an op-ed piece scathing about public safety, when the topic you are writing about actually increased public safety.

Burning Question:

*How many sheriff deputies is appropriate for a town with a mostly upper middle class population of 63,000 ?

Really Stupid Spy "NOLEU" Billboard

NO LEU ??? Seriously???

Dear SPY,
Please stop embarrassing your town and your customers and yourselves.
Sponsoring local events and schools don't give you carte blanche to act like douchebags. 
The coast highway is traveled by thousands and thousands of people from all walks of life, not just your stupid demographic.
Keep it classy bros. 

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Hwy 101 Loading Zone

Check out these three semi trucks parked on the north coast highway of Leucadia unloading junk. Gosh!

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Thursday, June 04, 2015

YMCA Damage Control

The YMCA has been in the news lately.
Here is a kinda sad attempt at damage control that they haven't violated their mission statement.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015