Monday, June 27, 2016

Controversial Post: How to solve the Affordable Housing issue in one easy move


  1. What is the address of this condor apartment complex? Are all the condos or apartments subsidized for low income housing?

  2. Please change the title to - How to solve the Affordable Low Income Housing issue in one easy move.
    Unless a person or family meets the low income requirements, they will not be put on a waiting list for the subsidized housing. The waiting list is from 6-8 years to move to the top of the list.
    What are the rents for the apartments shown in the photo?

  3. This place would go $800,000 for a 3BR in Leucadia.

  4. Is the photo a satirical take on "affordable housing" requirements?

    1. Winner, winner, chicken dinner...


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!