Dan Dalager lashed out at city watchdogs Bob Bonde and Donna Westbrook this week because Dan was once again caught mismanaging OUR tax dollars.
"It's the same, usual suspects who have nothing to do but whine," he [Dalager] said. "If they found something positive and productive to do, we'd probably have a better world."
Encinitas paid $20K to produce Operation Homecoming event
What a jerk Dalager has become.
Dan Dalager's narcissistic behavior is just another example of how this Encinitas city council is nothing more than a blown up high school ASB with petty little egos. This council is too immature to handle the responsibility of managing YOUR tax money.
Dan's disrespect for city founder Bob Bonde is over the top. Donna Westbrook is the council's punching bag. If it wasn't for these two tireless individuals this council would get away with murder.
You know what Dan? Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass and started actually trying to run this city properly maybe then the world would be a better place.
Between mayor Queen Bee Guerin throwing herself a $10,000 birthday party with our tax money and Dalager whining like a little girl that citizens want their elected officials to be accountable, I feel sad and ashamed for our little town.
It is becoming clear that Dalager is becoming a liability to this city. If he is re-elected and his best friend Doug Long wins a seat on the council this city is going to head down a dark path.
I used to like Dan Dalager but that ship has sailed. The irony of Dalager calling Bonde and Westbrook whiners is classic. We need mature adults on the council not overgrown children with arrested development.
Bonde and Westbrooke have picked some fights that many people see as trivial, but they have also saved the taxpayer from seeing their money wasted and from Danny's deceptive prop c tax AND the illegal "clean water" fee we would be paying. Anyone who has paid attention to the staff reports know that it is probably not Bonde or Westbrooke's fault for getting the story wrong. The staff reports are often dismal and leave out important analysis and fact.
ReplyDeleteIn such a conservative city why would Dan would even think of running again after the capers he has allowed to happen on his watch?
It is super hypocritical that Danny calls anyone a whiner. He is the biggest. And wait to see how much he is whining when he loses out.
Wow JP, Great Post. This should go to the editorials of NCT, Coast News and UT. I fully agree, If slingblade and buttcrack get elected, our coastal town has some dark days ahead.... we might need to change our name to Carlsinitas or Encinside.
ReplyDeleteYou know why I dislike Dan Dalagar? He thinks he's smarter and more clever than you or I. He also prejudges people. For example, I had lunch with him last year. There was a very serious issue coming up and I hoped I could talk to him and let him know how important this issue was to a lot of citizens.I went to his shop and figured a good conversational starter topic would be kids and sports. He immediately changed the subject and started talking about his college days in Santa Barbara and all the pot he used to smoke. Then he said he got into surfing and "that was a better high than doing any kind of dope".
ReplyDeleteI was speechless.
Considering this IS an illegal activity, I had to wonder why he'd even bring up the subject of marijuana. First of all, who cares, and even if it were legal,why would I care? So, in the first 5 minutes of our meeting, Dan let me know he used to be a DOPE SMOKIN' SURFER. Gee, what a cool dude, maaaan!
I considered this a real insult to my intelligence. Like I was so unsophisticated that I would be impressed by this revelation. I also felt he was trying to extract some information out of me, and assumed I smoked pot. I would have been just as put off if he'd started talking about drinking too much beer or wine.
To top it off, all through our lunch, he kept interrupting me to wave to his friends, and had the nerve to keep saying "Hey, don't let my wife Shirley know I'm having lunch with this HOT CHICK!!!"
If he had the gall to talk to me this way, one can ony wonder what's going on behind the facial facade he puts on during City Council meetings.
It all comes down to respect, and obviously, he had none for me. See, I wasn't important enough. I'm not rich, I have no political power, I'm just stupid woman from Leucadia.
Well, this woman just bullet voted for Teresa Barth.
$8,106 to a catering company for a VIP reception.
ReplyDeleteYOUR tax dollars paid for the promotion of a book!
Think about that.
Why does the city rack up such high catering bills over and over?
Buy some hot dogs from Vons you freaks!
Dalager better pray these private donations show up and cover the cost.
Yes, we were surprised, really, to read the very bitter tone of Dan Dalager's words in the NCT article, this morning.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, JP, thanks for having the courage to change your mind about Dan. We have, too. He goes the "lowbrow" way of manipulating the public by attacking the messengers. We too are so grateful for Donna Westbrook and Bob Bonde. For Dalager to label them "the usual suspects" and "whiners" is a big, big mistake on his part.
This article certainly proves how he is "in bed" with Christy Guerin. I really appreciate the posts on this blog, which are so appropriate and do a lot to reveal Dalager's character.
Good for Maggie Houlihan for questioning the expenses, without direct Council consent. Dan Dalager thought the book reading would be a huge PR moment for him, a "feather in his cap." Turns out, it backfired, because of the elitist, closed session, mentality at City Hall.
If you look below the NCT article, on their website, you will see some more comments. The first one sounds like it is from Kerry Miller! He twists words around and ends up degrading Donna Westbrook and Bob Bonde, too.
I am so grateful for their presence, and assistance, to the citizens, here. For yours, too, JP.
Thank you!
Contacted Friday, Bonde said that initially he was concerned, but he was willing to accept Dalager's word that donations would cover the costs.
ReplyDelete"Basically, I was wrong," Bonde said. "Basically, I was wrong," Bonde said. "Basically, I was wrong," Bonde said. "Basically, I was wrong," Bonde said.
Wow, someone is sure bitter, sounds like a Dalager relative maybe?
ReplyDeleteBob Bonde was gracious, I say, in admitting he may have spoken too soon. We won't know if the "donations" cover the costs until Wednesday. If Dan Dalager knew that they do cover the expenses, then he should have told the reporter who interviewed him, rather than criticizing our founders and our city watchdogs, whom most of us appreciate, very much, thank you.
Wow, someone is sure bitter, sounds like a Dalager relative maybe?
ReplyDeleteBob Bonde was gracious, I say, in admitting he may have spoken too soon. We won't know if the "donations" cover the costs until Wednesday. If Dan Dalager knew that they do cover the expenses, then he should have told the reporter who interviewed him, rather than criticizing our founders and our city watchdogs, whom most of us appreciate, very much, thank you.
Bob Bonde shows a lot of courage to admit he might have made a mistake. I have never heard Dan Dalager admit any mistakes.
ReplyDeleteFor someone to keep repeating, basically, Bonde was wrong, over and over, only shows that he (or she) too is pointing the finger of accusation at the so-called "usual suspects," which is where Dan Dalager is/went terribly wrong. This may come back to bite him in the behind, come election day.
The City of Encinitas should not be in the business of fronting these events, including $8,000 plus VIP dinners at Four Seasons, then hoping that the donations from DEMA and individual contributions will cover it. If it was a community event, then the taxpayers should not have fronted the money without Council's prior consent.
ReplyDeleteMaggie Houlihan was correct to question why Council was not asked for prior approval on a separate agenda item. She seemed completely unaware of any Council consent on this, and we suspect that the Consent Calendar items were for bills to be paid after the fact.
Thanks again, JP. I think your surf buddy, Dalager's son, could be posting here, trying to smear Bonde and, in the comments after the NCT article, on the website, trying to smear the NCT, too, wrongly claiming the article is "poorly written."
ReplyDeleteI thought it was excellent, with comments from both Dalager and Bonde, and also, Houlihan. Dalager came out looking small-minded, and mean-spirited, in our opinion.
Without people like Westbrook, Bonde and many more, this City would be in a worse mess than it is now. It is getting scary when one cannot question, or even ask, about what the Council and the City is doing, without getting treated like dirt. I have had the good fortune to work with Donna on a project. IMHO there are very few people as dedicated as she is. And she isn't running for anything! I have the greatest respect for her, and will also bullet vote Teresa. Dan also called me a "hot chick" at the Cardiff Town Council forum, (and believe me I am not). For some reason, I wasn't flattered. He also said it in front of Angela Lau from the U.T. I wish she would have printed it. The expression on her face was priceless.
ReplyDeleteIf Teresa is going to win it is because of the grassroots efforts behind her.
ReplyDeletePlease, trade some of your blogging energy and give that to Teresa in the next few weeks.
Go to her website, get her phone number and call her. Tell her you want to vollenteer some time. If you can't, at least send her a donation because she is not bankrolled by the Ecke cartel and the fund have to come from somewhere. If not you, who?
Wouldn't it be nice if we could have someone to cheer for consistently!
Has anyone done the research to if if our Mayor / Bilbray lacky's party only costed 10K? I'll bet it was more. Is this stuff public record?
ReplyDeleteCan someone dig around and find out?
Sheila Cameron publicly requested the info on the City's expenses for each of the "parties," all so the expenses for the Japanese delegation and the 20th anniversary celebration.
ReplyDeleteShe asked for these to be broken down and given to her at a City Council meeting, more than 10 days ago. Our understanding is that the City had 10 days to respond, but couldn't do so, probably, until after the event.
Sheila, would you post the info you got, or make it available? Thanks for all you do to help, too.
Before the current five, previous council members would review the warrants list and ask questions. This is part of the council's job. Everyone in the city should review the warrants list for the council meeting.
ReplyDeleteDalager said that the book reading cost the city nothing, giving the impression that the NEA was taking care of any needs. The Operation Homecoming book reading and Dalager's name have been mentioned in news articles, commentaries, and editorials concerning his bid for re-election. Now we learn that Dalager allowed the city to pay $20,000 in taxpayers dollars for among other things, an $8100 VIP reception, a $4190 video taping, and $1000 for entertainment.
The book reading was presented as a free event. A UT article mentioned that after the reading boy scouts passed around bowls for donations to help the military service people. How much money was collected and was it given immediately to the Victory Fund organization?
On Wednesday Dalager and Guerin will present to the Victory Fund organization any left over donated money after paying the production expenses for the event.
Does Dan Dalager understand that donations are given to help people, not to pay for production expenses.
Shame on Dan Dalager for using the service men and women to further his political ambitions.
""It's the same, usual suspects who have nothing to do but whine. . . "
ReplyDeleteThis statement, by Dan Dalager, sounds like it comes directly from the mouth of Mayor Christy Guerin.
Yes, this sounds awful. Donation bowls passed around, like at church, but the money is going to have to go for the $8100 VIP dinner, a nearly $4,200 video taping, $1000 for entertainment, etc. When people show concern, Dan Dalager calls us whiners.
This is like saying those who question our policy in Iraq, at the national level, are supporting the terrorists.
Yes, Dalager is a huge disappointment. I hope people find out about him, so they can be sure not to vote for him, ever again.
The people whine while Dalager dines. Check out the Adam Kaye article in the Sunday NC Times.
ReplyDeleteNo comment from Gomer Pyle, er Dan Dalager.
If only Adam had something positive to write about the city council we would have a better place to live?
The people whine while Dalager dines. Check out the Adam Kaye article in the Sunday NC Times.
ReplyDeleteNo comment from Gomer Pyle, er Dan Dalager.
If only Adam had something positive to write about the city council we would have a better place to live?
Dalager Sucks. Spread the word, so people dont just vote for the biggest signs posted illegally around town.
Thanks Danny for trashing our town with your over the top signs! Did the fire department put them up for you? Or did you use the exchief's company to post the signs in the public right of way?
We don't know if Bonde was wrong yet. Was the party covered by donations or not? The article is unclear.
ReplyDeleteWhy does the city throw so many parties while our streets have potholes?
The book publisher must be laughing all the way to the bank. A city promoting his book with tax money. Incredible.
ReplyDeleteI have watched several council meetings on cable tv and follow news about Encinitas from the newspapers, and I swear that almost everything that has come from Dalagher's mouth has been stupefyingly dumb. My favorite Dalagher moment occurred when he was quoted as saying he was sorry Duke Cunningham was unable to attend an Encinitas picnic as the Dukester was such a cool guy. This occurred after the Union-Tribune corruption investigation on the Dukester was already published.
ReplyDeleteDalagher is an embarrassment to the residents of Encinitas and should not be reelected. And don't elect a dumbass plumber either.
Donna Westbrooke is an asset to this city. She is like an unpaid member of city staff. Donna does her homework and brings an often overlooked perspective to the issues she speaks on before the city council. She is fearless about speaking her mind and although you may not always agree with her perspective, generally it is a valid point of view. You can not ask for any more from a tireless unpaid public servant.
ReplyDeleteWhining and Casablanca movie lines aside, a city produced show for the publisher of the book shouldn't be paid for by the taxpayers.
ReplyDeleteDonations are usually given for a cause or to a charity. The city show doesn't fit into either category. Dan Dalager needs to call for a complete audit of his fiasco.
How much money was received as donations and did each donor know that the money would first be used to pay off the city show expenses. Is the city telling each donor and sponsor that the show was a tax exempt donation?
What happened to the donated money collected at the book reading? Isn't it unusual at a city sponsored event to have the boy scouts pass around bowls for donations that will go to a non-profit organization?
After Dan was elected, and after several of these kinds of sexist (hot chick stuff and throwing his arm around ladies shoulders, etc.) comments made by him to city employees, both the city mgr and the city attorney had to talk to Dan and tell the stupid shit to tone it down or someone was sure to file a lawsuit against the city.
ReplyDeleteSlingblade will never get it. And if we elect buttcrack we are in double trouble.