Sunday, October 22, 2006

Life Imitates Art in Encinitas

Danny likes to draw the analogy between his reign on City Council and the old Andy Griffith Show.

From the plot line of the New Andy Griffith Show’ first episode, 1971:

Emmett and Goober travel from Mayberry to Greenwood to ask their old pal Andy to use his influence with the city to rezone a plot of land each of them wants to start a new business.

As Oscar Wilde said, life imitates art far more than art imitates life.


  1. How does that episode end?

  2. Disturbing article in the NCT Sunday paper, describing many of the over the top costs the City spent on the so-called 20th Anniversary of Incorporation celebration.

    Dan Dalager went along with all of that, and more, in promoting himself and a book tour, producing it at citizen’s expense. We will see if the donations cover all the expenses this Wednesday.

    The NCT article details bogus expenditures like $129.00 for Cross pens used for the fake treaty signing ceremony. That treaty was signed at dinner, which we had wanted to attend, but were told that too was by invitation, only. That dinner was listed in the paper as "$5,414 public event." We were not made to feel welcome to attend, for a $10.00 donation, or otherwise.

    The other private birthday party at taxpayers' expense was at the new fire chief, Muir's home. We had been told that food was to be provided by former fire chief Don Heiser, "who visited Japan at public expense just weeks before he retired June 30." However, this private party was catered by "Firehouse Gourmet," a "one man company" run by Heiser. Taxpayers were charged another $576.00 for his catering costs.

    All of this puffery and elitism has been supported and encouraged by Dalager. At least the videotaping of the Community Center party only cost $175, paid to former deputy fire marshal. Dan Dalager's book promotion "event" cost taxpayers, supposedly to be reimbursed by donations, $4,190 for videotaping, according to Thursday’s NCT's article about Dalager's bitter criticism of those he perceived to be criticizing him.

    We want Dalager out, and we don't need Doug Long in there, either, who would just be another Dalager.

  3. Too Bad Slingblade and Buttcrack aren't that funny. Both are just lame and bad for Encinitas.

  4. Too Bad Slingblade and Buttcrack aren't that funny. Both are just lame and bad for Encinitas.


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