Monday, April 07, 2008

Last Booth Standing

I bet this is one of the last of the old school telephone booths left in southern California, and maybe even the country at this point. It's in Leucadia, can you guess where? (I neglected to check for a dial tone).


  1. Leucadia Liquor. I can tell from the cool blue trim.

  2. I called my exgirlfriend from that phone at 3 am once.

  3. Liquor is bad, nnnkay.

  4. I used to change to my super hero clothes in that booth and we packed 17 people in it in 1959 thus the missing windows.

  5. A man was pulling a woman out of one of those by her hair one night at the Neighbor Saver and she was screaming "Dial 911!". So I did. When the cops came and put him in the car she said "What are you doing!!???" - "Takin him to jail lady" and she said "NO!!!"
    So they didn't take him away.

    So much for helping that damsel in distress. I'm annonymous in case that guy is still looking for me.

  6. Drug are bad nnkay!!

  7. I lost my virginity in there

  8. At one business locally, Ma Bell used to pay the owner $75 a month to have a payphone in front of his business. Later when the monopoly died, he didn't get a cent. More recently, the brave new phone company wants $75 a month for the privilege of having a payphone in front of a business. Not a very good example of progress is it?


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!