Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Leucadia Nights April 19

click poster for larger view


  1. WOW! NCTD is installing a safe walking area at the RR crossing. Maybe they care about Leucadia?? Naaahhhhhhh!!

  2. um... the poster... the first thing your eye catches are the words Escape / Leucadia Nights / and the bored people--- not effective advertising! Yikes! Makes me NOT want to attend.

  3. NCTD did not do the pedestrian improvements at the RR crossing.
    It was our city that responded to photos presented at council meetings that may have inspired the improvements.
    The city does care.
    They have begun new plantings in the watered medians north and south of Leuc. Blvd. as well as adjusted the watering mechanics.

    Not perfect but better.

  4. Leucadia Night could be cool if we were all to go out any enjoy our community and what it has to offer on Saturday Night, the 19th. I like seeing our community interact at our local events like the Street Fair, Farmers Market, Dog Days and LeucadiART.
    New sidewalks are now safer for Leucadia Nights walkers, too.
    It could build into a nice local village tradition.
    If we don't come, they won't build it.
    I'm going down.

  5. Oh come on 4:14, don't be a wall-flower and join the party.

  6. Come on everybody...... it will be a hoot!

  7. Anon 7:12 pm.
    If the City did the pedestrian crossings then it must have got permission to trespass on NCTD property. If the City can get permission to do that, why can't it do the same for the rest of the scortched earth alongside the tracks. Face it, the City uses the Trespass Card whenever Stocks feels like it.

  8. All I can say is I looovvvve the new walkway!

    Thanks City for returning some our our 20 years of tax money to our community.

    Please keep it coming. We have paid much and expect to receive the equivelant to downtown Encinitas. Our time has come and thank you kindly!

  9. I like the sign. Its eye catching.

    Its not the same old boring stuff produced by the boring corporate marketing boring giants that give us the starbuck adds and Mcdonalds gingles.

  10. Get ready Leucadia for dump truck after dump truck carrying sand from Pacific Station to Ponto Beach.

    37,000 cubic yards of sand to be trucked through Leucadia.

  11. Sweet! I love good abundant local sand.

    I am ready and waiting.

    This is great news! The sand from Ponto migrates south along all the beaches in Encinitas. We get more local sand from our Northern border to our southern border.

    Why wouldn't we want our local sand to be used for our own beaches?

    Thanks all involved in making this happen.

    I am going to walk on our new walkways to the beach to enjoy all of our new local sand. I can't wait. Thanks again!

  12. If the dirt...oh I mean "sand" from Pacific Station is so great why don't they truck it 2 blocks to Moonlight Beach instead of hauling it all the way to Ponto? Why are we spending money to import river sand from Orange County for Moonlight Beach?

  13. This poster is genius.........Ridiculous has been taken to a new level and I'm still cracking up......
    Hey, are there any parts of your antique store that you haven't visited for say, nine years? Just curious........
    Oh, and I would love to make a video about Noah's'd be the main star of course.
    If you feel shy on camera, feel free to wear a mask.....that's what I intend to do as Miss Curiosity Designer.

  14. I disagree with previous poster.....THIS POSTER DEFINES EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING!!!!
    I am definitely going to attend the event BECAUSE OF this poster.

  15. Good question. Why not truck sand to Moonlight?

  16. Why no posting here about the gang/drug/baseball attack on Hermes last Saturday night?? We need real news on this blog, not all this feel good/sand/flowers/surfer/sidewalk BS!!

  17. Cuz that's what Leucadia's all about...
    Feeling Good.

  18. Does that kid that had his crushed feel good?? Does he Jon P.?? Well Does he?? And I suppose your going to tell me that Mary-j-wana never hurt anyone.

  19. Jerks will be jerks regardless of Mary-J.

  20. Mary J. Wana? You have got to be kidding.

  21. That's my name, don't wear it out!!!

  22. I don't blog about crime stories because that is what the North County Times is for.

  23. Anon 5:43 PM,

    Sounds to me like you need a hit of something...
    I'm just not sure if it's Pot or the end of a Baseball Bat.


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