Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hawaiian Shirt Night: Encinitas City Council Meeting

Surfing is the theme of tonight Encinitas city council meeting,

At the beginning of the council meeting San Dieguito Heritage Museum will present:
San Dieguito Legends and Legacy Encinitas Surfers Part 1. The video documents the recollections of Don Hansen, Linda Benson , Woody Ekstrom, Ron McCarver, Fred Ashley, Richard Dowdy and Schuyler McFerrin.

World longboard champ and Encinitas local, Schuyler McFerrin

There is also council discussion regarding commercial use of city parks & beaches, primarily by surf camps. story: Council to consider regulating businesses at city parks, beaches

"Under a broad proposal, the city would begin regulating surf camps and other business activities – fitness “boot camps,” yoga classes and personal training sessions – that take place at city beaches and parks.

Encinitas already requires business licenses. The idea of establishing additional permits for using beaches and parks began when surf camps proliferated."

It's also Hawaiian shirt night, so if you want...go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. The meeting starts at 6.


  1. The YouTube was brilliant. My response was exactly like the office workers. (Great film)

    Yet again the before agenda antics will drag on and on - leaving little time for the agenda items that deserve real attention. *sigh*

  2. Just in: On Sept 3, 2008 at City Hall the public will have a chance to weigh in on the Hall Property. As of today, the first phase consists of passive areas, infrastructure(including lighting), dogpark, and 5 sports fields. There is NO SKATEBOARD PARK scheduled for the First Phase, and no timetiable as to when the skateboard park will be built. So, all of ther skateboarders-if you want a skaebard area, instead of perhaps 5 fields, you need to make your feelings about this known to City Hall ASAP. Be there at the meeting if you can, however if you cannot, e-mail the Planing Commission. The planner in charge is Kerry Kusiak. The e-mail address is non this blog thanks to J.P.

  3. Off Topic but needs to be said.

    Recent allegations on the blog alleging malfeasance by a council member lacks credibility because the accuser chooses to be nameless.

    “Anonymous” should come out of the closet and stand up behind the assertions. Otherwise it is nothing more than an effort to smear someone through untruths and inuendous.

  4. Great! Mayor Jerome Stocks will have a theme night for each Council meeting. Can't wait for the Enron or the Duke Cunningham theme.

  5. Thank you Bill! I agree, EVERYONE should post with their FULL NAME if they want any creditability. That goes for EVERYONE who makes a positive or negative statement about ANY PERSON...

    You can't have it both ways!

    That goes for you "anonymous said"...

    Since, I'm not saying any one's name, I will sign off as anonymous.

  6. Crystal from Detour will soon be back from her charitable work in New Orleans and she will gladly testify about her meeting with the City Manager on Paolo's behalf.

    Then everyone can hear, this is NOT a smear.

  7. Although I agree in theory with people publishing their full name on posts made, I can also see how it could create a "chilling effect". We have a very nasty City Attorney who has no problem threating citizens who make negative comments about City Council members (See La Mesa article some time ago.) I always post under Dr. Lorri and most of you know who I am. However, if I had some very sensitive information that I wanted leaked ot the public, this blog would allow me to post it anonymously. So I have mixed feelings about anonymous's post. Anyone have some other thoughts?

  8. Why can't Paulo talk to a newspaper reporter about it, with receipts to prove his case, instead of sending a hairdresser? This makes no sense.

  9. I love the new script for this week!


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!