Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Two Meetings for Hall Property EIR

FYI, the Hall Property EIR is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on both Wednesday, September 3 and on Tuesday, September 9.

These are considered "Special" Meetings as they do not fall on "Regular" Planning Commission Meeting days. The two meetings have been scheduled in anticipation of heavy public comment and extensive Commission deliberations (and how!).

The September 3 meeting will be dedicated to public comment and the September 9 meeting will be primarily dedicated to Commissioner deliberations.

As for the Final EIR, the document is scheduled for printing on August 19 and for publishing on August 22; it will then be distributed and available to the general public (hey that's us!).


  1. Let me guess;

    1. Its polluted earth,

    2. the regional Sports park will create all kinds of traffic they did not earlier account for,

    3. and lastly it’s going to cost us tax payers a whole shit load more money.

    Great Job Dalager, Bond and Stocks.

    With the cost of the land and knowing how far over Government projects always go because no one is accountable, I bet the final price tag for this regional sports complex with all the surrounding necessary road and other improvements will be $200 million. All paid for by 60,000 Encinitas residents. But more like 20,000 residents who actually pay taxes. That about $10,000 per tax paying citizen….That’s a big price tag for something I will get no benefit from. Guess what- I don't want to play soccer, softball, or baseball.

    Its time to vote out these losers who keep wasting all our hard earned money on a regional sports park that benefits a small percentage of North County Residents and is paid for by all of Encinitas residents.





  3. First blogger:

    you have to be kidding. I haven't seen it but the eir was paid for by the council and it will say precisely what they want to hear. It will be up to the people, again, to sue the city into compliance with the law.

    The eir will support a regional sports park.

  4. Why doesn't the Parks and Recreation Commission get to have a go at it. Afraid they might not like what planning says? Dr. Lori is on Parks and Rec now and I am pretty sure, since she lives in Cardiff, that she does not want to huge park. I haven't asked her cause I don't have her e-mail. Maybe someone that knows her can ask.

  5. The Parks and recreation Commission does not get a go at it because Jerome Stocks and Chriti Guerin made sure the planning of the park done under the auspices of the city managers office.

    Parks and Rec was only asked to comment on the passive use buffer zone and the sidewalk treatments

  6. The Parks and Recreation Commission does not "get a go at it" because Jerome Stocks and Chriti Guerin made sure the planning of the park was done under the auspices of the city manager's office.

    Parks and Rec was only asked to comment on the passive use buffer zone and the sidewalk treatments

  7. The ONLY kind of so-called "special meetings" that routinely get only 24 hour notice are the bogus "stand alone special closed session City Council Meetings."

    Jerome Stocks is abusing his discretion, by arbitrarily changing policy. He recently has been scheduling closed session council meetings at 1:30, 2:00, 2:30 and 3:00 p.m., rather than right before the regular Council Meeting, to which they are rightly linked.

    This deceptive practice is to justify that the closed session is a "special meeting."

    Jerome Stocks has done everything he can to block public scrutiny and open government.

    Thanks for the heads up on the upcoming Hall Property meetings.

  8. JP-Thanks for the heads up on these meetings.

    What's the process here? Does the Planning Commission simply say yes or no to the city plan fro the Hall property park? Do they pass it on to Council for a final decision? Does the Traffic Commission have any say in this? (Or, are they being kept out of the loop like Parks and Recreation?)

    Could someone familiar with the city processes enlighten me?


  9. A little enlightenment, but first a little history. The city purchased the Hall property in May 2001 and the Cardiff citizen's group won its lawsuit against the city in May 2004. It is now August 2008. The city has been attempting to write an EIR that will stand up to challenge. A tough job unless the park is redesigned.

    The Planning Commission does have authority to approve the project. The PC would approve a Major Use Permit, a Coastal Development Permit, and anything else all in one decision. This decision can be appealed to the city council. If the city council upholds the approval, that decision can be appealed to the Coastal Commission, since the park is in the coastal zone and is a major public works.

    This is the normal process, but the Hall project has a long history of abnormal process. The city may try to pull something out of its bag of tricks. One thing is for sure: if the present park plans are not modified, the process outlined above will proceed and could eventually land back in court as the final outcome. The people in Cardiff are known for their persistence and orneriness.

    Like the Park and Recreation Commission, the Traffic Commission has no binding authority. Both are paper tigers, as the city council can ignore them at will.

    The present park plans have major problems. The biggest are huge traffic impact caused by the regional sports complex design, access in and out of the park, the contaminated soil from the previous greenhouses, poor air quality caused by the proximity of the freeway, and excessive greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the heavy vehicular traffic that the design will generate.

    As I said, a really tough job to write an EIR that will withstand legal challenge. A redesign of the park could solve most of the problems. The access problem can be solved with the I-5 widening and realignment of the Mackinnon bridge. But that is years away. 2015? With the budget problems in Sacramento and falling federal gas tax receipts for freeway construction, it could be even longer. And I haven't even addressed the problem of how the whole thing is going to be paid for and whether our city can afford it.


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