Thursday, September 09, 2010

UT Takes the Lead in Encinitas Council Scandals

Dalager forgot that he had a $100,000 loan from a developer (Shelley). Twice.

Once when filing his disclosure forms.

Once when voting for the developer's request for dropping some fees.

Watchdog writes:

But the mayor abruptly ended the interview when he was asked about his vote to reduce the fees following Shelley’s testimony.

“I don’t have too much of a memory of this. I’m going to have to go down and check on those records,” Dalager said just before hanging up a telephone. “I don’t want to talk anymore.”
UT: 2
NCT: 1
TCN: 0


  1. When does it stop?

    Dalager has shown repeatedly he is on the take. Can you imagine what the union gives this guy including a 40% spike in his pension from the City. Oh yeah, Dalager voted for his own 40% pension spike in 2005

    If the public re-elects this fool, they deserve everything they get in this depression.

    Fools like Dalager are the reason this country is in the shape its in. Selfish greed with public complacency= financial disaster.

  2. Every Citizen should call for Dalager's resignation!

    this man is clearly on the take.

  3. 3 times - Don't forget when Watchdog asked him directly.

  4. The brazen and blatant corruption of Dalager is mind boggling. I was at that 2007 council meeting and was puzzled by his vote. Even Jerome Stocks didn't vote for the in lieu fee reduction. Now we know why Dalager stood alone on a 4 to 1 vote.

    There is still one question to answer. Has the loan been repaid and, if it has, how? I supect the loan was completely or partially forgiven. That would put Dalager in jail.

    Dump Dalager in November.

  5. Enough is enough. Where can we register our complaint, what can we do to get this guy out of office. He is an embarrassment to our town and needs to step down. I don't even want to think about seeing his name on a November ballot; what action can we take now?

  6. I have to admit that this looks real bad for Dan. I know that if I was lucky enough to have someone give me a loan for $100,000 I would remember that for my whole life. Who forgets about that kind of money? It should of been declared. If this is really true, he should step down. I have been defending him on this blog about him hating our kids but this really smells bad. Loser

  7. Anyone can file a complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission. A complaint form is available online at

    Print out the form and send it to the address on the form. It's easy. Others have already done it with documentation. You only need to refer to the details in the U-T article. We should all flood the FPPC with complaints.

    Dump Dan Dalager.


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