Saturday, March 26, 2011

Train Track Cops hassling locals today

If you live east of the tracks don't try to walk to your local small businesses because the Kooky Train Kops are out today.


  1. I saw the truck too. I thought NCD had cut him from their budget, but no, they have money to patrol the tracks and to spray Round-Up the length of Leucadia.

  2. I saw him going north and glaring at a jogger, as if a crime were about to occur.

  3. I believe someone ordered Bananas Tailpipe?

  4. It is illegal to cross the tracks. I know dalager sent very mixed messages about this but we need a safe and legal way to cross the tracks. Who in the city wants to lobby for at grade crossing?

  5. I cross all the time. I have never had a problem. I cross right in front of the white truck guy,

  6. Tunnels are not the way to go. At grade ceossings make the most sense.

  7. not only is it illegal to cross the tracks it is a federal offense. trespassing on federal property, $500. i heard that from a sheriff.

  8. I have been stopped numerous times by the white truck. The gentleman who stopped me is always very polite, and lets me know that if kids see me do it, then they will do it. I understand the point, but we need at-grade crossings. Who is going to get this done?

  9. They should put up a fence. They didn't want us messing around with that shiny silver box near leucadia blvd so they put a fence around it. Obviously, they don't mind us crossing the tracks because there's no fence. We're like monkeys. We need fences.

    Legally, kids aren't supposed to go in my yard. Of course, I don't mind if they do. That being said, I wouldn't be happy if a bunch of neighborhood kids started playing in my "fenced in" backyard.

    Words on signs are full of lies and hidden meanings. Fences are what matters for monkeys.

  10. Tip for never being stopped crossing the tracks. Dress like an engineer.


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