Saturday, April 02, 2011

Encinitas (City Hall) Forecast

Patch Op-Ed: Is Local Government Hiding the Sunshine?

Yes, most of the time, the city follows the law. Most of the time, there is no reason for the city to manipulate information being made available to the public, but the weather forecast for City Hall is always a chance of fog. Don’t assume sunshine. If you are asking about something sensitive, expect the marine layer to penetrate local government.

The biggest problem is that it's really tough to know what the city has withheld from its citizens. The city takes advantage of the public’s trust. There are many examples of things that have been withheld from the public that are known to have existed.

Here is a small sample picked from a large pool: READ MORE



  1. Thank you. Kevin.
    Who knows what is hidden, destroyed or omitted from public documents. It would be great if citizens were able to trust their government. Another example of actions to not inform is the practice of releasing notices of civic business at the last possible hour, scheduling hearings with inadequate time for review and just plain deceit. A good example of this is the Hall EIR. 1500 pages, only 2 copies and about seven working days to review the documents that were only accessible during working hours at the city.
    I wish we could have faith. I fear we should not.
    Thanks again, Kevin.

  2. The Hall property report is a great example - the original traffic report outlines the problems the City's expert found with the now current plan, but the report is not available on line as it is "too long". Other longer reports are on line and this report could easily be edited to exclude the individual roadway and intersection raw data. The City simply wants to make it hard to find. [I have a copy on CDR for those interested].
    I also have a letter of comment submitted to the City on the Hall property with the official City date stamp on my copy. It went to the Council and Planning Commission, but is not in the file when I last reviewed it. How many other letters get "lost" on the way to the files?


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