Saturday, July 16, 2011


Notice: Interim Login Requirement Change

We are temporarily going back to commenting without logging in. The primary reason is reduce the barriers of communication for one of the council members to make a request of commenter Anna.


  1. I am not a crook.

  2. good, now the 5 of us bloggers are available to blog our bias positions multiple times under different names about the same issue.

  3. Only three people read the Leucadia Blog.

  4. Now that we can be honest, I never really liked you. And your butt is getting big.

  5. I welcome this new approach! I have never posted online here, but I believe that it is important for people to have a place to test ideas and to exchange engage in discourse with others in the same community.

    I love Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park, London, and while the "Open Comment" segment of Council meetings is supposed to allow for this same freedom, that is not the case.

    There has been more than one time that officers have escorted citizens from meetings for as much as anything, having a different view than Council members (or at least some Councilmen).

  6. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  7. I was only following orders.

  8. Time to raise the white flag. Democracy is dead. Idiocracy is the new rule. One of the three. By the way my but's not really that big...Is it?

  9. another helicopter fly by at 3am 7/16/11

  10. This is great news, until some local anonymous yahoo posts something that the offends the feelings of the simple minded, burrito eating, flip flop wearing, keep it funky people of Leucadia. Then we'll see the moderation police return.

    Too bad JP didn't make this decision on the 4th of July, the day of Independence and freedom. Ya right!!

    PS- Two thumbs up to K Cummins for kicking the city atty and the council right in the nutt sack. Never met a bunch of people that deserve a good nutt sack kicking more than them.

  11. Now that were anonymous I'd like to say that I think Anna is hot!

  12. If you think Anna is hot you should see No Tax Lady. She is so smokink hot she had to leave the state for a bit.

  13. There's something about Anna. She must be smoking hot to get Jeromeo's attention. It is all about the money. Isn't it Anna?

  14. That was fun but the party is over.

  15. Was that just a social experiment? Wierd post. What was gleaned from this strange request from the phantom council person? Has Anna replied?


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!