Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Art Walk Sunday Aug 28


  1. This will be the thirteenth LeucadiART. And the seventh year revival.
    Featuring 101 artists, music, beer and wine garden and more folks on our 101 than any day of the year.
    Mark Patterson will be there, too. You can donate funds to relocate 'SAVE THE OCEAN' during The art walk.
    The middle section will be on display.


  2. http://encinitas.patch.com/articles/surfing-madonna-recreation-up-for-bid

  3. Art walk is a good way to spend the day. Please support our local artisans, my wife will be one of them this year. I will be happy to donate some funds for Mark and I hope The surfing Madonna ends up on surfy surfy's courtyard wall. Lucky #13!

  4. I'm not sure about the logo.

    Who the F wears high heels to walk up and down 101?

  5. I am with you WC. the logo has to change. Make it flip flops and some short surf shorts with nice athletic legs which is way more appropriate for this community.

    L101, Fred are you listening?


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Have at it!!!