Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Leucadia

New investment


  1. At least its not boring copy of new england architecture.

  2. New England architecture is seldom cloned and almost always impressive. The difference between builing your home out of gray boxes and building a dorm out of gray boxes is that the school has to. But at least this one is one story and has plenty of parking. It's all good until it's obese.

  3. I dig this style! Where is this place? I'd like to check it out in person.

    Speaking of Leucadia housing -- did anyone go to the open house for the La Especial Junkyard Estates?

  4. They only notify people within 300 ft of abortions like that, Rob.

  5. Oh you mean La Esapecial Junkyard Estates right across the street from the Leucadia Section 8 housing brought to you by your least favorite City Council.

  6. That house on saxony is pretty weird, I saw the inside of it and the whole place is grey block and purple. The lime is seeping out of the block and all the electrical wires and outlet boxes are visible, looks like a gay purple prison/garage with the drive thru living room that has front yard to back yard garage doors.

  7. Rob, It's on Saxony just north of Leucadia Blvd


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