Since then, local voters sometimes have increased property taxes to fund schools, usually through higher percentage taxes on a property's value, but sometimes through a parcel tax -- a tax of a specified amount on each parcel.
Prop. 88 is a statewide parcel tax -- the first such statewide tax in California since 1910. Every parcel in the state, no matter what size, would pay $50 to fund statewide education programs, amounting to $450 million to $500 million a year. A car dealer or Costco would pay $50, the same as for a family home or small business.
Read more about Prop 88 on the Howard Jarvis website or do your own Google search.
I'm voting NO on 88 this fall.

Even the owners of these ugly generic houses shouldn't have to cough up an extra $50 bucks every year, especially when it can be raised every 4 years.
We pay enough taxes. If the politicians want more money for education let them get it from some of their other pet projects, not the taxpayer's pockets, again.
ReplyDeleteIf Prop 88 passes it will just be the first in a long line of special interest people trying to get into your pockets trough property tasxes. There will be no end to it. Prop 13 let people that own houses that are on a fixed income continue to own those houses.
I know for sure that my spouse and I would have to sell and move if we didn't have Prop 13. We would not be able to absorb the sharp tax increases the politicians would hit us with. Prop 13 not only protects us but it lets everyone know what their property taxes will be from year to year. It limits our politicians ability to raid our pocket books through property taxes to 1% a year.
Escondido code sweep nets pile of real estate signs; agents irked
ReplyDeleteBy Sarah Gordon
August 30, 2006
ESCONDIDO – Local real estate agents are incensed after code-enforcement officers collected more than 100 open-house signs and threw them in the trash behind City Hall.
These signs for open houses and home auctions were among more than 100 found in a trash bin at City Hall in Escondido.
City officials say the signs failed to comply with existing codes for temporary signage and that they were placed illegally in the public right of way.
The crackdown Sunday came as part of the city's nearly $1 million beautification program, which includes monthly code-compliance sweeps.
“About a month ago, we started doing some of these sweeps,” Councilman Ed Gallo said. “Work-at-home signs, telemarketing signs, garage-sale signs. We're not picking on the real estate people.”
Sweep the signs and fine the offending agents. the offending agents disrespect our neighborhoods. Dumb shit real estate agents are the greediest little bitches around. They are the king and queen of "Its all about me!"
ReplyDeleteNo Tax Lady- You and other baby-boomers could use the equity in your home to pay your taxes. Whoa is me- my house today is worth 20 times what I bought it for.Isn't that just terrible. What am I going to do with that extra $ million.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, your generation (I am assuming your between 50 and 70-Baby-boomer)is solely focused on personal greed. Prop 13 screwed our future generations. If you can't afford to pay taxes, get a reverse mortgage, but do not expect kids or any other people younger than you to respect your generation. You have screwed the younger generation every chance you get. Thanks for making our taxes so high for the rest of us, and especially thanks for all the government debt your generation generated that will kill our country and make our quality of life lower than those before us. You pay $1000 per year. The young couple next to you pays 10,000 per year for the same house. I am really going to enjoy paying social security for your selfish ass, while I know I will realize no zero return. The baby-boomer generation is the originators of “its all about me”. For this reason, you have killed the long standing practice of respect your elders. Respect is earned, and I have no respect for totally self absorbed people.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about the baby boomers living large and getting great benefits and leaving the next generation to figure out how to pay for the baby boomers debts.
As for prop 13, you should respond to these points,
Proposition 13 also gives new homeowners long-term security by providing predictability in taxes. It establishes a uniform statewide property tax rate of 1%, with a 2% cap on future annual property tax increases. New buyers know exactly what their taxes will be next year, in five years, and in 30 years — reassuring information for those who plan to live in their homes when they retire.
ReplyDeleteSally should turn her venom toward the elected officials that piss away our tax dollars and create the need for more money. We have a great example of that right here in Encinitas with the proposed fire mansions. Can you imagine how our council would spend if we made it easy and got rid of prop 13.
ReplyDeleteTell my grandmother that prop 13 is a bad deal and you will get a cane to the left ear just before she spits on you. She worships Jarvis because he helped to insure that she could live in the house that she has owned for many years.
She will vote no on 88 and so will I.
Since Code Enforcement has an ordinance with a fine for those who place signs in the public right-of-way, why don't they just enforce the ordinance and make these sign polluters pay. That should slow down the visual blight of signs. But that is probably way too much to ask of Code Enforcement.
ReplyDeleteIwas 28 years old when Prop. 13 passed. I was living in Newport Beach. Before Prop. 13, there were several older people who did have to move out of their homes that they had been living in for 40+ years. They reason was they couldn't afford the taxes. Before that time, Newport was a small inexpensive community, and few people lived there all of the time. Was it these people's fault that all of the sudden people starting moving to Newport and because of supply and demand, housing prices went sky high, therby causing property taxes to increase sometimes 10 fold? Jarvis's idea was that these people should not be shoved out of their houses. It was a good idea, in my opinion. What I have always disagreed with about Prop. 13 is that all homes owned by the same people get the low tax break. I like the idea of the person's place that they live should be uder Prop. 13 protection, and then all rentals, and other properties that a person may own be taxed at the current rate. In this way, a person would not be taxed out of their home and at the same time couldn't use Propositon 13 for rentals etc.
ReplyDeleteIt keeps my rent lower which helps.
ReplyDeleteThe flip side of Prop 13 was that local and state government to live with in their means cut some costs downsize even outsource expense in short be efficient. No chance.All education is supposed to do is to prepare students for phase 2 .the real world COMPETITION.The truth is it is the most expensive on going failure in the country.All the non competitive political hacks rally around tenure oppose school vouchers and try to fool the parents into a fear that they alone hold the key to the kids future.Cowabunga, vote NO on 85.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry in my previous blog I lost itI meant Prop 88 and not 85. SALUDOS PARA TODOS Y MUCHOS OLAS ALTAS PARA TODOS. GRACIAS
ReplyDeleteGet Real- Of course your grandma likes not paying her fair share of taxes and keeping the windfall equity she’s earned over the years. I bet she also love the government sponsored health care, free medication, and everything else for "free". The problem is the younger generations pay for all your grandmas “freebees”. Thanks Granny for being a selfish little old bitch. You could enter into a reverse mortgage pay 40 years worth of taxes and still have 800,000 in an annuity. But no- you want everything to be paid by future generations. You are a selfish person that does not deserve respect. No wonder no young man will help you across the street, you'd spit on him. Or beat the money out of him with your cane.
ReplyDeleteI've vote no on Prop. 88 because it does not make sense. When are the politicians going to address the debt?
Sally you are fucking idiot. Perhaps you should at least read prop 13 and what it does for everyone in the state.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to pay more taxes just send your buddy the governor a check. He will figure out how to spend it but it won't be for anything that benefits you.
Sally, you too are going to be old someday, unless your biterness ruins your liver, early on. That bile can really get to you, girl.
ReplyDeleteThose reverse mortgages benefit the mortgage company, which gets the value of the home at the time of the assessment for the reverse mortgage loan, not at the time the homeowner passes (dies). The heirs, who may have been helping Grandma, are left with nothing after Grandma and Grandpa's lifetime of hard work.
You know, it sickens us that we have so much money for bombs, for gas for the military, for all the people on the government dole, and I mean people getting big pensions at the little guy's expense. We have too many government workers, at all levels, sadly, and many more contracted employees that work for government and also reap benefits much greater than John and Jane Doe taxpayer. Many government workers retire, then get another job for a few years so they get a government pension and Social Security, paying into Social Security for the minimum amount of quarters necessary.
Proposition 13 has helped the average citizen. Do not be bitter, Sally, at Grandma, because of what government policy, and the greed of wealthy (mainly Republican) policy makers has done, is doing, to inflation.
You know, Grandma is concerned about future generations. Many people have been paying into Social Security for a lifetime, and don't live long enough to benefit from these payments. While others, like our soon to be ex-mayor Christy Guerin have been living off the government trough for decades, collecting "Retirement Disability," and holding down several government positions, at once, also taking advantage of the taxpayer funding for family members, such as husband, Alfred Guerin, who makes over $100,000 per year as a Sheriff Commander, also gets or got a Workmans Compensation settlement, which he appealed, because he thought it wasn't good enough. Maybe he didn't get $2,000 per month, forever, like our greedy Mayor Guerin does.
Don't be mad at Grandma, Sally. She is doing the best she can. The value of her house hasn't really changed to her. Perhaps the quality of her life has been lowered by all the noise, dirt, traffic and crowding caused by over development. She usually has helped put her children and grandchildren through school with her meger wages, taxed at a much higher rate than inheritance taxes.
The value of the home doesn't increase, truly. The value of money has dramatically decreased. This is not Granny's fault.
A lot of us are now reeling from "Future Shock." Prop 88 would make it worse. We are voting no. I need to read more about 85, though. So I'll reserve my opinion on that.
Wow, it's so hard to fight a steamroller. We were out of town for a week, and come back to hear so much bad news.
ReplyDeleteWe were so sorry to have missed the Council Meetings where the new bond was voted upon, and the $150.00 annual permit fee for vacation rentals. We are for less government intrusion into our private lives. Short term rentals are different than bed & breakfasts, or hotels and motels. For those that are rented out for a majority of the year, different regulations could certainly be in order. Under Bossy Guerin's lead, Council went too far. Police can handle noise complaints. The record doesn't show that the vacation rentals are a source of problem. Many of the complaints turned out to be for owner occupied homes, not rentals. Other complaints were re longterm renters, not short term.
We are glad to catch up on some of what we missed through J.P.'s Blog.
At least Jerome Stocks voted against the new annual permitting fee. A reoccurring fee such as this, which is based upon property rental should have to go by the rules of Prop. 218 and the Coastal Commission, according to our information.
Someone who might rent out a room once or twice a year might not do so if he or she is going to have to pay $150.00 annually. This will further limit affordable rentals to the public. The motels and hotels with high vacancy are higher cost rentals. The Japanese owned condo and hotel development company, KSL that also owns La Costa Spa, will be charging about $400 plus per night at the beach site rentals near Ponto.
We are sick about the new bond that was voted for unanimously. Why was Dalager absent for these important votes? He should be accountable to the voters, come November. The new library has to factor in the cost of the new public works yard. Nobody has answered why the appraised value was $8.5 million and the selling price was $9.5 million.
And selling a Lease Revenue Bond through the library is an obvious ploy to raise taxpayer's obligations to repay debt with interest, and not allow us a vote as required by Prop. 13 and Prop 218. I hope this is challenged. The "revenue bond" is really a general obligation bond. It is not funding for the library, only. More loopholes used to defeat and disallow public input by our being able to exercise our right to vote.
Thank God for Teresa Barth! We really don't like a bunch of lame ducks such as Guerin and Bond voting to increase our debt payments long after they are to be out of office.
We should each have freedom to our own pursuits of happiness as long as we don't abridge the rights of others. We do not need Big Brother and Big Sister breathing down our backs. Perhaps we should install City cameras on ever public corner to make sure that no one jay walks?
Our City Council went right ahead and did what Matt Walker and many others had asked them over and over not to do. They voted to sell out future generations by increasing public debt.
Granny probably had more than 2 children so she is also to blame for the development and the pollution. There is nothing wrong with annuities. Families shouldn't be waiting for grannies gold when she dies anyway. The goal - "Die Broke". If you haven't read it, read it.
ReplyDeleteGranny, in this case, had two children, who had two children each. Granny believes in ZPG. And not living in debt any longer than necessary.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Sally and Jane, stop blaming Granny. We think you are really a man, say Jerome Stocks?
ReplyDeleteHow much more anonymous can you get, pretending to be several women, when you are one bitter dude.
Those living off of taxpayers' money, like Greedy Guerin and her cohart, Dan Dalager, are more to blame. Why doesn't Dalager get a reverse mortgage so he doesn't have to accept campaign contributions from big developers?
Sally said, I know sally and you sir are no Sally.
ReplyDeleteProposition 13 faces one of its most serious challenges on the ballot this fall, in the form of Proposition 88.
ReplyDeleteEnacted by California voters in 1978, Prop. 13 limited property taxes to 1 percent of the purchase price, with a maximum increase of 2 percent per year for inflation. Changes to Prop. 13 could only be made by state or local voters.
Since then, local voters sometimes have increased property taxes to fund schools, usually through higher percentage taxes on a property's value, but sometimes through a parcel tax -- a tax of a specified amount on each parcel.
Prop. 88 is a statewide parcel tax -- the first such statewide tax in California since 1910. Every parcel in the state, no matter what size, would pay $50 to fund statewide education programs, amounting to $450 million to $500 million a year. A car dealer or Costco would pay $50, the same as for a family home or small business.
Proponents contend that schools need the money, which is to be divvied up among programs this way: $175 million for K-12 class size reduction, $100 million for instructional materials, $100 million for school safety, $85 million for facility grants and $10 million for
data systems.
There are number of problems with this initiative:
- First, it takes what traditionally has been a local tax -- the parcel tax -- and starts using it for state purposes; thus more power flows to the state and away from the local area, where decisions, especially for education, are best made. The state already has enough sources of revenue, especially income, capital-gains and most of sales taxes, and simply should not be given any more.
- Second, citizens can levy a local parcel tax -- or raise general property taxes overall -- on their own for their school districts through a local initiative process.
- Third, it's not clear exactly how the program money would be divvied up among schools. The Legislative Analyst's summary of the bill found that most of the money would be sent to schools "using a new per student formula to be created by the Legislature." For the data system money, "the measure does not specify how or to whom funding would be allocated."
Especially considering how computer funds have been misallocated in California in the past -- such as the $95 million state computer contract with Oracle that a 2002 audit discovered cost $41 million too much -- strict accounting should be demanded on any data system spending.
- Fourth, this money would be filtered through the state bureaucracy. What if one's local district is OK on school safety and data systems, but needs more for school books? Too bad. Prop. 88 says school safety and a data system are statewide needs.
For example, the Legislative Analyst says Prop. 88 "requires school districts to collect and report the data needed to create and maintain the system." But if a district already has decent data acquisition, the money would be wasted.
- Fifth, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger agreed earlier this year with the state teachers' unions to restore all funding demanded by Proposition 98; the money had been reduced a year ago because of budget problems. For fiscal year 2006-07, which began July 1, per-studentfunding from all sources -- federal, state and local -- for K-12 is $11,264, up $516 from the previous year. That's a lot of money, more than what some private schools charge.
- Sixth, taxes already are too high in California. The top income tax rate is 10.3 percent, highest in the country. The sales tax of 7.25 percent also is the highest of any state (with local taxes adding even more, such as 50 cents in Orange County). The only break Californians get is on property taxes, which in 2004 were 29th highest in collections per capita among the 50 states.
- Finally, this breach in the bulwarks of Prop. 13, although small, could be widened in the future should Prop. 88 pass. As has been seen with other taxes, such as those on cigarettes, the victory of one tax leads to attempts, sometimes victorious, to impose more of the same type of tax. If Prop. 88 wins, it would encourage copycat assaults on property in the form of new parcel taxes.
Soon, the state could be back in the same dreary days of 1978, with retirees on fixed incomes losing their homes because they couldn't pay the taxes, before Prop. 13 was enacted. Been there, done that.
We recommend a No vote on Proposition 88.
Oh- so now you claim to know me. Maybe you think I a man because I make too much sense. Sorry Not Fooled"- I not Jerome or even any of your hairy lipped buddies, just plain ol me.
ReplyDeleteYour bitterness towards my comments just shows that your the exact "Baby Boomer" that I disrepect. I dont expect you to understand. You don't have it in you. Thanks for sinking the future of America with your debt! Yeah- you really care about your kids and the future. Why dont you go and lobby the govement for "free" gas. Afterall, the $3/gallon is not your fault, and its causing hardship in your selfish life. With the Baby-boomers joining ARRP-the future of this country is gloomy! More debt coming and American is sliding.
Plain Jane, you need counseling, I think. Your bitter diatribe makes no sense. You call others bitter, when almost every word you write drips with venom and bile. I won't repeat them, adding to the confusion and nonsense you spout.
ReplyDeleteSounds as though you are unhappy with high prices on gas, and blame baby boomers. We can all make efforts to cut costs by writing in blogs, writing letters to editors, and trying to understand the perspective of others, including more senior citizens, without spouting hate and placing blame on those in their twilight years.
Why are you so obsessed with anyone's facial hair, plain jane? Your incoherrent ramblings do not persuade anyone of anything but your own biterness. Can you say ageism? Thank god for those with the benefit of experience and a broader perspective.
We are sharing this community, this nation, this planet with many other species. If you consider that we are interdependent, as a whole, that we are connected, whether we might want to be, or not, you might better understand that we need to work together, not use meanspirited slurs to pull apart, to play us against them.
5% of the population make things happen - 10% are in the contributing/supporting cast - 70% like to think they had something to do with it (and that same 70% believes they are entitled to 110% of the benefits of that work) and the other 15% try to destroy what the first 5% create.
ReplyDeleteWe still think that the person spouting numbers, without backing up his data sounds like Jerome Stocks. He really pushes annuities, too, because they make more money for the insurance agent than any other kind of insurance "investment."
ReplyDeleteRe the 9/1/06 article, “Judge tentatively denies request to stop development in Encinitas,” we are disappointed in Judge Nugent. In the lawsuit over the Hall Property, in which the Citizens for Quality of Life prevailed, Judge Annello wrote a ten page ruling. In a four sentence ruling, yesterday, Judge Nugent ignores, and does not address the inconsistencies that the Leucadia Cares group, and many other concerned citizens, have raised, at great expense of money, time and effort.
ReplyDeleteWe go to our Courts for justice, not for our judges to simply rubberstamp prior bad decisions of sometimes corrupted “powers that be.” Judge Annello before did the right thing. Judge Nugent can and should reconsider his tentative ruling. If he does not, Leucadia Cares should appeal.
The Court of Appeal has before reversed when the lower court doesn't give adequate consideration to the City of Encinitas' inconsistencies and misrepresentations of fact and law. In fact, in a 2004 ruling re Barratt v. City of Encinitas, in which case Judge Nugent also participated, the Court of Appeal determined that the City should not have unfettered discretion. In this case, the City has again abused its discretion by confusing the facts and not abiding by Encinitas Municipal Code.
Leucadia Cares, you have our sympathies.
ReplyDeletePrevious poster, anonymous, it sounds like what you are saying, without referring to your "sources," (are you just making this junk up?) is that the majority of our population, let us assume middle income taxpayers, are not entitled to expect any benefit from our hard earned contributions to a system that was established to help us all achieve health, happiness, education, as well as security.
This country was founded by and for the people, as a whole, not by and for the elite few who control the means of production and our natural resources. Sounds like you are dismissing 70% of our population, anonymous. It also sounds like you well might be part of that 15% you claim is trying to destroy our greater good.
Jane if you want to help this country why don't you make the sacrafices that many of the baby boomers did and join the military.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet you dislike them also because they stand for what makes this contry great. What has made this a great country are certainly not the likes of people with your attitude.
I suggest a move for you to Iraq or Afghanistan so you can live out your dream of having no baby boomers around. Africa might be an alternative there tend not to be many baby boomers there either. The life span in these countries tend to prevent AARP members, no one gets to be a senior citizen.
like JP said, don't feed the trolls. By the way, Prop 90 had me fooled-thought it was a good way to control use of eminent domain but it's all a spin. It sures never ends, as the first poster said.
ReplyDeleteAs in the appeal to the City Council, Barratt and city staff confused the issues for the Judge. Today Leucadia Cares clarified some of those issues and Judge Nugent decided to take a step back. He did not make his final ruling. He clearly has a much better handle on the case today than yesterday when his tentative ruling was posted.
ReplyDelete"Judge not, lest yee be judged". Unless you know the truth, and can accurately post it, perhaps it might ber better to keep your opinions of "baby boomers" to yourself. It does not help to have such hate fill this blog, even if it is for effect. As another person said, we share this panet with other living beings and like it or not, we are all in this together. If Jane and others with the same amount of hatred were to spend as much time researching how we can make this a better city, as they do spewing venom at other posters, it might be more useful. And, you actually might feel better. Sounds like Jane may need a trip to Dr. Lorri. On second thought, not a good idea, as Dr. Lorri is a baby booomer as well. I also know she has no children, by choice, so as not to increase the population.
ReplyDeleteWho are these people that have invaded this blog and spread nastyness? At what point does JP call in his almighty powers and put a halt to this hijacking of respectful public discourse?
ReplyDeletewhat a joke. Many of you well wishing bloggers think your going to save the world. Most of you say post fact, but you dont even back up any of your claims. When someone disagrees with your view, they get pissed and name call.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with the statistics about 5 % change the world........
I think Jane's comments are right on. The debt is sinking this country. I am guessing most of the blog readers can not understand why debt is bad for this country and its to long of topic to explain. She may be a little harsh, but no harsher then others. Like. Jane your a "Fucking idiot". I'm not sure that a positive statement. I know, your going to claim this blog is from Jerome. At least Jerome is involved in the community on a physical level.
How many of you have been physically involved in the community? There are plenty of opportunities. I sallute Dr. Lorri, and numerous ETA supportors, Leucadia Cares, LTC and others for being physicaly involved and addressing council. Without true community involvement, blog talk dont amount to shit beyond pure entertainment. Especially for the introverts who fear others. Thanks to positive people actually doing something to better this community. thanks to the rest of you bloggers for the pure entertainment. No wonder Dr. Lorri reads and posts often. This blog is so interesting to listen to unrestrained dialog among community members. Leucadia is obviously a very diverse community. Thanks again.
I agree with fining the real estate agents who litter our roads. The real estate market is just at the beginning of a hard correction. Are we going to have to live with thousands of for sale signs polluting our public streets. Please real estate agents, keep your signs on the private property. We know how to use the MLS database and we do'nt appreciate you polluting and uglying up our town.
ReplyDeleteGreat web link. thanks.
I dont think the question below had a thorough satisfying answer.
Q. I recently purchased a house, and I'm paying much higher property taxes than my neighbor. How can that be fair?
I do beleive the answer supports an aurgument for a flat tax. Nothing like the old K.I.S.S.
ReplyDeleteSally Jane- Your Granny sounds like a wise decent lady. I hope my son would offer to help her across the street.
ReplyDeleteWe just got back from a trip back east, to Virginia. There, the property taxes are not regulated. People are forced to move out of their homes. Everyone's property taxes just keep going up year after year. We don't want that here. The purchase price rates seem insane to us, now. Not everyone wants to refinance and should not be forced to in order to pay their taxes. Part of the American Dream is to pay off one's home, finally.
ReplyDeleteI think Jane, Sally, Bob may be one and the same. Who knows; who really cares. I think we all agree on one thing: Prop 88 is a bad idea.
People who are 50+ are just like any other segment of society. Some generous, considerate, some selfish, greedy. We won't bother to make up statistics, though, unbacked by any research.
Of course only 5% or so will be leaders. That is part of the definition of leadership.
JP is a good example for his younger age group. How many of us have started blogs? I do think this blog, in combination with word of mouth, letters to the editor, and those of us who do speak up at Council Meetings as often as we can, make a big difference. That is obvious in the defeat of Prop A, Prop C, the Lighting and Landscaping fee increase mail out ballot, and now, Guerin's leaving. She should finish the job and resign before she totally tarnishes her name.
Unfortunately, life doesn't always seem fair. People are paying too much for their homes here, now. But please don't blame those of us who purchased 15 years ago, or more. Our purchase price was still quite high, often for what our parents would call a "shack." One pays a great deal to live near the coast.
Prop 13 was voted upon by all of the people who were registered in this state. It has helped many of us to be more secure. Even those who bought in 2000 are grateful for Prop 13. If you just purchased a new home, maybe you should have waited until prices dropped, as they are beginning to do. They dropped before beginning in 91, to about 98. Yes, another "correction" is in the works.
And gas prices will definitely go up after the elections. The pipelines need big infrastructure repairs, and have had major problems. Prices are not going up as anticipated, now, only because of the obscene profits of the oil companies combined with their need to curry favor right before the elections.
My guess is there are only two people posting on this blog and they just keep using different names. I have to say, those two people keep it interesting!
ReplyDeleteOh, I believe there are definitely more than two of us posting.
ReplyDeleteI know of at least eight different posters, myself.
But sally, jane, bob, howie - they could be one and the same. Funny peculiar, not funny ha ha.
I have a hunch that certain younger family members may be posting. Someone's obviously got a problem with the aging of America.
Is" Grannie" the famous surfer photographer Leroy Grannis? He lives here and once told me that Howard Jarvis aautographed his book "Im mad as hell".Howard was and is right.Vote No on Prop 88.
ReplyDeleteHigher Prices said,
ReplyDelete"There, the property taxes are not regulated. People are forced to move out of their homes. Everyone's property taxes just keep going up year after year."
There is nothing keeping some of the 5%ers in Virginia from writing their own Prop 13.
ReplyDeleteYou might be on to something. Does a flat tax mean a stationary tax? Muni's like the City of Encinitas can't contain their expenditures and need to suck in ever growing revenue just to keep up. They had to borrow 20 million dollars to get things done. Would you make it stationary or make is so it can be ramped up?
ReplyDeleteThe flat tax I referred to was on a federal level. The tax system we currently have is broken. It unnecessarily makes people hire CPA and Attorneys. Way to much room for interpretation and corruption. Flat tax just means, at 10%, you earn $100 dollars you pay $10 tax.
Unfortunately, our City Council has elected to spend $400 per resident on McFiremansions, Regional Park, and a Public Works Yard. The only worthy need is the public works yard and that could be paid for by selling the Quail gardens property. Danny is a lame sell out. He is far from what I call a true Leucadian spirit. That man should move to Oxnard.
I say let the Tax Association sue the City. The City council acted improperly.
I say get rid of Danny, Jerome and Jim (he needs to retire, his site is very limited).Lets get some real direction in this city and become more cool funky like a Laguna / Kaui / Encinitas mix and not a Oxnard/National City profile.
BUT What do I know, I am just a fucking idiot.
Anonymous - Kiss my ASS. What real war did you fight? Or are you some fricken poser government slup waiting to gulp up government freebees like Guerin? I'm the one that paid your stinkin wages Jackass! Get real- Put up a real story about why I should respect you or Kiss My American ASS! I love America that why it disgusts me why the government sells out our future.
ReplyDeleteWWII Vets Salute. Viet Nam- Poor Bastards- But I salute. Baby Boomer slup, no respect!
The Mexifornians will repeal Prop 13, a few more years until old whiteys enjoy their housing wealth before the hordes reclaim it all...
ReplyDeleteSi. Su Casa es me casa.