Con-City council meetings are held on Wednesdays, the same night ABC's hit show Lost is on.

Pro-If you say you are a Encinitas city council member you get a free small soda at the La Paloma theater.

Con-Smart alecky punk ass kids will start blogs about you.

Pro-City council members get a special button in their cars that turn all the traffic lights green.

Con-You have to be Barratt American's CEO Michael D. Pattinson's bitch.

Pro-Michael D. Pattinson has nice soft hands.
Con-You are now a politician, icky.

Pro-Dude, free trip to Japan!

Pro-Jim Bond will tell you his monkey joke.
Con-You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Great Post JP-
ReplyDeleteThe best reason you should run, is you would be going something good for Encinitas and steering it in a direction that will assure this place remains one of the coolest surf Cities in CA. Run JP, Run!
If not you, someone else comparable to Teresa B!
We are at a critical point in our History. We'll either go generic developer driven, like Carlsbad or Oceanside. Or we can go Cool Artsey and unique Architectural, like Laguna Beach but better. Laguna Beach has a very similar history to ours. The choice is ours. Run JP
ReplyDeletefree soda at surf flicks,
ReplyDeleteif j.p. wont do it I will.
Gil -
ReplyDeleteDid you get Jennifer's Qualifications? I'd also like to know about Phil Cotton's qualifications. Are they qualified to be running our City or are we going to wind up like SD? That one good point about the Encinita Tax Payer Association. They air the dirt under the carpet.
Con-You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
ReplyDeleteI think JP just admitted he is going to run.
Get the papers in. QUICK!
The basic truth is that the main reason to run for City Council is to help create a community that we, and our children, can all be proud of. Laguna Beach is a good example, as opposed to Newport Beach, where I spent a great deal of my younger years. That was before I got sick of it, and moved to our amazing City 25 years ago. I am one of the people that did not vote for the incorporation. I don't know if that was a mistake or not. It seems like eiher way, we are getting less than we deserve in our city government. I cannot believe that all of the newer people in this community really want the rapid growth, traffic, water pollution, etc. anymore than us "old timers".
ReplyDeleteIt is a difficult decision to run for council. You may be plagued by clowns, locusts, extra money offers. Many things to tempt the human mind. So the person (s) that run, MUST care about this city first, and have enough resources, both psychological, financial, and spiritual, to overcome those factors. They must also have a very thick skin. One cannot please all of the people all of the time. They must also be honest and follow the law. That means firing a few people at City Hall, starting with Glenn Sabine and working down. So the question is a question of civic responsibility and time to do the job right. No wonder it is a hard decision for many of us that might like a go at it. So when Gil says, how many days left to file, I think we are aware of it, just evaluating if we could do a good job for this City.
justaplumber a should run.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone thought of Sheila Cameron. She knows the system and the players and she was an architect in the defeat of props A and C.
ReplyDeleteShe would also scare the Hell out of the bums on the council.
Hopefully, Shiela will run. She may be waiting until the very last moment. I know she has been contacted by many of us. However, she has had a lot of negativity thrown her way in the past. If she runs, let's give her the support she deserves.
ReplyDeletePro...playing footsie with Jerome Stocks ???
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly. If you don't catch his toe fungus you might morph into a serial cycle squisher.
Come on JP-
ReplyDeleteRun. Figuring out City process is simmple. If you run, I will coach you in City process and procedures. Have faith. Your supporters wont let you down. If you give it a whirl an decide to bail, I'll buy 10 boards from you. Come on, it will be a eye opening experience.
Run J.P. Run!!
ReplyDeleteJP Supporter posted: "If you give it a whirl an decide to bail, I'll buy 10 boards from you"
ReplyDeleteThis is attempted corruption and MUST BE PROSECUTED!!!
It's bribery, and clearly an illegal contribution far in excess of the allowed limits!
JP and JP Supporter you are "Duke" style SCUMBAGS!
My gosh, JP isn't even a politician yet and he's allowing himself to be bribed by slimey supporters who are attempting to wash bribe money through his surfboard business!!!!!
I'm gonna be sick now....
ReplyDeleteRetching's logic is flawed. If JP bailed he would not be a council person, hense- no corruption. I just enjoy his boards. Thanks for keeping a watchful eye though, what comes around gos around! Good Job- Next time, think your logic out.
ReplyDeleteAnd if I did something wrong, come after me, JP doesn't control my writings- Moron
Unlike Slingblade- who will gladly talk to you about City problems before or after you buy something from his store. Would buying a new Slingblade from Dalager, get my problem solved? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. Maybe he should resign and then I will be 10 items from him.
Retching's logic is flawed. If JP bailed he would not be a council person, hense- no corruption. I just enjoy his boards. Thanks for keeping a watchful eye though, what comes around gos around! Good Job- Next time, think your logic out.
ReplyDeleteAnd if I did something wrong, come after me, JP doesn't control my writings- Moron
Unlike Slingblade- who will gladly talk to you about City problems before or after you buy something from his store. Would buying a new Slingblade from Dalager, get my problem solved? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. Maybe he should resign and then I will be 10 items from him.
What is Jim Bond's monkey joke?