Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1 of 3 Orpheus Torrey Pines Remain

Are the days numbered for this giant as well?


  1. JP:

    Your blog is really fun to read. However, once you locked out annonymous comments, you killed the site. Who cares if 10% of the comments are ridiculous and/or don't agree with you agenda.

    The point is it's fun to read from everybody, not just those you agree with.

    Keep it anonymous and keep it alive.


  2. It is looking more and more like Leucadia has becomes the rejected stepchild of the city of Encinitas. It used to be Cardiff. After a group of citizens in Cardiff sued and won on the Hall property, the city's vindictiveness became very apparent. I heard from insiders at city hall that the council, led by Guerin and Stocks and supported by Dalager and Bond, looked for every way possible to poke a stick in the eye of Cardiffians.

    Now it's Leucadia's turn. The city seems to have begun a scorched-earth policy. More mature trees will surely go down, and little or no replanting will be taking place. Gotta make room for development. Stocks wants his pound of flesh. Watch him carefully on the smoking ban issue. He is going to try to kill it by expanding it to the ultimate restrictions.

  3. Are they going to ban parking lots at bars too, you know that this just encourages drinking and driving?

  4. Arborist stand for Tree Murderer!

    I have yet to See an Arborist that saves trees.

  5. I saw City Council is selling license plate holders to raise money for the Hall Regional Sports Complex. You can get them at City Hall- They say:

    "Encinitas- The Traffic Capital of the World"

  6. The development capital of the world.

  7. Those trees are messy and dangerous. Confine them to Del Mar.

  8. saws don't kill tress,
    people do.

    Ban people

  9. How about another post on the new sidewalks in Leucadia? How cool is that?

  10. theres sidewalks?

  11. How cool is it that the City and other developers are cutting down our canopy!!!!!... soon we will look as crappy as Ponto.... well maybe not that crappy because they have only two styles of Boxes-Two story A and two story B styles...... anyway this tree downing crap has to stop.... the city council better adopt a tree policy like Del Mar and start planting trees along its streets.

  12. Stocks and Dalager are trying to blight Leucadia so they can justify the redevelopment district still festering in thier toxic egos.

  13. Bob is a blight on Leucadia. He attmepts to justify the psychosis festering in his toxic ego.

  14. freud, your kind of comments are what almost killed the blog. I suspect you are a current Council Member, JS, or one of his dirty trick supporters. Whoever you are, I and many others know your true motives, here.

    Of course you like anonymous comments, because you can post a bunch of crap on every thread, pretending you are not all one and the same person.

    You want to feel free to personally attack people, but do it anonymously.

    You are an obvious a-hole and it's clear who you are by who you are attacking under your guise of sleazy anonymity.

  15. I quess posting under your own name equates with a toxic ego. Such is the way in George Bush's America.

    Freud is dead!

  16. Freud was also, for a period of his life, into cocaine. Just thought that was interesting. At the time he was so ecstatic about it, one wonders what stuff he wrote and is still being used to distort information?


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!