Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Open house for Leucadia streetscape and Candidate Forum on same night, Wed. Oct 1st

From the NCT: ENCINITAS: Open house set for Leucadia streetscape project

ENCINITAS ---- The public will be given a chance to view concept design plans for the North Coast Highway 101 streetscape project from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the community room at the Encinitas Public Library, 540 Cornish Drive .

Unfortunately the candidate forum is the same night which will dilute the participation for the Leucadia streetscape.

NCT: ENCINITAS: Olivenhain Town Council to hold candidates forum

The Olivenhain Town Council is set to hold a City Council candidate forum from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Olivenhain Meeting Hall on Rancho Santa Fe Road.


  1. The candidates forum will come to Leucadia too.

    It is important that we all are informed about the options and offer our input. It is our future.
    It can avoid having some individuals rant about options that are not even being considered.
    Go and have some input vs. ranting and not having all the facts.
    Ranting with truth is so much more acceptable.

  2. screw the world for telling our congress to get its citizens in bigger debt. Let them front the 700 billion dollars. Especially France and Germany. We won back those countries from the Nazis and gave them back to the citizens.

    Its time to pay back the favor.

    No bail out!

  3. Vote for my bunghole's twin- Jerome Stocks.

    Wooooeeee that stinks.

  4. Owners of multiple properties that front Hwy 101 between A Street and La Costa Avenue are in charge of 'selling' this project to their neighbors. They are essentially attempting to convince 'us' to use 'our' tax dollars, to fix up 'their' investments and effect an increase in their property values. This is the net effect of the plan and is a perfect reason of 'why' this project should be denied in total.

    Any even cursory examination of the project financials makes this point undeniable.

    The idea, that the city is seriously paying staff, several coordinators, some consultants most likely in total over $100K, so far, to turn a 100 year old transportation corridor into a 'walkable' community that just happens to have several lengthy trains per hour, every hour, roaring through it AND as several people before the planning commision mentioned, STILL FLOODS EVERY WINTER, and that for the sake of aesthetics, (manufacturing funkyness) 'you' are going to let these hand full of people potentially cut off escape routes from Encinitas after last year's fires is cause for concern for everyone.

    Make no mistake, that is part of this plan, ask the Fire Marshall. Watch the Planning Commission meeting from 9-18-08. Its all there.

    Don't let a handful of property-owners cut off a major circulation route into our city.

    This IS Chinatown, Jake!

  5. The candidate forums are a joke. It's the same people cheering every exhale from their pre-chosen cow.
    I'm going to the 101 meeting.

  6. If your a TRUE environmentalist you will certainly vote for BOND and NANNNGA and maybe Houlihan...

  7. 10:07

    Oh Mike, grow a heart.

    Cut off escape routes?
    Property owners selling a plan so that their property values increase?

    Obviously, you want to keep 101 a commuter corridor and not safer, comercially viable and walkable.

    And the Hwy hasn't flooded since Rick Engineering did their big fix.
    And there are not several trains per hour.

    And the street scape will not cut off circulation, but improve it. I don't know where you get your information but it seems designed to let Leucadia get nothing. Typical.

  8. Mike? I didn't see anyone post as Mike.

    But basically, I agree with anon 10:07 pm.

    I have participated. So far Petz and associates have been paid $300,000+ to design between A street and North Court? and to promote roundabouts, slowing down traffic. Unfortuantely, most business owners and many residents do not favor roundabouts, or anything that would further destroy the tree canopy.

    Also, Peder Norby, makes $100,000 a year, and is building a new home in Encinitas, the "Stork House?"

    Gary Murphy makes a good point about stop signs being preferable, for slowing down traffic, and much better than stop lights.

    All the money spent on consultants and PR workshops held right before the elections is not going to help the livability of those who reside near Hwy. 101, or improve our quality of life anytime soon.

    I agree, this is more about essentially setting up another redevelopment district at taxpayer expense that primarily improves parking and profits for a few property and business owners.

    However, Leucadia Glass has a petition circulating with many signatures; the owners say those they have spoken to, who are signing, are overwhelmingly against roundabouts. Many or most business owners and residents do not support the idea of one lane on Highway 101 and five roundabouts. That is OVERKILL.

    At the workshop I attended there was support for having stop signs and one or two u-turn lanes, including one at La Costa, if possible.

    Many people who spoke at the public hearing were most concerned about preserving our historical trees and our community character, keeping Leucadia funky, not junky, and were not enthusiastic about the changes in La Jolla at Bird Rock. Those roundabout "improvements" facilitated mixed use development which profits a few, at the expense of the community character, at large, according to several public speakers.

  9. Anon 10:07-

    Please go to the workshops and ask questions and raise you concerns. You will get your answers and learn that most of your initial thoughts were incorrect. To address your main points:

    1. Who is selling this project?

    No one. The residents of the area are sick of a street that has people die each year because it was designed for Hwy 70 mph speeds when it was the major Mexico to LA highway. And people regularly travel at 50 to 70 mph on it today.
    Its now a local road and should serve the local community including pedestrians, school children beach patrons, bicycles, and business customers. Please we need big canopy trees replanted and watered and other nice landscaping.

    2. Will the streetscape effect emergency escape routes and times?

    Yes. It will improve them for Encinitas. Currently the road gets gridlocked with traffic cutting off of i5. Once the streetscape is installed the cut through gridlock will decrease which will improve the traffic circulation from La Costa Blvd. to Encinitas Blvd.

    Added bonus-When addressing the fire department’s goals. The fire marshal also looks for ways for making our community safer and accident prevention. This project addresses that goal in every way. Kids and Families will be safer walking, biking, and driving along our Mainstreet during their time at the beach. I have to ask who wouldn’t that?

    3. Will this project cut off a circulation route for Encinitas?

    No. This project will greatly help the existing vehicular circulation for the area and will address the deficiency of bike lanes and safe walkways. In the end, completing this project will help vehicular flows (slower, safer, and steady), pedestrian flows, and bicycle flows.

    4. Will this project impact or be impacted by the trains?

    No . However, if the City fixes the railroad crossing on Leucadia Blvd. at some point. It should become a quiet zone which would eliminate the train blust resulting in a much quieter and peaceful Encinitas. A side benefit is the surrounding property values would go up, business revenues would go up, and as a result City tax revenues would go up. Its all good!

    5. Will this project address the former flooding problem in Leucadia?

    No. However it will make it slightly better because of increase pervious area and promoting percolation areas were possible like in the landscaped areas. And like a previous poster pointed out. I haven't seen any flooding in 3 years and that included the 3rd heaviest rain season in the record books. Its seems like 90% of the flooding problem has been addressed.

    See asking questions is not hard and you get the answers you were looking for. Now if you have any more and ask them at the workshop.

    As you can see, this project is great for the community and that’s why it is supported by over 95% of the residents and businesses along the corridor. I hope the remaining 5% get to the workshops, ask their questions and become a part of the process.

    In the end, most will see what an amazingly positive project this is for the Encinitas residents.

  10. Anon 4:19 am-

    You need to learn more accurate information.

    Most people do support roundabouts and reducing the vehicle travel lane area to provide for much needed bike lanes, walkways and landscaping.

    Learn what the money paid to the consultants is really for. Your way off.

    This project including roundabouts has no impact on the surrounding land use and how it will be developed in the future.

    The N.Coast Hwy 101 specific plan regulates what type of building can occur along Hwy 101. And currently, it allows 3 story mix use- Just like what you see next to Caldwell Antiques and the Moonlight Lofts, and pacific station, and the new development in birdrock.

    If you don't like that type of landuse, you better focus your energy on changing the specific plan zoning and not this streetscape project. Because that’s what its going to look like with or without the streetscape.

    The goals of the streetscape project are simple:

    1. Create a walkable community local roadway for our beach town including bike lanes.

    2. Recanopy the corridor.

    3. Improve safety for all by slowing things down. After all its the beach and people want to get out and enjoy their beach town on foot and bikes.

    All we want is a more peaceful, safe, and beautifully tree lined local roadway for our mainstreet local business cooridor. Is that really so bad?

    I don't think so and that why 95% of the residents support the project. I think most residents are tired of the death and crappy conditions along that road.

    Go to the workshops and present your ideas and concerns. At the end of the day the community will decide what ideas they support and want included in the needed streetscape.

    See you there.

  11. September 30, 2008 10:07 PM
    is Mike.
    Uninformed unfortunatly.

  12. I vote for planning for the streetscape and build it as we get the money, and until then putting all way stops at Grandview and other key intersections to address the problems today.

    We should not have to wait 20 years for the safety issues to be addressed.

    This is ridiculous. Don’t we learn anything from the death of racing cars along this stretch of road?

    City Council- Do you care?

  13. I have been to all the workshops examined all the maps, talked to the city planners, talked to the Peltz people, seen the negative petition, read the Chamber's falacious comments, want the best for Leucadia and completely agree with Anon 10:07.

  14. Correction:
    I agree with 'October 01, 2008 5:00 AM' NOT WITH 10:07

  15. I support the comments of:
    September 30, 2008 10:07 PM
    September 30, 2008 10:40 PM
    October 01, 2008 5:00 AM
    October 01, 2008 6:41 AM

  16. I support slower speeds and a walkable community for our beach mainstreet.

    I support the streetscape.

  17. Stop signs and slower speed limits and painted crosswalks are cheaper. They work in other communities, including downtown Encinitas. Also, it is possible to speed through roundabouts as the poor soul who was killed at the Santa Fe one proved. Sidewalks provide walkability. Apparently this streetscape is all about aesthetics and parking.

  18. Who are the friends of Leucadia?


    Most of the others do not know anything about Leucadia.
    Vote for friends of Leucadia!

  19. With the inception of the proper placement of roundabouts, speeds have no choice but to lower, pedestrian safety is improved, back up at stop signs/lights is eliminated - creating less emmissions, (and better gas mileage - less wear and tear on brakes etc.) and best of all circulation is actually improved. Does that sound so miserable?

  20. anon 10:31

    How dare you ruin this blog with well reasoned arguments.

    Screw you!

    I must say I have some apprehension of roundabouts, most likely because I don't know them well, but the more and more I drive Leucadia Blvd, it is the stop sign in between the two roundaubouts that pisses me off.

    Whatever it takes to slow the traffic on 101 I am for.

  21. 9:33

    Yes, someone did die on the Santa Fe roundabout. But with the level of alcohol in his system and his excessive rate of speed the poor soul was an accident waiting for a place to happen. Shall we keep roads straight for drunk drivers?

  22. That poor soul who died on Sante Fe was almost legally drunk from his high Blood alchohol content. It was close to .30. Wow! Deadly Toxic!!

    That roundabout probably saved the life of someother innocent bystanders.

    roundabout filter out the drunks and save lives.

    Good good roundabouts, We love you.

  23. the point is you can speed through a roundabout -- just as a drunk can speed through a stop sign. roundabouts do not prevent delays -- where traffic is primarily in two directions the perpendicular streets will have delays. also, roundabouts that have planted centers are themselves traffic hazards...not all people loose control of cars because they are drunk, what about swerving to avoid hitting an obstacle in the road, or a mechanical failure. Put an obstacle in the road and it will be hit by a car sooner or later.

  24. You aint no Einstein, your a barney.

    You can't speed faster than 30mph or you crash like a drunk.....

    and the side traffic waits far less time then without the roundabouts or a stop sign

    Your logic is completely flawed.

    Drink plenty of water, get some sleep and try again when you’re rested.

  25. can't speed more that 30 mph in a roundabout -- says who. I seen some high speed donuts. roundabouts are built so that those who speed don't crash, that's why there is a rounded curb at the center. and delays do occur, especially when a street has a primary directional flow. Just cause you saw so doesn't make not so. And leave my son alone.

  26. Geeze that not too cool Einstein's Mom.

    Too name a child that is a slow learner Einstein is just Mean.

    But after listening to your logic, I can tell its not his fault its clearly in his DNA.

    Both of you need to sleep more to increase your brain power. Go to bed and dream of slow moving peaceful and quiet roadways.

  27. "Put an obstacle in the road and it will be hit by a car sooner or later."

    I guess that's why there are so many head on collisions.

    Hey, more reasons for not improving N. 101. Let's keep the highway straight with no medians or trees so that drunks can navigate home better.

    Better yet, put 3' of nerf foam around every car and keep Encinitas worry free. (20ft of nerf foam for trains)

  28. Whoa, are head on collisions increasing? Then we should have serial roundabouts to prevent this tragedy. Logically, if roundabouts prevent head on collisions then the more the merrier.

  29. Slow learners? So was Einstein, and he crashed after age 24.

  30. Nanninga was the only candidate who attended both the Leucadia 101 Streetscape Open house and the Olivenhain Town Council candidates forum.

    Bob Nanninga will represent the best interests of all Encinitas residents.

    Vote Nanninga.

  31. Great showing at Olivehain town hall meeting was very informing with a nice turnout of candidates!!
    My favorite contender for Encinitas is
    1st place Bob Nanninga....
    2nd place Maggie Houlihan...
    3rd place..?????....

    I am curious what if anyone on this blog was at the meeting and who your vote is going too!!!

  32. Who I am going to vote for and who I believe will be seated are 2 completely different things.

    I attended both Candidate Forums to date. Based on who I believe the typical Encinitas voter is, and their values, my guess is Jim Bond, Maggie Houlihan, Rachelle Collier. All for different reasons, but based on that citywide typical voter and his/her concerns.

    I could be out to lunch, I have been before.

  33. How could anyone vote for James "the Liar" Bond. What kind of example is he for the Children.

    ......."OK Kids, Its OK to Lie when its for your own benefit"

    Nice Jim...... I call you a full old piece of shit that should have stepped down like you said you would do.

    What happened did you forget or just Lie!


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