You may have read this story in the Union Tribune about how the city council male majority may have violated the Brown Act by sending out hilarious emails regarding the now bizarre events in Orpheus Park. These emails have been forwarded to me by several different parties so there is a good chance you have already seen them. They are a good glimpse into the strange cult of personalities that rule our town.
The first email is from Deputy Mayor Dan Dalager who brings sass and prickish condescendsion in local government to a whole new level: From:Dan Dalager
Sent: Sat 1/31/2009 11:23 AM
To:Teresa Barth; Chris Hazeltine; council
Cc:Phil Cotton; Donald Fowler; Michael Stauffer; Terry Smith; John
Frenken; Larry Watt; Mark Hosford; Jacy Bolden; '';
'Mark Muir'; ''; 'Randy Goodson'; 'Andy Herold'; Bob
Subject: RE: Orpheus Park Tree Removal
All, I was so impressed with the 'spontaneous' demonstration over a tree cutting by a bunch of 10 year olds from Paul Ecke Central at Orpheus Park during school hours on Friday. I wonder if discussion was held in class of the tree issue (the fact that there's always 2 sides to any story is a great object lesson), or if we just had a bunch of kids being used for the expediency and ideology of an instructor. We must be doing one heck of a job teaching-I noticed that the penmanship on the signs left on the site was exemplary (and consistent to the point of almost seeming to be from the same hand), and though the message was singular, the structure and verbiage were excellent. I always thought this level of performance was beyond even advanced
elementary (and most middle school) students.
I would hope any further object lessons such as these could at a minimum be done in a safe and sane manner. Kids crossing yellow tape and approaching working chipper machines is unacceptable, and a comment from an elected official to staff that 'if someone got hurt, maybe we'd learn our lesson', though I'm sure it was an attempt at humor, was beyond despicable.
Finally, in respect to ill-will in the community- As council members, there's a lot we can do to shape and direct our community. Even though we often have differing points of view, working together makes things better for everyone and even enables a minority position to achieve its goals. Waving a red flag and publicly attacking or demeaning staff at every opportunity, creates community-wide ill-will and only isolates and renders the attacker impotent. (What do we want to achieve, an actual goal, or martyrdom? Some seem to prefer martyrdom).
Just for an example of this sort of isolation, as married as I am to the idea of the simple 'one seat to the right' rotation for Mayor, I will NEVER vote to appoint into that position anyone who does not have the competency to work through the system to obtain their goals, and instead spends their time fueling Chinese fire drills and planting discord, solely to keep the spotlight on themselves. Thanks for your
PS- Mo and Lean, could you please pass these comments on to your boards? Thanks
Dan Dalager
Deputy Mayor, City of Encinitas
The next email is from councilman Jerome Stocks who has a reputation and long history of searing sarcasm. Note that he using his new tactic of faux kindness towards his longtime rival Maggie Houlihan: From: Jerome Stocks
Sent: Sat 1/31/2009 4:06 PM
To:Dan Dalager; Teresa Barth; Chris Hazeltine; council
Cc:Phil Cotton; Donald Fowler; Michael Stauffer; Terry Smith; John
Frenken; Larry Watt; Mark Hosford; Jacy Bolden; '';
'Mark Muir'; ''; 'Randy Goodson'; 'Andy Herold'; Bob
Subject: RE: Orpheus Park Tree Removal
I simply want to thank our Mayor, Maggie Houlihan, for taking a meeting with staff and reaching the logical conclusion that our City government should honor its verbal contracts with its resident's and this project should go forward. It would have been easy to pander to the crowd as a populist, or micromanage the project by delaying it and referring it to the City Council for politicalization as some clearly would have; but instead Maggie took the high road and supported doing the right thing over the expediently popular thing. I for one applaud her and support her for showing fortitude in this instance.
The tree / trees in question are non-native, high maintenance, not endangered, and not of historical significance. In short they are landscaping, and landscaping is subject to improvement and alteration.
Maggie, thank you for exhibiting common sense on this. I have every confidence the vast majority of Encinitas understands and agrees with you.
Jerome Stocks
City of Encinitas
Orpheus Park tree saga news roundup:E-mails about tree put City Council under fireENCINITAS: Tipu tree at center of park controversy has a famous relativePetition submitted to save tree in Encinitas parkENCINITAS: Tree-sitter experiences first wet nightEncinitas protester remains up a treeENCINITAS: Tree-sitter blocks removal of park tipu tree