Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Overpaying Smells Really Good in Encinitas

Dalager schooled the Leucadia Blog last night. The candidates were asked if they thought the city needed a change to real estate practices. The Leucadia Blog had a post about crazy real estate transactions that Dalager had been involved in yesterday. We'll we thought that because the public and Barth had asked for the city council to take up the issue and they never did that nothing changed. 

Blog readers informed the LB that Dalager made cosmic claims last night. 

The first was the city has learned from their mistakes and they have made changes. Wow, I wonder what those changes are? Did the public get a chance to make suggestions to those changes? Did Dalager publicly, or secretly approve the changes?

The second was Dalager's take on the Mossey purchase. He said that the city came out "smelling like roses." Dan says this about many projects that are mismanaged and overpriced. If they are usable in the end. It doesn't matter the cost. 

I have a really cool iPod.

My iPod works great. If I had bought it for $1,472, it would still be a great iPod. I would have paid way too much. 

Our public works yard is great. We went over budget for the yard and paid way too much for the property. So, where is Dan's business sense?

Dan even said that Mossey was desperate for a buyer and was having a difficult time selling the dealership site. We should have walked away with millions left on the table. Instead we got cleaned out. We could have used that money to open the Hall park.

The city must have planted a lot of bareroot roses last fall if the public works yard smells like roses now.

At least CM James Bond was willing to fess up.

Here is what Councilmember Bond said about the purchase, “Now, I guess we’re in somewhat of a situation of buyer’s remorse.”

See Also: Works Yard Finally Turn-key


  1. I wish the city would give us taxpayers back any extra money so we can invest in real estate.

    The city shouldn't be investing in real estate... They should fix the roads, pay the policemen, etc. Do your job, we'll do ours. Thanks.

  2. I was at the candidates meeting as well. I'm sorry, Dan's been a big part of this town for a long time, but its time for change. Just not at all impressed with his explanations or his grasp on the issues and needs of the community. We've got to get this voting block on the council busted up. We've got to get some changes made.
    I'm most likely voting for Teresa and Tony. Please study the candidates and their platforms and make informed decisions in November!

  3. Coastal Eddie,

    Good call. I have been harsh on Teresa in the past over the harassment debacle, but I've come to the conclusion that TB & TK are the only reform candidates and the current majority has to go.

    Did you catch the latest on the stonewalled street condition report? Now we know why they were stonewalling.

  4. And Coastal Eddie,

    Please tell your friends, and ask them to tell their friends.

    There are only a handful of people such as Leucadia Blog readers who are actually paying attention to this stuff. If we don't spread the word, we won't have enough votes for change.

  5. K-

    You should know by now. reality doesn't matter. Dalababber has bigger issues that worry about the current headlines. those were past news. You should see what Dalager crook is up to today.

  6. The way to make the change we need is everyone reading this blog hold a party at their house and show the invitees what an Ass Dalager is to the kids and future of Encinitas.

    Once you all show 6 people that Dalager is bad for your kids future, change will happen.

    Dalager is bad for your children, like Andreen loves little 7/11 elfs sitting on his lap. Some things are just wrong.

    Dump Duke Dalager-Dump the Bad in America.

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  8. You have to be kidding about Gaspar. Has anyone ever seen her at a Council meeting? As anyone ever heard of her, unless you are in the Rotary? She is 30 years old and is a trophy wife for her husband Gaspar of physical therapy fame. That is her claim to fame? And exactly when is she going to have the time to be a socceer mom, a Rotarian, and a City Council person? Give me a f----ing break. I could do better than she could and I am no one and yet everyone.

  9. agreed.but I think you were on the wrong post.


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