Thursday, March 24, 2011

CEQA to be Improved

From the Inbox:

Exploiting the hardships caused by the economic climate and the state budget crisis, special interests are redoubling their efforts to pass legislation that would dismantle the Golden State’s premiere environmental law, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 

Individuals and organizations concerned about the public’s health and well-being, the environment and good government must push back this dangerous new wave of attacks on CEQA. 

The GOP Five are holding the budget hostage, demanding major concessions to CEQA that weaken the environmental and public health protections.  Governor Brown thinks a good environment is a luxury of the rich and now that California is broke we can't afford it anymore.

In February, Senator Canella introduced SB 241—a measure that would allow 125 projects to receive immunity from CEQA.  Now he is working as part of the GOP Five on a more sweeping proposal attempting to attack CEQA from all angles.

Get a message to Governor Brown TODAY -- Email, write or call Speaker Perez and Governor Brown to oppose measures that rollback the public health and environmental protections in CEQA. Use the sample letter below for your message.

Speaker John Perez: 916-319-2046 fax 916-319-2146 or
Governor Jerry Brown:  916-445-2841 fax 916-558-3160 or

Email, write or call your state representatives, urging them to oppose bill SB 241 (Canella) and similar proposals.  Let them know why CEQA is important to the health & well-being of their constituents; if possible, mention a development in their district that was improved by CEQA and/or one that runs the risk of being added to the list of 125 projects exempted from CEQA.  A sample letter is provided below.

To find the name & contact information for your Assembly member and Senator go to the following website; search by address or zip code.  You may have to call their district offices for email addresses.

For examples of how Californians have benefited from CEQA go to:

Write a letter to your local newspaper.  Let readers know why CEQA should not be weakened.

Educate and mobilize your friends, family and organizations to take action.  Distribute this action alert to your network.  Individuals and groups that are concerned about your community’s well being should be motivated to defend CEQA.

For more information or to receive regular updates about this campaign contact: Jena Price with the Planning and Conservation League at or 916-313-4508.

 Jennifer Cannon

The Leucadia Blog loves to get email from tree huggers.


  1. Much good has been accomplished with CEQA in place, however, it has become a required study at the drop of a hat. The trigger for this enormous endeavor is very light on the finger.

    I understand it's usefullness, but maintain that it has been so poorly abused that it works to slow even the best of projects.

    For those who don't like change of any kind, it's a dream come true.

    The range of projects that are exempt by right needs to be expanded.

    If one truly wants to streamline process and curb the power-hungry, try the Royalty at the California Coastal Commission. Now there's a group of people so full of themselves, and so out of touch, they should be trimmed with a machete.

  2. Like the trees in Leucadia under the leadership of Frankel.


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