Sunday, March 06, 2011

Opportunity to Address the Fundementals

California allows citizens to implement solutions if their representatives fail to take action.

Encinitas Citizens Initiative Project

Community Workshop Invitation

The Encinitas Citizens Initiative Project is seeking the community’s help.

The Encinitas Project was formed to develop public policy solutions to difficult issues facing the city, which have been marginalized by the Encinitas City Council. While the Council makes progress on safe issues, we will tackle the big issues ignored by our Council by putting them on the ballot. To be successful, the Project plans to focus on a set of issues and solutions that are recognized and supported by a vast cross section of Encinitas residents.

You can help. Please give us your input at the first Encinitas Project citizens’ workshop to be held:

March 21, 2011
San Diego Credit Union Meeting Room
501 North El Camino Real

Presentations 5-6 pm
Panel Q & A 6-6:30 pm
Breakout Discussions 6:30-7:00 pm

Citizens have already proposed a diverse set of candidate initiatives:
Open Government
Increased access to public information and decision making. Ensure accountability for open government law violations.

Competitive Management Practices
Require competition and oversight in contracting. Require competitive appointments to top city positions.

Pension Reform
End the practice of passing all the risks of pension debt to our children.

Upzoning (Increasing Development Rights to Allow Higher Building Density)
Ensure taxpayer subsidized developments benefit the public's interest.

City Council Organization
Term-limits and rules for council appointments.

Low Income Housing
Increase access and oversight of mandated programs. Ensure taxpayers are not being cheated in related development schemes.
Current project participants span the political spectrum and have come together to achieve common goals. The objective of this first workshop is to identify and select which issues should be tackled first.

For more information or to suggest other issues and solutions to be considered email


  1. Encinitas held captive - Stocks & Bondage. Rescue will only come through our own efforts. Time to wake the community, to listen and to learn.

  2. Today I spoke with Ron Blough, and Chrisy Villa, traffic engineers. Ron said in our conversation about fixing the 101 north of Encinitas Blvd., "the poor condition slows traffic; if we do an overlay of the coast highway they will drive faster."

    Citizen with the Power to Fire the Dangerous and Incompetent City Staff/Workers.

  3. One way to fight the EE (the evil empire is incompetent and selfish government and corporations)is plan a large turnout to pave a path to connect 101 and Vulcan, put up a temporary at grade rail-road crossing. Civil demands and citizens govern and the future !


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!