Sunday, June 05, 2011

Maggie Still Mad at the Leucadia Blog

Maggie was once huge fan of the Leucadia Blog. Huge.

Somewhere she began voting for personal expediency over substance, which is a tough route to take if you don't like to be questioned (she did vote for Prop A and Prop C, which got crushed by her own supporters, which is weird). This is the blog post that changed the future of Encinitas. Ever since then, it has come across that it didn't matter if Maggie had to toss her principles out the window to vote against anyone that had been critical.

Two days ago, the council voted to try to keep the documents secret and appeal the Cummins case.  Mayor Bond said there was the biggest crowd ever to speak before a closed door session. It was reported that crowd included the press and former Houlihan supporters. These former Houlihan supporters were all asking for open government. 

Only Barth voted to end the struggle against transparency. Houlihan, Stocks, Gaspar, and Bond voted to appeal and drag this thing on. It is a secret on what legal grounds the council decided to appeal.  It is rumored that the city's bill is up to $60k and Cummins' bill is up to $30k (don't forget that Cummins attempted to avoid this lawsuit).

It can't be that she wants clarification on what documents are legal to withhold, because just two years ago she VOTED AGAINST a sunshine ordinance process that would have allowed HER to set a bright-line on what documents could be withheld, and a process for adjudicating citizen protests without going to court. Why would should vote against open government multiple times?

It is rumored that Maggie voted to waste tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars in an attempt to drain Kevin's bank account and cause him to fold. Is that more plausible than Maggie is really against open government? Is it more plausible than Maggie really is under the influence of key staff people like Sabine?  Is it more plausible that she doesn't understand what she is doing?


  1. I think we all gave Maggie a pass for far too long because her goofiness is kinda cute and she used to be one of us.

    But in a way, she's far worse than Stocks. He's a serpent and we've always known he's a serpent. She was supposed to be our friend and she stabbed us in the back.

  2. Power corrupts and chemicals change the way a person thinks, like common sense is no longer any easy thing.

    Just watch the Gollum in Lord of the Rings. Its a perfect story of what happened to bright eyed Maggie.

  3. Maggie has done many wonderful things for our community. However, at this time she is basically in hospice care, due to another recurance of her cancer, which she chooses not to treat. And this blog wants to pick on her. Amazing is all I can say. No mention that Gaspar said NO as well. She has certainly been treated lightly by this blog. And Maggie, who has done so much, gets trashed when she needs all the positive support she can get. I find this post sad.

  4. It was mentioned that Gaspar voted "NO" as well:

    "Houlihan, Stocks, Gaspar, and Bond voted to appeal and drag this thing on."

    Of course, what happened was that Stocks, Bond, Gaspar, and Houlihan all voted Yes. It was only Barth who voted NO. The majority vote in closed door session was to appeal the court's decision.

    Nobody is picking on Maggie. Many of us who have supported Maggie for years are profoundly disappointed with her vote and are trying to understand it. Might it have been better if she had abstained?

  5. You are right Cardiffian. I got it backwards. I don't know what is right anymore. I just know that Maggie has done more good than bad in Encinitas (IMHO) and I am not a fan of kicking someone when they are down. Her voting with Teresa, in this case, would have made no difference to the outcome. So why go there? Why not concentrate on things such as where is the money for the park or why can no one seem to get rid of Glen. Or even, how did Gaspar win? And I certainly do not agree with W.C. on the fact that she is worse than Stocks. That would be almost impossible.

  6. OK Anna, you are really getting tedious.

    Why don't you take a break for awhile like HH? Your Sixties rhetoric is like, 'so Sixties'.


  7. It seems like Maggie has been treated overly lightly the last couple years as she repeatedly voted against her stanch supporters like Shelia Cameron, Tony Kranz, Jerry Sidomka, and Teresa Barth.

    If Maggie is beyond accountability maybe it is time for her to step down.

  8. Everyone in public office is held accountable for their actions and Maggie will be stepping down soon enough.

    Maggie and Stocks are the two council members that saddled our City with billions of increased liabilities from the 2005 pension bonanza. One vote and all pensions go up 35% for every council member and city employee. One vote and the City has no more money for future projects.

    Today is a sad state of affairs. Unfortunately, Encinitas is no different. Many politicians just sell out their constituents for their "friendly special interests". Sad but true.

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  11. I have a question, and I might preface it with NO disrespect intended.

    But....should a Councilmember step down (for any reason), WHO would be their successor?

  12. Geeze Dean. If you can't serve, you have to step down. The new council person is appointed by council until the next election.

  13. You missed the point of the question MATTI.

    WHERE do the Councilmembers get the list of potential replacements? Next largest # of votes last election? Special Election? Contributors lists? Family? Next door neighbors?

  14. As I understand it, there is no protocol for replacing a councilmember midterm. Which means the majority can vote to do whatever they want. Even resurrect Dalager from Misdeamnor Bogville...accckkkkkkk!

  15. Thanks Violet, unfortunately
    you've just struck FEAR into many of us.

  16. DEAN. Next time be clear with your points and not such a passive aggressive little puss.

  17. Brilliant comment, and so poetic.

  18. Thanks for emphasizing my point!

  19. The 'point' is your little head ZIPPY.

    You missed the point of the prior comment as well. 0 for 2.

  20. Whatever...DEAN.... my point stands PALP (passive aggressive little puss)


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