Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Our Trip to San Diego

My fam won a weekend trip to a San Diego resort hotel and I (Kevin C) wasn't able to get a few blog posts in that I know a few people are waiting for. Here's the evidence and a few reflections. 

If you like visiting cities and you got money, San Diego is spectacular place to visit.

We stayed at the Sheraton, where the Inspiration is docked (you can rent this classic yacht or buy tickets for scheduled cruises). It is a great way to spend time with your favorite people while cruising through the heart of San Diego.

Little Italy has a multi-block long farmers market. You can buy oysters grown in Carlsbad (but you can't get them in Leucadia?)


If you want to live in high density, mixed use, with all the bells and whistles (of mass transit) there are tons of opportunities. The option is available today for San Diego, already.

No time to fix the photo. This is on the county building.

Someone took the time to carve, "Good government requires the intelligent interest of every citizen" into that building.

Without transparency interest is ruined and manipulated. Citizens can not make intelligent appraisals of their representatives without transparency. That transparency can not be selectively endorsed to the benefit our friends or policy goals.


We made lots of decisions to avoid several small side trips that required getting in our automobile because there is not enough parking near some of our destinations, or it cost an arm and a leg to use a private lot. Some vendors lost out on a possible purchase from us and we lost out because we didn't get to do a couple things. (Before you go bonkers, we pretty much can't stand being in a car and DO and DID walk a lot of miles. The issue was with time. The car saves time.)

We didn't take the bus to Cabrillo NM, but there is a route down the point.


There was lots of public art. Lots of sculptures. Many of which were of great symbolic value, that reflected the city's history and connection to the military. I think of the USS Midway as being more important physical symbol than most of the art that we saw. A lot of what is down there could have been found in any city and very little of it provided a clear sense that it was created by the people of San Diego.

I didn't see anything that was "art" that drew nearly as much inspiration and interst as the Surfing Madonna. The Surfing Madonna was not created by someone who lives in Chicago. I couldn't say that about San Diego's art.


  1. No it was created by someone in Encinitas, he just came forward...

  2. How do you know where he is from? Please tell. I only read his attorney came forward.

    Please enlighten us Leftcoast.

  3. I heard on KPRI it was Mark Patterson and Loren Nancarrow got the exclusive interview. You have got to hear the story, it is amazing.

  4. Oh, and he has lived in Leucadia for 30 years. Just what I heard.

  5. I can't waite to read about it. Its a pirate art top bock buster movie in the works. Who's going to play Stocks? -- Bill Clinton or Satan?


  7. Thanks for the Fox link Jack. Awesome interview. And kudos to Mark's friends who obviously kept mum for 2 months. And yes, make a monument to war and they'll go up all over town. But make one that has anything to do with the Prince of Peace and watch it get shot down.


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!