Saturday, March 23, 2013

What would it take?

... to stop streetscape?
... to end the campaign against streetscape?

Wait, what do they mean by "streetscape"?


  1. Painting meaningless bicycle symbols in the middle of the road, thus confusing everyone as to what the boundaries are.

  2. Painting meaningless bicycle symbols in the middle of the road, thus confusing everyone as to what the boundaries are.

  3. These people are so uneducated. Its sad that they listen to the rantings of sick minds of L-word and S. Cameron.

    Leucadia sure has some people with their head up their but.

  4. Send that sign to Disneyland.

  5. Signs are cheap, but 70% of residents who were part of the drawn-out 2-year process agreed on a great plan which the council then adopted. Sharrows are only temporary until the full Leucadia 101 revitalization plan can be implemented

  6. Shaun W., you're wrong.

    Almost 2/3 of those attending the workshop at City Hall said no to roundabouts and lane elimination in a plan that extends from A Street to La Costa on Highway 101. The so-called "Leucadia N101 Streetscape Project" is not exclusively on N101 or in Leucadia.

    Because those opposing, including opposing businesses, ARE in the majority, another workshop was held about a year later, NOT well attended by opponents, not as well noticed, through Sub Palace and Leucadia Glass, which businesses had gathered THOUSANDS of signatures against the roundabouts and lane elimination.

    I've seen NO proof that the 70% figure is accurate. For the second survey, there was NO OPTION for no roundabouts and lane elimination as there was on the first survey. The only options were that ANY roundabouts and lane diet "deserve consideration," or for TRAFFIC SIGNALS on North 101. There was no alternative for adding a stop sign. Anyone who wrote in a suggestion for adding u-turn lanes and another stop sign, WAS COUNTED AS NO RESPONSE.

    At the final slanted workshop, put on by roundabout lobbyists, anyone who said ANY roundabouts deserved consideration (some thought only one roundabout at La Costa could be beneficial) were counted as a YES for Plan 4A, which is five roundabouts and lane elimination for motorists to allow more parking for private businesses.

    The results were unfairly tweaked, the data was manipulated. The workshop at the end was primarily noticed to so-called STAKEHOLDERS, which didn't include residents living immediately adjacent to the 101 corridor who would be negatively impacted by more cut through traffic, slower emergency response times, and more difficulty attempting to turn left onto the highway, as frustrated drivers, caught in gridlock are notorious for not allowing traffic to enter from "cross streets."

    But four of the five planned roundabouts are do NOT really have cross streets. They are three way intersections, only, due to the train tracks.

    The U.S. Dept. of Transportation does NOT recommend roundabouts beside a RR corridor. That is indisputable. When asked, Peltz and Associates could not come up with a SINGLE locality, anywhere in the U.S. or abroad, where roundabouts have been placed alongside railroad tracks.

    By the way, I have had an epiphany. I apologize for my previous bullying ways. I I call anyone out, as I did, above, on 3/23 at 10:333 p.m., when I wasn't thinking straight, please ignore any such rantings and ravings and know that is a part of my sometimes waring personality which I disavow. I've said I would go "on the wagon," and I will try to do better in the future!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I got news for you.

    1. The majority did approve Streetscape.

    2. There's plenty more things you have not "seen proof for" that exist or will exist.

    3. The coming Roundabouts improve circulation for residents and businesses here.

    4. Adding more signals or stop signs impedes traffic flow.

    5. The data was not tweaked or manipulated. Roundabouts work.

    6. Anyone concerned Encinitan who followed agenda items, read the paper or could read street signs were noticed about all Streetscape workshops.

    7. Three way intersections that have Roundabouts have better circulation that 4 way Roundabouts. That doesn't make them inferior.

    8. The U.S. Dept of Transportation recommends Roundabouts do not intersect with Railroad crossings but nothing impedes trains or traffic being within the vicinity of each other.

    9. The Fire Dept approves Roundabouts.

    10. Roundabouts make it far easier and safer for residents to make left turns onto 101 from the west by creating ONLY ONE lane of traffic to navigate with instead of 3.

    11. Currently, the stop signs at Marcheta street create mandatory stops for cars going in 10 different directions. And the signals at La Costa Ave intermittently create mandatory stops for traffic going in 7 directions. The removal of the 4 stop signs at Marcheta remove congestion and collectively safe motorists literally years of time annually that are needlessly spent stopping and waiting. Likewise, the advent of a roundabout at La Costa Ave. also saves years of stopping annually, plus it provides U-Turn capabilities in directions where currently there are none.

    12. The benefits of Roundabouts far out-weigh the few drawbacks you try to amplify.

    13. Plan A does not increase parking for businesses. In fact it removes all current parking on the east side of 101 - literally hundreds of spots. In fact the new bike lane has removed many spaces in front of the old Cabo Grill. The so called "40" extra spaces Streetscape will create will however provide adequate ADA on street parking. Downtown Streetscape had to modify their public parking spots for ADA as well.

    14. Good luck getting on your wagon.

    15. Shawn W. was right.


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