Monday, April 20, 2015

I read on the Internet that Roundabouts are super confusing and difficult and will destroy Leucadia

Leucadia Streetscape that will never happen is scheduled for year 2018 (but won't happen) : Encinitas Advocate


  1. I honestly don't know how the Europeans do it. Given the sheer number of those death traps, they should all be dead by now...

    1. The answer is simple. You don't live there.

  2. Can't teach old dogs new tricks...Sigh!

  3. Replies
    1. There you go changing the subject again....

  4. Please use your blinkers when approaching roundabouts. it lets the other drivers know where you are going. Thanks!!!

  5. All well and good as long as everyone SIGNALS. a perfect world. Not particularly good for anxious types...or opportunists.
    Also this wonderful graphic does not appear to apply to Coast Highway. Three way

  6. As with everything the city touches don't look for any improvements for Leucadia, Keep it Crappy.

  7. I'm already confused on the first diagram!!! Left turn in inner lane, but if someone is in the outer lane, i think an accident will occur. "There's Big Ben Kids!"

  8. I'm fine with the roundabouts on Luecadia, but jeez people need to get a clue. Those traveling on Leucadia seem to think that through traffic always has the right of way. The roundabouts are so small if you are coming from a side street it can be impossible to even get a break to sneak in. East/West drivers never slow to let cross traffic in, they just keep barreling through. On the other hand, I've slowed many times for drivers coming off a side street only to have them sit there and stare at me blankly.

    La Costa/101 could get pretty hairy as people love to gun it going north as it opens up through the lagoon. Could become a disaster turning left onto the 101 from La Costa.

  9. Hopefully it get even slower and ends up not happening. Seems like a waste of money. Does the current system not work? Just turn the lane into a bike lane and get on with it.

  10. We need more roundabouts to counter the plague of nuisance 4-way stop sign intersections ALL around Encinitas. My first choices for new roundabouts would be the 4-way stop intersections at Mountain Vista x Wandering intersection, the Mountain Vista x Village Park Way intersection, as well as the Village Park Way x Park Dale Lane intersection.

    I can think of at least a hundred more local 4-way intersections that would be better as roundabouts, but don't want to rile up the anti-roundabout crowd's blood pressure too much.

    Furthermore, we desperately need some traffic intervention -either a roundabout or even a dreaded 4-way intersection - at the Mountain Vista & Gardendale intersection before someone is killed (Mountain Vista does not stop, Gardendale has stop signs). The curve in east-bound Mountain Vista creates a blind area at the stop sign on north-bound Gardendale, contributing to frequent T-bone rollover collisions, as well as dangerous pedestrian and bicycle crossing. The recent restriping and lane reduction to slow and calm the Mountain Vista traffic flow is a big improvement along Mountain Vista, but it isn't enough at that intersection because of the blind curve. It's a miracle no one has been killed yet.

    One criticism I do have of the roundabouts we already have in place on Santa Fe and Leucadia Blvd is that they are more decorative and expensive than necessary. While I do love a lot of the attractive waterwise landscaping and hardscaping that's been installed around town in recent years, I think the roundabout design and materials are a bit overdone.

  11. love it when someone stops half way round the roundabout to give way when its clearly their right of way....oh so kind...or when someone gets pissed as they think its their right of way...people learn to drive. Personally I think what is needed is one big roundabout with five roundabouts around it like this....... to mess with your heads even more.....

  12. 4-way stop sign intersection nuisances is right, Anna. A dangerous invention for sure and roundabouts greatly reduce accidents and injuries. Still, some can't figure out why insurance companies and Dept of Transportation think they're so great. (Not to mention Mythbusters).


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