Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Gaspar Corruption Sign: Mixed Message?

Kristin Gaspar: End County Corruption Now

Every time I see this giant sign across the YMCA I read it as, "end Gaspar corruption"

Burning question: Is our first elected mayor of Encinitas, Kristin Gaspar backstabbing us for running for higher office so soon?
Isn't mayor of Encinitas the greatest job in the world???


  1. She only cares about herself and her developer buddies. The rest of us don't matter. She is even willing to sell the naming rights to OUR library that WE paid for. Backstabber you ask? You bet she is.

  2. Well, she did vote to preserve agricultural zoning when the majority voted to make it office space.

    And she did vote in favor of the Jolina Way residents when the majority voted in favor of the El Camino Real property owners who massacred a eucalyptus grove in order to push their parking lot closer to the neighbors' back yards.

    One significant element of county corruption is the discretionary slush funds that supervisors have to hand out to community groups so they come off as Santa Claus. That's a major reason that supervisors have never been defeated for re-election in decades. I'd like to see Gaspar campaign against the slush funds.

    1. Gaspar has two slush funds in Encinitas. Community grants and the one "the city manager controls"


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