Saturday, June 24, 2006


If I was a millionaire (and sadly I assure you I am not) I would have bought the St. Mark's Lutheran church and had it moved to that big empty lot next to the Leucadian Bar on the coast highway and turned into a jazz venue. That would have been cool, I would even let the Lutherans use it on Sunday mornings.

photos from link to story.


  1. Maybe Barratt can use some the windows to make their newest boxes in Leucadia more interesting. Oh no.... they'll probably sue me for saying that. Losers! All Encinitas resident's should hate Barratt for wasting our tax payers money on so many fronts and leaving Carlsbad boxes within our prestine Encinitas. Does anyone know where Mick Patterson lives? I bet its not in one of his crappy subdivisions. I bet its in a community with tight development regulations like Del Mar or the Ranch. Thats the M.O. of most developers. Make their money pumping out boxes and then taking the money and live in Communities that protect quality of life issues like Del Mar or the Ranch. You dont see any boxes or low income projects going in those areas. I say expose these rascals and their game and make them full accountable for the impacts their developments have on communities. Hopefully Encinitas will go the route of a quality of life community and not a developers haven like Carlsbad.

  2. No chance as long as bossypants and lawnmowerman are in office. They support any type of development any time at the expense of neighbors.


  3. Just for fun. Did you ever wonder what makes Del Mar so different than the rest of the local coast? Consider that Del Mar started off the same way as Leucadia, one property was built at a time. Each, for better or worse, was different from the other (same as Leucadia). Del Mar has been an independent city longer, but when they incorporated, they passed serious ordinances to disallow and two homes to be alike. This in a nutshell is what protected their unique character forever. We, on the other hand, allowed Barrett, et al to build tracts of cookie cutter stucco. Think about what a turning point that was. Now if somebody could just grow balls and change the rules.

  4. Jerome Stocks is reading the blog because he said that the Leu. Blog asked everyone to show up and "only the same 8 or 9 regular suspects from Leu. were at the Co. Meeting"

  5. Another slip by a councilperson. A second one let slip to me in a private conversation. So that's two. Are they all reading the blog? And which ones are posting the nasty comments?

  6. Well, Stocks makes a good point. There are a lot of people hiting this site, but no one that is willing to do anything active to fix Leucadia/Encintas... Lucky for Stocks.

  7. Of course we read the blog. How do we know how to attack you. Perhaps you should shut it down J.P.? Then we wouldn't know what you people were up to.Do you really think you have a chance against all the money that pours in from developers. We gave you that money to shut some of you up. Seems to have worked ha!. Now we can get on with what we do behind closed doors. Some of us are real tired of some of you.

  8. I am grateful if the stained glass windows were saved, at least.

    The Church could have been moved, if anyone had enough determination, and money to do so. Too late, now.

    I liked our old library, too. Too bad we couldn't have moved the church to the library site.

    Re Council Meetings, I think many people do show up, and can't stay so late. There are always "presentations," which are PR moments, manily, for Council and Staff, to justify their expenses, to get people to buy into their hype.

    We do appreciate the emergency volunteers, (one presentation last Wed.) and all the people who work so hard, who do give their service, sincerely, like Kathy Greene.

    Many citizens who work all day long, have young children, cannot come to the long meetings, but do keep up with the blog, read and write letters to the editor, watch the meeting on tv the next day.

    There were only two letters to the editor in this Friday's Coast News. Both of them are critical of the City. Figures.

  9. Move that church to another site? It's thin shell cast concrete. even if you could lift it...well you understand. Not possible. Cheaper to duplicate.

    I know the Council reads the blog. Several have said so to me. I doubt however, that they have the time or inclination to post. The posts claiming to be Councilpersons are bogus.

  10. What you don't see in the picture is the new traffic circle. It has become a magnet for real estate signs, garage sale signs and the like. Code enforcement does nothing about even though there have been complaints.

    Why do we let our public right of ways become bill boards for private ventures?
    I've been told that even RSPB doesn't like the visual blight these signs create on N 101 and Leucadia Blvd. They often interfere with ability to beg for beer money.

  11. I didn't go to the meeting either, heh.

  12. Yeah- whats with the Realtors crapping up our town. We all know there are a ton of houses for sale and even more coming. If we want to find one, we'll look on line at the hundreds of free sites, or call you from one of your so original adds. Your signs provide no value to your cleints and lower the property values of the surrounding neighborhood by increase blight. Knock it off. The City should charge you for each it picks up and the City should throw out all the signs and start a list posted on their web of the violators.

  13. What a great idea. The city could increase revenues and cut down 'visual blight'. It would give code enforcement something to do. It is the only fee increase idea I have heard that makes sense. They should charge exactly the same as they are planning for short term vacation rentals violations.

    My husband won't be happy but he will just have to live with it. It shouldn't affect his business in the least and it will save him a lot of time he spends putting out and taking down signs.

  14. I didnt realize that Notaxlady had a husband or I wouldn't have hit on her in a previous post. Sorry (but if you leave him let us know).

  15. I don't like real estate signs, but people should have freedom of speech to put signs on their own property, as long as it doesn't get in the way of the sidewalk, if there is one, or the path that is the right of way.

    We are going through old newspapers and saw one about how under Christy Guerin's watch, before, all of Maggie Houlihan's signs were ripped out, while all of her opponents, like Stocks and Bond's were left in place.


    Unfortunately, according to the NCT, the beautiful stained glass windows were not saved. This is laziness and decadence.

  16. Wouldn't it have been interesting if the church had not sold the land and building to Scripps? I wonder what our City Concil would have done. Would they have gone against their "NO EMINENT DOMAIN" stance and said it was needed for public good? After all, it will be a parking lot. "Pave pardise and put up a parking lot". Who knows who sang and wrote that? A drink on me for the first blogger.

  17. Real Estate agents have the right to post on private property. Unfortunately 95% of the posting our within public right-of-way. No right. Thanks for junking up our town-Real Estate losers who practice this posting practice.

  18. that song was written by Joni Mitchell and is titled "BIG YELLOW TAXI".

    "Don't it always seem to go
    That you don't know what you've lost till it's gone
    They paved paradise
    And put up a parking lot"

  19. Oh, thanks, Mary! I wonder why they couldn't save the glass.

  20. The site of the now lost St. Mark's Lutheran is only a parking lot short term. The hospital has identified a building yo eventually be built on that site per their masterplan. I also regret loosing the windows, but expect it would be very costly to remove them without destroying them.

  21. They should use some of the stained glass in the new library.

  22. Yes, they could have removed the stained glass first. That could have been part of the deal when the Lutherns sold it. In fact, they didn't have to sell it at all. Wonder what they got fo it? Yes, to the the blogger who got Big Yellow Taxi. All of the lyrics of that song should be mandatory reading for anyone actively involved in this community. Joni Mitchell makes a point in it that is well worth remembering, even if it was written in the 60's. Just as George Orwell made a point in his book 1984. I wonder how many younger people know what the song OHIO, by Neil Young, is about. Check out his latest C.D., especially the song: Let's Impeach the President". It also applies on a local level. I wonder if we can impeach a city council person for violating the many laws that are violated in this town? I owe mfleener a drink.

  23. I screwed up-it's actually:

    "You don't know what you've GOT till it's gone"

    I'm a musician so I had to correct that. I'll take the drinky-winky in spirit-thank you! And yes, the Neil Young CD rocks...the last cut is a moving rendition of "America The Beautiful", which SHOULD be our national anthem, IMHO.

  24. you can recall city council. They want you to think you cannot. but you can just like oceanside.

  25. mfleener: You are right. I didn't even notice it. I agree with you about the last cut on Neil's C.D. Much better than the Star Spangled Banner. When and where do you want that drink? Would love to meet another kindred spirit. With regard to impeaching council members, how does one go about doing it? Anyone know? Probably best to wait until November and see gets in. If Guerin and Dalagher get in again, I say let's get the imppeachment going.

  26. Can someone please tell me what IMHO means. It is driving me crazy and before long I will have to go see Dr. Lorri. Are you still posting Dr. L. Please come back if you aren't.

  27. in my humble opinion?

  28. I think the glass could have been saved, too. Oh, too expensive to save, easier to duplicate. That's a poor excuse, the same one that is always used to justify destroying our landmarks and our heritage.

    Yes, we could recall, but that would be hard to get into the works by November. However, someone should contact Oceanside's people, if they did so. It worked, also, against Gray Davis.

    The way we vote in this city makes it so no one gets a majority of the votes cast. Voting for two or three "at large" doesn't cut it.

  29. Does anyone know how many votes were cast in the last election? Did any Council Member get a majority of the votes cast?

    Pluralites are not working. Democracy inaction.

  30. what about burt long field?????
    anybody know?

  31. well if we'd all just convert to the teachings of martin luther this wouldn't be happening now would it...

  32. let's talk about the November city council elections. Since Bossypants is taking a job with the Bilbray office as well as running for city council does anyone see a case where this would be a conflict of interest? Can she really do both jobs well and if not which job would suffer. Is this fair to the voters in Encinitas?

  33. Let Bilbray have her. We need a representative that has the time and DESIRE to serve the peoples interests. She would fail on both counts!

  34. What are you complainers talking about? Many city councilmen in this city and other cities have full time jobs and serve on city councils. Jerome Stocks and Dan Dalager in our current council have full time jobs. Both run businesses that require way more than 40 hours a week.

    Mayor Guerin serving with Bilbray may be useful to the city. She could bring some federal money back to the city. It could be used to redevelop Leucadia, Cardiff, etc. It could just be a new sidewalk down hwy 101. Who knows what it might bring.

  35. What exactly is Guerin going to do for Bilbray? Perhaps that is the question to ask and think about. It is true that some council members have full time jobs, however, I don't believe any of them have full time jobs with a politician, be they republican or democrat. I have a hard time believeiving Bilbray, really cares much about Encinitas, and it is becomeing more clear that Guerin does not. She didn't get the job with the governor. There is a reason for that. How come Bilbray is willing to take her on? I certainly see a potential conflict of interest for both of them, Maybe she won't run? NAW! We need to watch this very carefully, as I think it could definitely be a conflict of interest. No one political party runs this City (I hope).

  36. "redevelop" is a 9 lettered word 'round these parts, "anonymous". Boy, you boosters just don't quit, do you? We "complainers" are the schmucks who voted Dan and Christy into office and had to hear things like "The Coastal Commission are nothing but elite snobs", and "It's none of their damn business". Dan is a sexist pig and Christy is an ex-cop who still thinks the world is an "Us v.s Them" scenario. Worse still, they think they're SMARTER than you just because they got elected to City Council.

    The cry for redevelopment cited the flooding and used the term "blight" to make Leucasians feel ashamed of their community. That didn't fool anyone. Now we hear of a great NEED for sidewalks. Yes, lets screw all of Leucadia for some sidewalks!!

  37. NCT-Transit district policy opens door for 'quiet' railroad crossings

    ---- The final legal barrier to creating quiet zones along North County's coastal rail trail has fallen, clearing the way for individual cities to silence train horns from Oceanside to San Diego.

    Before the coaster in the 1990s there were about 12 trains per day, today there are 54 trains per day, the near future plans for the NCTD alignment call for about 100 trains per day. 12 trains per day from 3 blocks is romantic train noise. 54 trains per day is pure stress. 100 trains will make it unbearable. The quiet zones will be a safety improvement over what exists today. I never in my wildest dream envisioned our sleep n county train alignment would some day carry 100 train trips per day-thats an average of one train every 7 minutes 24 hours per day. Give me a break. No give me a quiet zone!

  38. Council meeting on Wednesday. If you can't go, watch it at 6:00 P.M. on Cox 19, on Thursday.

    We thing Mayor Guerin is a bummer. Her political ambitions do get in the way of her being effective here.

    I can't believe all the money we can spend on her PR moments. You know what, Bossy? You didn't call those few people who want to ban all future short term rentals for private residences, "complainers." We all know, you know, Bossypants Guerin, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Calling us complainers is just more of your "us vs. them" philosophy at work.

  39. There is no us versus them. We are all Encinitians. We may live in Leucadia, Cardiff, Olievehain, etc. The city council has been elected by all the people not just a few whiners. It seems like the whiners are centered in Leucadia and Cardiff. Unfortunately for you whiners you don't have enough votes to elect a representative from your communities. That means that the city council persons outside your communities control your fate.

    The city council does what we think is best for the whole community. We are in it together.

  40. The last comment nailed it on the head. the facts are the facts. Not all Leucadians are whiners and many including me can not stand the short term rental advocate whiners. Get lost and go to PB. PS- Would you want a short term rental next to your home? Would you love all those late night M80s? Its really pleasant listening to loud partying when trying to keep let the family get good sleep.

  41. Perhaps I am just weird, but I like the sound of the trains. We hear it from our home and it reminds me of when I was a child.Brings back legends of Woody Guthrie etc.

    Also, I know that most people on the Council think of many of the residents of Leucadia and Cardiff as whiners. It is a sad day when people want their commuity to have some character, are called whiners. If Barrett et al. had their way, we could all live in identical boxes painted the same color. Ok mfleener: Who sang "Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky"? Perhaps it is the Barrat theme song?

  42. The city council does what it thinks is best for their political contributors and the developers.

    Freight trains are romantic 2 miles away until there is a derailment which releases toxic fumes which requires evacuating homes to protect lives.

    Riding the rails and hoping the bulls are asleep to let me get to easy street.

  43. Can you guess what city council person wrote that comment "The city council does what WE think is best for the whole community" - think, you've heard it said often by one of the council people. That same council person loves to call activists "whiners."

  44. "Little Boxes" was written and sung by Malvina Reynolds and referred to the boxy row houses being built in Daly City just south of San Francisco. Now we have the same thing here, only they are McMansion row houses.

  45. We have great muciical expertise on this blog. I love it.

  46. Note to Members of the City Council:

    Don't count your chickens until they are hatched! We "whiners" may surprise you come November. You may have the dollars, but we have something else that is more important. We have people who are committed to seeing that this City has some community character. You do not have the best interests of Encinitas in mind when you allow developers to rule. I'd love to see your "real" campaign contributions, not the ones that you are legally required to post. There is a way, you know. And when the time comes, you will be exposed. Don't get too comfortable.

  47. hooo000000, threats.... I'm really scared. Whiners can not touch me. I've got the power.

  48. To "Perhaps I am just weird"- You must not live within 3 blocks of the tracks. You probably like the smell of my farts too. They would remind you of your childhood when your older sibling would hold you down and let you have it. Ahhhhhh the good old days.

  49. RSPB has great juicy wet farts. Maybe we can substitute him for a sibling in the farting world.

  50. I actually do live within 3 blocks of the tracks and I still love to hear the trains. Maybe I should also see Dr. Lorri. Where is she when we need her? I can't smell the farts, only RSPB. Perhaps he masks the smell. I do appreciate that. Thanks RSPB. Keep us safe.

  51. JP threw Dr. Lorri off the blog site. She lives in Cardiff. His right he is the blogmaster.

    Bad call JP. We still love you.

  52. J.P. didn't throw me off the blog. He wrote me a very nice note instead. So, I am back. I think we all need to have some group therapy to figure out a way to get some "fresh blood"at City Hall. All those in favor vote yes. Those who oppose, well I think you get the idea. I would be happy to have it at my home, or, maybe even better, we can have it at City Hall in one the the meeting rooms. It is our City Hall.

  53. Bold move to have the meeting at City Hall. That would be great!

  54. When, where and what time. I'll be there.

  55. When, where and what time. I'll be there.

  56. I hate Cardiff all of a sudden? What the hell?
    I love Cardiff, always have and always will.

  57. Nobody is mad at JP for being happy that Leucadia was promised some money for trees and sidewalks. We don't need more money for cutting down trees. That seems to come without our asking!

    We're just saying, don't hold your breath.

    Hey, we just found out that Kaylin Guerin, Mayor Guerin's daughter is also working out of Brian Bilbray's office answering phones, taking messages, "filtering" our calls.

    She's probably spending time every day posting on this blog for Mommy Dearest. That explains a lot.

  58. I tried to watch the Encinitas Council meeting last night on Channel 19 and there was no sound!!! Did anyone else have that problem? I watch for about ten minutes and was very entertained by simply watching the body language. Appparently some fireman was getting a Special Proclaimation, ( a "Hear Ye! Hear Ye!), and some burly blond guy was in between the fireman and Christy. He was gesturing and putting on a real show, and clearly enjoying his little "moment in the sun", and the more he talked, the more Christy was fiddling with her hair, and acting like she couldn't wait for the burly guy to shut up! When he finished his little speech, he shook hands with the fire guy and ignored Christy. Who was that blond windbag?

  59. the new firechief.

  60. Is the new fire chief a political contributor to Mayor Guerin's campaign for re-election?

  61. I believe he was her campaign chairman in her last election. How do you think he became firechief? Most cities do a recruitment asnd nationwide search for a position like Firechief.


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