Thursday, May 03, 2007

Leucadia Nights

From the L101 website:

Join us on Friday May 11th. We're staying open late - there will be fun and music, and bargains galore!

Stop be early for the planting and dedication of two new Monterey Cypress trees to replace our two 115-year-old trees, recently lost to old age.

The new Leucadia 101 Guide Map will also be available tonight for the first time.


  1. My little band, THE WIGBILLIES, will be playing outside of Lou's Records starting at 6pm for a few hours. My husband plays guitar and I play dulcimer and bass. We will be joined by Ritchie Strell, who plays a mean harmonica. Hey, Roadsie Park Bum, come by and joins us for a nip!

  2. a nip or two and rspb will be a "funky drunky"

  3. Funky Drunky!!!

    Ex-city manager!!!

  4. Thanks Mary for stepping up and supporting Leucadia....I'll come by and funk with youall. Leucadia definately has soul!

  5. Please everyone show up and support this effort!

  6. I love Mary's art & her opinions.
    I can't wait to hear her music!

  7. If anyone wants to follow the old formula for Leucadia pub crawls,
    start at Nobu in the Lumberyard and have some sushi, big beers, and saki right when they open, then hit every establishment that sells alchohol for a quick drink as you head north toward Lou's.
    it's a lot harder to make it all the way down to the Leucadian than it used to be thanks to the successful additons of dozens of beer and wine licsences along the way. Bring your own CD's for Capt. Kenos bar, you'll think you are in a time warp for sure.
    Go Mary!
    p.s. watch out for the cactus outside the leucadia liqour, I sat on one once while waiting for the girls to get some smokes after Gilles through us out of the Calypso.

  8. I didn't know Nobu was in the Lumberyard. Thought that sushi was in Solana Beach. If you just consume sushi and stay light on the ceveza y nips, you will arrive safely at Lou's for a rockin good time with The Wigbillies. YEEEEEHA!!!


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Have at it!!!