Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Encinitas Plastic Bag Ban

Towns all across America are discussing banning plastic grocery bags from their communities. link

The people who banned smoking on Encinitas beaches and streets and banned selling novelty lighters now want to ban those worthless plastic bags they give you at the grocery store.

You know the ones, the thin crappy plastic bags that always get a big tear in the corner, the bags with the handles that break if you put anything heavier than a box of cereal in one, the bags so flimsy that they have to give you two of them?!? Yeah those bags are getting banned.

As cheap as they are, those crappy plastic grocery bags are expensive, around 5 cents each, with the cost sure to rise as oil crawls it's way to $200 a barrel.

Pretty much everyone has the groovy reusable grocery bags by now (I like the ones from Trader Joe's the best). Go ahead and use the Trader Joe's bags at Vons and Henry's, it's okay.

Funny thing about the whole bring your own bags movement, years ago I tried to take my groceries home in my beach backpack. It was only a few things and I had room. But the beady eyed bag boy absolutely insisted that he put my items in a plastic bag. He would not take no for an answer.

The reusable bags are called totes. Soon people will hiss and spit at you if you go to the grocery store without your tote. Most stores will give you 5 cents off your bill per tote. Last Sunday at Henry's on Encinitas Blvd I saved 20 cents off my $150 grocery bill by using my Trader Joe's bags...err, totes.

Burning Question: Does Encinitas really need to ban plastic bags when the free market and consumer culture is eliminating plastic bags on it's own? And, why hasn't Encinitas banned styrofoam cups and plates from eateries yet? Most cities did that over a decade ago.

News8.com with video.

NCT.com ENCINITAS: Plastic bag petition drive

SignOnSanDiego.com Surfrider group wants city to ban plastic bags

Coast News: Organization petitions Encinitas to cut down on plastic bags

25 Reasons to re-use grocery bags

This homeless guy on K Street has way too many plastic bags which are harmful to the environment.

*Be sure to vote in the plastic bag ban poll located on the righthand side of this here blog.


  1. I love the higher oil prices. The higher they go. The smarter the USA becomes.

    Have you noticed less cars on the streets, people are driving slower, less crappy boxes getting slammed in our desert while the Gov. tell us to eliminate water use, less pollution, less plastic bag waste, the end of the Hummer brand (total wasteful piece of crap), less oil bought from foreign governments, less need to be in Iraq killing our poor children, and overall less stress.

    I hope I get an early Christmas present when Gas hits $5 per gallon. I think I am going to go and buy a 40mpg car today.

    Think how smart we will get when gas hits $10 per gallon in a few years. Yeahhhhh!

  2. Paper cups use more raw materials and energy than styrofoam.
    “A study by Canadian scientist Martin Hocking shows that making a paper cup uses as much petroleum or natural gas as a polystyrene cup. Plus, the paper cup uses wood pulp. The Canadian study said, ‘The paper cup consumes 12 times as much steam, 36 times as much electricity, and twice as much cooling water as the plastic cup.’ And because the paper cup uses more raw materials and energy, it also costs 2.5 times more than the plastic cup.” www.ecojoe.com

  3. anonymous 7:53am has obviously forgotten that the majority of posters here don't allow facts to get in the way of their opinions - hence, the knee-jerk ad hominem attacks from the sub-cultural denizens should start any second now. Sheep can be so predictable...

  4. Who bothers to use paper or styrofoam cups I've had the same insulated metal coffee mug for over 10 years and some joints give you discounts for having one.

  5. That's not a man baby, it's woman, a woman!!! Yeah baby, yeah!!

  6. That homeless guy is actually a woman that has been wandering around the south end of Encinitas for several years. Please don't let the council erode anymore libertiea. This politically correct intrusion into our lives has got to stop. We already have litter laws on the books. If you want to see the source of trash all around then why don't our leaders push the Feds to inforce immigration laws. There is trash strewn all aroud where they congrigate. Another source is Edco trucks with no covers to prevent stuff from flying out of them while driving. Follow one of these trucks some time,it will blow your mind.

  7. That homeless guy is actually a woman that has been wandering around the south end of Encinitas for several years. Please don't let the council erode anymore liberties. This politically correct intrusion into our lives has got to stop. We already have litter laws on the books. If you want to see the source of trash all around then why don't our leaders push the Feds to inforce immigration laws. There is trash strewn all around where they congrigate. Another source is Edco trucks with no covers to prevent stuff from flying out of them while driving. Follow one of these trucks some time,it will blow your mind.

  8. The fugitive dust air pollution, caused by NCTD trains roaring past their scorched earth right-of-way, poses a direct health threat. Government should clean up its own act first.

  9. That homeless woman is a complete asshole. I was walking my dog with a "halty"-a device that fits over a dog's muzzle much like a lead you put on a horse- and I went into the bathroom at Swami's, (where she apparently spends the night), and when I got out of the stall she blocked my way, and verbally assalted me and told me I was "killing" my dog. "YOU SICKEN ME!",she screamed and yelled at me for another good 5 minutes. I've also seen her go off at the Roxy when she didn't get served quickly enough. My heart always goes out to those who have suffered loss of job, suffered from addiciton or those who haven't received proper medical attention for their specific mental disorder, but pity for this one? I hope she chokes on her plastic bags.

  10. You don't see any agro bums in Del Mar do you? Why? because they take care of their City....

    Pick up the human trash, and put it on a bus to Vista were it belongs. Thats what the sheriffs do in Del Mar.

  11. So, I was at Home Depot and bought 2 small items and the clerk put them in a plastic bag. I don't like the waste of plastic bags and said I don't want a bag. She then threw the bag in the trash.

  12. HD has one of the largest recycling programs in the world, more than likely the bag you mention went into the re-cycle bin.

  13. If Encinitas bans plastic bags I will shop in Solana Beach on my way home. I won't carry bags into a store. I want to carry bags out.

  14. Surfrider should get back to the original mission of protecting surf spots and opening access to the large portion of coastline closed to everyone but their rich buddies. I took my plastic Surfrider license plate holder off and put it in the recyle bin. Now I feel better

  15. It is a pollution issue. Don't let the close minded enviro nuts distract you from that.

  16. OFF TOPIC:




  17. Anon 7:30-

    You are all wasting your vote. Either of the idiots will continue to bankrupt America. The next 4 years will be brutal, and after that Americans might start to take ownership of their country. I hardly doubt it.

    No more freebees for everyone, no fricken free health care for every human that can make it to America, No free houses for everyone, no policing and occupying the world. Even if we want it, we can't afford it.
    America never learned the lesson between need and wants.
    There is a big difference been wanting something and being able to afford it.

    To Date, we have paid for our endless “wants” with our children’s future.

    We have spent that money. We have no more and the Asians will not loan us anymore. Hence the feds are recklessly printing money at full speed and devaluing the dollar. I switch my liquid assets to Euros. The dollars are becoming worthless. The sinking dollar is the reason for price inflation including gas.

    American needs to wake up before we slip to 3rd world status in record Time.

    If you are voting for Insane McCain, you are as big of a fucking idiot as those you accuse. He has even acknowledges he supports Bushes doctrine which is occupation of nations and debt for the profit of big business at the expense of the future of American.

    The next 4 years will be interesting to watch. I am sure glad I have minimal debt. I hope you do.

    I am going to send a message to American saying I am fed up with the two failed political parties. I am voting for a 3rd party candidate. I hope you do as well.

  18. Anon 7:30- wow, I didn't know the homeless woman with the plastic bags knew how to post on this blog. Welcome aboard!

  19. I love the internet. First Obama was a muslim, then he was a crazy christian but now I guess he is a muslim again.

  20. I just read an article saying old Americans are living longer. On average over 78. Oh joy!

    They better have savings or I say send them to the Soilent Green Factory. They are bankrupting the nation.

    Maybe we support the WWII generation through it deaths. They were worthy Americans with good values. Then pull the plug on the baby boomers. Baby Boomers are truly a worthless lot of Americans. All about entitlements and wanting more and more for free. Baby boomers even maxed out the countries debt and screwed future generations of America.

    Baby Boomers better expect blow back from younger generations. We deserve it.

  21. Obama is a baby boomer, too! That does it, I'm voting for Elvis!!

  22. Be careful with your Karma, Karma. Generalizations about any group tend to be incorrect, as can be seen by the political system we now have. If it were not for Baby Boomers, you might be drafted to go to Iraq, as that is what happened in the 70's to a lot of men. In case you don't know what the draft was, it was a lottery system, designed to keep the military alive and well in Vietnam. Every man over the age of 18 was given a lottery number, based upon his birthday. If you had a low number you went to Vietnam-no choice. There were some exceptions of course. There is no draft in this war with Iraq because baby boomers would have a fit if it were initiated. We are also responsible for many of the civil liberties you enjoy today, such as freedom of choice for women, and a mimimum wage for all Americans. And yes, I am very disappointed that we have not followed through on a lot of the ideals many of us shared at that time.

  23. Dr. Lori-

    The draft would be way better than bankrupting our country. Now only the poor stupid kids are getting slaughtered. I think there would be more resistance if more wealthy families kin were being sent to the senseless “war”. You know the Bushes, Kennedy’s and Clintons, Obamas will never having kin on the front line.

    If that is the only good thing us baby boomers did, we are a sorry generation. The list of crappy things we’ve done is a mile long. Now future generations will have lower standards of living than we have enjoyed. I would call that selfish.

    We should redeem ourselves, make the country whole, eliminate our debt, get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and leave a decent country for our future generations to enjoy.

    The young generations know all this and this is a reason there is little respect for our baby boomer generation.

  24. Dr Lori-

    Wow man...Did you buy all your 60s drugs on credit?

  25. We don't need a draft! We sent all our jobs to China and crippled our education system. Now small town 18 year olds have 2 choices, work as a bagger at Walmart or join the military.

  26. We will need a draft if the occupation continues. The country is running out of poor stupid kids willing to sign up. Even the poor stupid kids no signing up is a death sentence for no cause.

    Watch the corporate news isn't reporting it but new recruits for the military are way below goal. We've spend the bottom of our barrel.

    This country will get serious about getting out of occupied Iraq when rich families kids are dying.

    War- Why are we at war again with Iraq? Did they have Weapons of mass destruction that was endangering the US? I thought we had no fly zones along the northern and southern areas of Iraq essentially pinning down the former Sunni dictator. Why are we still there? Let them have their civil war and get on with their future.

    War- Why are we still in Afghanistan- the Taliban is not in control. Let the Afghanistan people run their country.

    If a terrorist county screws with the US, light them up. There is no need to occupy.

    That’s some fucked up countryside anyway. We don't want it.

    Let’s take over Mexico instead. We already provide healthcare, food stamps, and education to half their country. We might as well mine their nature resources to help pay for it.

    This country need to get its shit together.

  27. The Taliban has retaken control of large parts of Afghanistan because we sent all the troops who were making progress to Iraq. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  28. To:"OFF TOPIC:

    You have obviously been drinking the cool aide that is served by Fox, Rush, Sean, and that spooky skinny white lady.
    Your view that is shared by other uninformed followers is the kind of thinking that allowed our country to invade another country under false arguments.
    Get your information from more unbiased sources.
    Try googleing: Fox news bias.

  29. http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/fightthesmearshome/

  30. http://www.reusethisbag.com/25-reasons-to-go-reusable.asp

  31. The Marine Corps met 142% of their recruiting goal in April, and ALL military services met or exceeded recruiting goals. This is according to a May 12, 2008 article in the Washington Post - google it if you don't believe me. Our soldiers, sailors and marines use highly technical, highly advanced weapons and communications systems - a high school education (or the equivalent) is mandatory for enlisted personnel and a bachelor's or advanced degree is mandatory for officers. People serve because they WANT to and a lot who want to join are turned away. The education level across the services is HIGHER than in the general population. McCain has a son who enlisted at 17 and just served in Iraq. Many of the preconceived notions on this thread have no basis in fact. The military protects your right to be stupid.

  32. Anon 10:33-

    No offense taken from a dumbass Bushite. You send your kids to Iraq for the senseless occupation. I would never sacrafice my children for Bush and the likes corporation profit.

    Lets see McCain silver spoon son go serve some grunt time with the e1s flushing out the crap in Iraq.

    What a waste of life and USA money.

  33. The first conclusion I drew from anonymous 11:46 was an awkward tongue in cheek parody, but a second reading, and the 9:39 follow-up tell me I was woefully mistaken - dude, no one SENDS their "kids" to Iraq - it is an all-volunteer force! Also, corporations, which you hold in such low regard, are publicly held - that means people like your neighbors, teachers, mailman - regular folks - own the corporation. These are called "shareholders" and they get to VOTE on corporate policies. You're drinking the nutroot kool-aid by the gallon. Chairman Mao and Lenin would be proud.

  34. I don't buy stocks with brands like the Hummer. So I will do fine.

    time will tell who the jackass really is.

  35. Hi,

    We have just added your latest post "Encinitas Plastic Bag Ban" to our Directory of Environment . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory for getting a huge base of visitors to your website and gaining a valuable backlink to your site.

    Warm Regards

    greenatmos.com Team


  36. The Earth has been facing immense pollution from our garbage and consumption. The latest deadly pollution is plastic bags that fill up the landfills. With plastic bags becoming a growing concern, cotton canvas bag has become the new way to help stop the pollution.
    With plastic bag pollution being a rising concern, many shoppers need to start using reusable cotton canvas bags in order to stop the pollution.
    Plastic bag pollution is very deadly and takes hundreds of years to break down. Even if the component is broken done, the deadly chemicals will go into the ground and water system. By reducing the usage of plastic bag, Earth can recuperate. That's why cotton bags should be used world wide to help reduce the pollution.
    It is our generation to stop the pollution and start using cotton canvas bags as the solution. With global warming going out of hand from gas exhaustion, we don't need any more problems especially plastic bags that are harmful when broken down naturally. These broken down elements cause sickness and destruction to the air, soil and water system.
    Use cotton canvas bags starting today as a way to stop the plastic pollution that is becoming a major threat to the environment. Our lives are threatened ever more from the growing usage of plastic bags. It is time you bring a canvas bag to shopping the next time you go to a supermarket.
    Please learn more at http://www.ecotrendbags.com/

  37. Has anyone noticed how many plastic bags are used to collect weeds and other debri on the hiways.
    Orange TRASH Bags - Caltrans needs to figure out a better way.
    Burlap sack are what landscapers use.
    Way cant the California transpertation dept. catch on???

  38. The Earth has been facing immense pollution from our garbage and consumption. The latest deadly pollution is plastic bags that fill up the landfills. With plastic bags becoming a growing concern, cotton bag has become the new way to help stop the pollution.

    With plastic bag pollution being a rising concern, many shoppers need to start using reusable cotton bags in order to stop the pollution.

    Plastic bag pollution is very deadly and takes hundreds of years to break down. Even if the component is broken done, the deadly chemicals will go into the ground and water system. By reducing the usage of plastic bag, Earth can recuperate. That's why cotton bags should be used world wide to help reduce the pollution.

    It is our generation to stop the pollution and start using cotton bags as the solution. With global warming going out of hand from gas exhaustion, we don't need any more problems especially plastic bags that are harmful when broken down naturally. These broken down elements cause sickness and destruction to the air, soil and water system.

    Use cotton canvas bags starting today as a way to stop the plastic pollution that is becoming a major threat to the environment. Our lives are threatened ever more from the growing usage of plastic bags. It is time you bring a canvas bag to shopping the next time you go to a supermarket.
    Please learn more at http://www.ecotrendbags.com/

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  40. think about this now that the Ban is in effect.

    Encinitas City Council did not follow their own procedures and do the Environmental Impact Study before putting the ban to a vote.
    Why did they not do the Study?, because they had to rush the vote to make sure that the public did not get to vote on this matter. The city council could have simply done nothing let the Statewide Ban go into effect unless the signatures to make it go to a vote were gathered.
    Well the Statewide ban is on hold because it is going to a public vote. Apparently this is what the city council was afraid of they passed the Bag Ban just 2 days before the date that would have made them wait and let the public vote decide.

    The City Council, obviously thinks that the general public is too stupid to be given a choice. If they give you a choice you will choose wrong.

    Weather your for or against the Bag Ban if you don't think your too stupid to be given a vote you should remember these 3 names... Lisa Shaffer, Tony Kranz, Teresa Arballo Barth, because these three disagree with you and think you ARE too stupid to be given a vote, they don't want to hear what you think, because what they think is wright and what you think is stupid.
    When it comes time to vote for city council or anything else remember these three names Lisa Shaffer, Tony Kranz, Teresa Arballo Barth and don't give them your vote for anything, I personally would not give any one of them my vote to be a bake sale captain.


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