Monday, March 15, 2010

Cool old truck spruces up Leucadia Blvd/Orpheus intersection



    They will be out of business in 6 months anyways. No one can survive with a profit on that corner - NO ONE!!!!

  2. I like that old truck! I guess there is no accounting for tastes.

    Did anyone hear the damn helicopter hovering over Leucadia in the middle of the night? It was border patrol looking for mexicans!

    I intend to complain to someone. If you're going to wake up an entire neighborhood with search lights, etc., it better be for a good reason. If they want to catch illegal mexicans it would be a lot easier for them to leave the helicopter and back up the truck at home depot.

  3. Helicopter Man- How do you know they were searching for illegals? I heard they were looking for a murder suspect. If the latter is the case, I am glad they were looking.

    Jackie: I love that truck. Don't know what the business is though.

  4. I'm sorry. I realize this is an effort to make something look nice. But, to me it looks trashy. I have visions of trashy neighborhoods with trucks parked in the front yard. I realize that was not the intent, but that's what it looks like to me.

  5. R U Kidding me?March 15, 2010 9:42 AM

    The truck's there to irritate the shit out of you Newbies. They certainly wouldn't do that in "The OC" would they? Maybe you'd better reconsider putting down roots here, plant yourself in a more 'upscale' Coastal community up North.

    Newbs' all like the character of our area, move in, and then are hell-bent to change it. Amazing.

  6. I wonder if it counts as an abandoned vehicle, being so close to the road? It has some character, but in a Sanford & Son kind of way. It would look cooler if it was restored to its original/new look.

  7. Hey Helicopter Man, I'm happy any time I hear those guys in the air around here. It means that they're trying to enforce laws. I can afford to be awakened for the sake of keeping whatever is going on from getting worse, whether it's smugglers off the coast or a murder as Anonymous 8:56 said. And, to whomever was flying the helicopter, in the unlikely event that you're reading the Leucadia Blog (no offense to either party intended - it just seems unlikely), keep up the excellent work.

  8. How do I know? Because in the morning when I went out to get my paper there were 2 armed border patrol agents in the street. They told me.

    If they really want illegals then they should fly the damn chopper over to Home Depot. I need my sleep. That helicopter was loud... it was like the freight train that never ended.

  9. Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.

  10. 9:42- I agree with you. I think the truck is cool and doesn't need any sprucing up. Reminds me of the way we are, not the way the newbies would like us to be.

  11. Helicopter Man: 2 armed border patrol agents looking for illegals at 5AM. Sounds like you were told the story they were supposed to tell. Doesn't make sense when there a tons of illegals on Encinitas Blvd. every day. If it is true, then it is a huge waste of taxpayer dollars and I am going to complain to the Border Patrol. How can we find out the truth?

  12. The truck is hot. Keep it funky.

    As for the copter, I was on Neptune, heading to the doughnut shop around 6AM, and they were doing more than looking... There were two vans, and someone sitting on the ground in cuffs. I assumed a boat came ashore.

  13. @11:08 - I'm not a border zealot, but you should read the news. This aint Julian. Boats come ashore all the time.

  14. Yeah, I can confirm the boat. That is what the border patrol agents said. Once ashore, they make a mad scramble into our neighborhoods. So, the border patrol unleashes the Apocolypse helicopter with floodlights.

    If they'd just wait a couple of hours until morning they could scoop the entire boat up at Home Depot. We'd all have our beauty sleep (and a mo' tax dollars for schools!).

    Alas, who will weed the gardens and dig the ditches? I don't know. That is far beyond the scope of this post.

  15. Border patrol is a huge waste of money. Pure Fed government workfare. Cut the fat, privatize the border patrol and put a finacial incentive for each illegal they send back across the board and a penalty for employers of illegals. That would solve the problem in less than one month.

  16. The truck is a nice slice of Americana. I like it.

  17. Sanford and Son

    Sums it up pretty well

  18. I LOVE that old truck. (Duh). It is limited edition sculpture IMHO. It makes for a much cooler sign that some quickie wrinkled vinyl banner drooping down a wall. And the other stuff on that corner has never looked better. I think it's a garden/flower shop right now.

    "Did anyone hear the damn helicopter hovering over Leucadia in the middle of the night? It was border patrol looking for mexicans!"

    " heard they were looking for a murder suspect."

    That helicopter disturbed the peace and was an annoying invasion for a few thousand people who needed sleep. Chasing a murder suspect is one thing, but capturing two illegals when hundreds congregate publicly year after year here in the daytime seems a little over the top. I wonder how much our night time helicopters might invade our privacy with their infared cameras peering through our roofs?

  19. Didn't you like Sanford and Son? Oh, I'm sorry, you liked Dynasty.

  20. Love the truck. Would love it even more if it went round and round the roundabouts.

  21. @3:48 - What? You don't like that fancy sign at the lofts? Makes me want to buy. Plus, the smell of hot dogs from my patio - just an added bonus. :P

  22. The truck is perfect, it's the juxtaposition of faded capitalism with new. It's a statement, meant to create dialogue! Love it, much better than the two dimensional generica signs populating our town.

  23. I like the truck! And it seems to be working considering all the dialogue here. Now if we can just go patronize the shop, maybe it won't fail like so many other things that have tried there.

  24. The dogs aren't very good. Tried it twice. Put a wienerschnitzel there, better dogs. Better yet, put a Tommy's there. Tommy's might stand a chance.

  25. Back to the truck and the business it advertises -- Glorious Gardens. It is a woman-owned company specializing in drought-tolerant landscaping. They are working in our yard now and I'm impressed with their professionalism. Stop by and check out the cool pots and plants.

  26. A woman owned business? Are we going to start making that differentiation now? Can't it just be a gardening business that rises or falls on its merits without dragging sexism into it?

  27. Off topic, but here is a nice article on our L101 MainStreet meeting.

  28. Speaking of which, I certainly didn't like how racist the census is becoming.

    Home owner/renter?

  29. the truck is fine, it's all the trailer parks that need to go...

  30. the truck is fine, it's all the trailer parks that need to go...

  31. The truck and the trailer parks are fine. It's the gang members that just stabbed a 13 year old boy in Solana Beach that have to go.

  32. 11:29
    Wasn't giving them the vote enough?

  33. I think the truck bed needs to be filled with some really cool flowers filled up and flowing over... there is something missing and it needs some green in it!

  34. The truck bed has really cool plants in it. They are small and just starting to grow. In a few weeks they should look great.

  35. The trailer parks are private property. If you want them gone make an offer to the owners.


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