Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Leucadia Liquor

Has a pretty darn good wine selection. Including organics.


  1. Hazzie Nuz Year (hic******)

  2. When are they going to start selling bud?

  3. Yea, these are good guys and they do have a reasonably decent wine selection; with lots on sale. Why stock up at home when you can mozy down to Leucadia Liquor and pick up some hootch

  4. they have good scotch too

    side note: what's the deal with the junkyard between LL and La Especial?

    is it legal to have a landfill?
    it fascinates me that everyone gets all worked up over streetscape this and roundabout that while there is a giant garbage pile right on 101.

  5. Chappie's junk also his home has been there longer then the 36 years I've lived in this town. It was there when Old Vienna occupied La Especial.

  6. As long as they keep their signage in good shape, I'll buy my booze at Leucadia Liquor.

  7. The junkyards not hurting anyone....leave it be.

    Once the old guy dies, I will be redeveloped. Don't worry. He's old.

  8. A throw back for sure. He has been there as long as anyone on 101. Yes it is true that when he is gone it wont take long for it to be turned into retail and lofts.

  9. When he's gone a lot of people will rejoice.

  10. Does that truck with all of the sea shells on the dashboard belong to the junkyard guy? It must. Get into a minor fender bender in that thing could be the end of him. I get the shivers looking at that thing thinking of the possiblities.

  11. Blog finds Vultures circling Leucadia Liquor.

  12. Looks like this junk guy beat the seagulls to the dump!

  13. Louie the street derelict spends his SSI checks here!

  14. Crazy Louie gets food stamps,(EBT)
    free rent courtesy of our tax dollars, a monthly stipend from the government and spends most of it on drugs and booze. What a great state and country we live in!

  15. Louie gets nuttier all the time. For some reason, when he sees me, he screams out epithets of some unfriendly nature - I ignore him. I just hope crazy Louie can't buy a gun with his government subsistence money.

  16. Just for the record, it was "Little Vienna", not "Old Vienna".

  17. Louie is a tweeker!


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