Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New New in North Leucadia

New construction at Phoebe St.
Architecture by Brian Church.
Snazzy materials!


  1. I like it.... Its definitely not boring copy of New England architecture. Diversity in architecture is good!

  2. Considering that I live in North Leucadia, I love the new construction. Great to see new restaurants coming in, and doing well like Fish 101. If only they could get moving on that StreetScape project, funky doesn't have to mean dumpy...

  3. I wonder how they're going to sell them when the similar styled buildings next door never sold? Granted, they look nicer than the ones next door but its the same vibe.

  4. Diversity of styles includes new england.

    During all of the general plan talks was there ever an analysis of the amount of retail/restaurant square footage that this town can support? That turns out to be just about only thing urban planners are good at estimating. Our town of 100,000 can only support so many restaurant seats. When the general plan goes through and they add even more space with good restaurants on the other side of town it will be like a giant vacuum cleaner for out of the neighborhood diners. There can only be so many vibrant hubs of attraction in a town.

  5. I disagree a bit Randy - people want to come to the coast, see the sunset, walk on the beach. There will always be a strong pull to the ocean and the atmosphere out here in my opinion, no matter how many restaurants are across the freeway. Its not the same...

  6. Very refined funkiness. They look like racing sailboats. 100,000 people. Really? No wonder it takes so long to get a table at Papagayo on Thursdays.

  7. RAndy - I'm with you. Central planning is the answer. THis whole capitalism thing of letting businessmen risk their money on taco stands just ain't working.

  8. Oh Yeah Randy..... who needs liberty or freedom? Lets just dictate what every lot in the City should be used for...... Aaaaa, I think the whole point is government screws things up. ingenuity and liberty make things great. Randy, I think you left of my philosophy of what made America Great. Now you might have a point in promoting the old USSR or China.

  9. Poor Leucadia. Didn't this architect learn about the negative aspects of mass and bulk in school - and how awful this kind of building might look on a tiny lot? This is an interesting shape, but it's too tall for the neighborhood - and really, 4 of them???? Where are these people going to park? Someone missed that detail in planning.

  10. Oh, they didn't miss that detail at all Randy. The builder knew there wasn't enough parking before he built. We made sure of that in person and at Planning Commision meetings. But its the Planning Commisioners who approved this abuse, and its the PC who will approve much much more, seeing our mayor is pushing for a huge increase in housing in Leucadia and a new Coaster Station. Hey, maybe thats why the Streetscape is robbing 200 parking spots on the east side of 101 - they need it all for the Leucadia Coaster / Bus Station transit center. God knows they've got the room. Now all they need is a several million dollar grant to skim. Now it all makes sense. Build baby, build!

  11. New New for sure. What are the benefits and costs to existing Leucadians for the proposed train station and MEGA increase in Land Use Density up zoning that will come with it?

    Say good bye to a sleep little town and say hello to a downtown with Densities higher than downtown Encinitas and Cardiff. It will look like Pacific Station for miles.

    You know the City needs these increased density for more taxes to feed the huge pensions of the fire fighters like Muir's $170,000 a year pension forever. Thanks for paying your property taxes. The lucky few fire fighters love the easy life on the tax payers dime.


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