Tuesday, March 06, 2012

New Political Toons

Now appearing in the Coast News...


  1. GOOD job Mary.
    Keep on 'keepin on.....

    You must be workin' overtime with all the 'material' in this little shire.

  2. Good food for thought, thanks,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Encinitas votes must be the most ignorant people in the world. The City of Bell has smarter voters. They ended there corruption.

    Why don't the opponents provide a well written piece highlighting all the negative things Jerome Stocks has supported through the years and demand they run the article? You could provide another article how "some" of the local paper's will not air the piece, because of cronyism with Stocks. That story would likely be picked up by 60-minutes. Jerome Stocks has so many skeletons in his closet, its amazing someone hasn't effectively opened the closet on this financial devil of Encinitas.

    You need to try and open the eyes of these morons that live in this town. If its interesting and draws readers, the Press will run it. they love dirty laundry.

  5. Awesome comics.... I am subscribing to Coast News.

    Encinitas votes must be the most ignorant people in the world. The City of Bell has smarter voters. They ended their corruption.

    Why doesn't the opponents provide a well written piece highlighting all the negative things Jerome Stocks has supported through the years to the press and demand they run the article? You could provide another article how "some" of the local paper's will not air the piece, because of cronyism with Stocks. That story would likely be picked up by 60-minutes. Jerome Stocks has so many skeletons in his closet, its amazing someone hasn't effectively opened the closet on this financial devil of Encinitas.

    You need to try and open the eyes of these morons that live in this town. If its interesting and draws readers, the Press will run it. they love dirty laundry.

  6. The special interest cronies are going to throw alot of campaign money $tock$ and Muir's way this year. They know that a grass roots group knows about their corruption, but figures the vast majority of voters are clueless and respond to glitzy ad brochures bombarded thru the mail. The campaign to oust these crooks needs to begin today!

  7. Here the sound of Encinitas voters... "he mom, your farts smell like bacon...hee hee... hey can we watch another re-run of dancing with the stars episode 76?" I can't wait for the next talent show to come out. I hope its "break dancing with Trump"

  8. 7:48
    Brilliant! Just BRILLIANT sarcasm!

    Well-written, insightful, and such TACT! And your command of the English language. Mesmerizing.

    Mary should fear for her job with
    such talent.

    Go home.
    Ferris Bueller

  9. Thanks, Mary. As I've said, a picture is worth a thousand words, for sure!

    I'm glad the Coast News is running your cartoons on its editorial, grateful you're creating them. Excellent!


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