Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Biggest thing ever" in Oceanside today

The proposed Swamis 2010 ASP (Associated Surfing Professionals) women's longboard surf contest has been described as "the biggest thing to ever come to Encinitas". This weekend the ASP is holding a men's and women's longboard contest at Oceanside Pier. The finals start Sunday morning at 8 am. It is without a doubt, the biggest thing to ever happen to Oceanside.

Follow the action on the PLA website (Professional Longboard Association) click here. Or visit in person and gasp at the large crowds that these longboard surf contest draw. The absolute hugeness of it all may blow your mind.


  1. Thank God something Encinitas can't screw up. Keep it in Oceanside.

  2. I'm sure the SRF would only be too happy to let them erect grandstands on the grassy area atop their bluff for the crowds.
    How about using their large flat grounds between K St. and Swami's for the festival. Maybe even a gate directly to Swamis parking lot.
    Think of all the new recruits for the SRF.

  3. The contest is such a big deal, I woke up just so I could attend!

  4. After reading all the comments on this surfing contest I believe that a protest with 50-100 people paddling out during the contest would be the answer. How can the people running the contest possible prevent that. Our beaches should not be sold to money making special interests.

  5. Why is the city selling our #1 tourist attraction to a small tribe of surfers?

  6. "I'm sure the SRF would only be too happy to let them erect grandstands on the grassy area atop their bluff for the crowds."

    Yeah, if fans would meditate instead of drink, hoot, hollar, do the wave and have some goofy mermaid mascot flounder in the sand to loud Beach Boys music.

    But it wouldn't be the first time foreign objects considered muscling their way into SRF. The first time it was in the 90's with the shiny prospects of Redevelopment. A smooth operator (who sounded exactly like Al Franken) named Frank Spevecheck dangled a $450 million dollar carrot before the Encinitas council. And what would have been a nicer cash cow than a 5 star hotel on Noonan's Point? Yep. That Redevelopment Agency targeted ALL 12 of the SRF acres through Eminent Domain. (It was the first time I'd seen the monks with their robes in a bunch). Is nothing sacred to an RA? Hell no. And to think, all they needed was a majority vote of the council to send the good people who've nurtured a garden for 6 decades to Needles, CA. Yikes. We owe thanks to late Mayor Marge Gaines and the then council for just saying No.

  7. Fred: You continue to amaze me with your insight and your great stories. Please keep posting and letting us know our history. For all of you. The Parks and Rec. Commission is going to form a sub-committee on the Women's Longboard Event. It is this coming Tuesday, Nov. 17th. Go, and let them know what's up.

  8. Don't use your energy showing up to this commission meeting. They are only forming a subcommittee. For what reason? To wear out the opposition! Save your efforts for the council meeting in a couple months from now.

  9. Outspoken activistNovember 15, 2009 1:07 PM

    Not a good idea to skip any meetings. Go and make a lot of noise. Otherwise it is taken as complacency.

    Follow the process at every step!

  10. I'm only going to one meeting. Which one should I attend?

  11. Authorities have multiple meetings to either wear people out or punish them because they have to attend all the meetings. (Just like our friendly folks at the Vista Courthouse - but trust me, don't miss any meetings there.) If you can only make one meeting, go to the final meeting. Meanwhile, write an email to voice your concerns. It always helps to 1. Tell them what you're going to tell them. 2. Tell them. 3. Tell them what you told them.

  12. Tuesday's meeting is to set up a subcommittee. No decisions are being make and there probably won't be much discussion.

  13. Is Swami's a state beach? If so, how can the City rent it out? Wouldn't the state have to approve any contests?

  14. The State would rent anything. They are desperate for money to keep parks open. They are proposing a new tax of 130 per person in the state to "help" fund state parks. They are trying to find a way to impose it without the 2/3 majority vote required under our constitution. Sound familiar? The state parks commission must be taking lessons from the Encinitas City Council who have never seen a tax they didn't like. We can thank Howard Jarvis or we would all be working for the government.

  15. surf contest=waste of time

  16. Swami's and Moonlight are State Beaches but are leased to the City of Encinitas because they can't charge for parking and make money like at Cardiff Reef and Seaside. Pipes also. They only charge where there is no nearby free parking. Carlsbad one year paid $45,000 to the State Parks not to install parking meters at Tamarack but now they want $400,000 or something like that.
    Rent for a contest at Cardiff Reef is $15,000 or more and for Encinitas beaches it is $300 or free for non-profits. Wonder why they want to open up Swami's?

  17. I see Cori won the women's part of the contest yesterday. I thought she hated the ASP...

  18. The whole "sacred" argument is a bunch of bull. Emotional arguments aren't going to sway anybody on the city council. What they will respond to is money. What is the cost to the city to put this event on? And what is the expected return on that investment? Let's do some math, if the contest has 48 people, how many will rent a room in Encinitas to stay for the event? I'm guessing the answer is around zero. The competitors will be shacked up at friends houses between Downtown and LA. How many people will come from out of town to attend the event? I'm guessing not too many, and they won't be spending 100's of $ at Hansens and local restaurants. The income statement looks poor. Let's examine direct costs, Security, lifeguards, toilets, banners. Certainly not free. How about indirect costs? Things like trampled grass, eroded cliffs,transplanted surfers at other breaks, traffic congestion at the site. How does one get compensated for those costs? If there's to be a contest, make it a city resident's only event!


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