Tuesday, May 29, 2012



  1. Rumors on the street - The Coast News is getting blamed for Andrew Audet's attack on Peter Norby and some want to "protest" the advertisers of this paper. My friend was contacted over the weekend and was asked to remove her advertisement and when asked why the woman on the line said the Coast News attacks "good people" (Peter Norby) for no reason.

  2. How many names has that business gone through now? Three?

  3. Of one is going to comment on someone, perhaps that person could spell the name of the person correctly. It is Peder Norby in case anyone else wants to comment.

  4. Please spread the word. Do not blame Coast News.
    Do blame Audet. His accusations are false.
    Norby is 'good people'.

  5. What does Mr Audet do for a living?

    Is he going to run or is he a political hitman for someone else?

    He's the walking talking version of slate mailers.

  6. What's the official rule with political signs? Can I legally remove them from public property if they impede my vision or access?

  7. Yes, if they impede your vision, access or interferes with you sensitivity or hinders your esthetic sense, it is legal to remove them, if you do it real early or late.

  8. I can't find the Audet piece on line. Can someone please post the content. Thanks.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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