Sunday, May 13, 2012

Leucadia from above


  1. Looks like a pretty ugly unsafe fast old highway to me. Lets take a guess how many people will die on that stretch of road this year due to excessive speeding? I guess two.

  2. I remember only one death last year. But there were 465,493 deflations from goat head thorns.

  3. The bike rider tragedy in the middle of the night?

    No biker deserves to get squashed but I don't care where you are - if you're riding around in the middle of the night a drunk will squash you eventually. It's not safe. People go to bars, get drunk, and then drive home. Rinse & repeat. It's part of the car & road society we live in.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yep. The biker death. He was closest to traffic behind a V formation in one of the skinniest portions of "bike lane" (if you can even call it that) and darkest blocks on the highway. He was on the last few hours of a day long practice run for some event in France. He was also thirty something and getting married soon. Nothing less than a horrific end.

  6. I thought it happened at 2 a.m. and he was much older than 30 something?

    Maybe we're talking about another tragedy.

    Anyway - don't know what the erased comment was but I don't mean to be flippant about the tragedy that it was. I ride my bike, drive a small car, & cross 101 all the time but drunks are out at night and they kill more people than bad road design. As my pappy used to say: " nuttin good happens after midnight get your ass home"

  7. Smart Pop. Yeah, it was the same guy. And it was more like 1am. The guy who hit him didn't come forward for 2 weeks. "I musta done it, the damage on my truck matches". Don't know what happened to that guy, but they didn't arrest him right away. Says he wasn't drunk.
    I used to get real curious about deleted comments too, but the last one was mine. Just a spelling error and I didn't want Anna to get all fussy.

  8. This blog is slow to respond to recent developments in the area. I see that there is a citizens' movement against Encinitas turning into another Pacific Beach, with the proliferation of bars that attract an unruly and disruptive element to the area. There are also rumours of a brewery wanting to establish itself downtown, entrenching the booze culture in the heart of old Encinitas. There is a YouTube link that can be found of someone addressing the city council about the bar issue on 5-16-2012. I agree - the downtown is unsafe after hours - the rowdy drunks are denegrating the atmosphere of Encinitas.

  9. Its getting to where you cant take a calm stroll around town at 4am. Leucadian is closing at midnight now though...

  10. Observor,

    Booze culture? Unsafe? Encinitas is hardly a party destination. You can complain all you want about new bars, but its not as if that "unruly element" is anything new. Have you ever ducked into the Saloon after midnight?

    I think its great to have new bar options. It used to be that there were no good places to go unless you just wanted to get wasted with everyone else at the Saloon, D Street, 1st Street or the Leucadian. Union and Solace are nice options, and I look forward to the new wine bar rumored to go in up in Leucadia.

  11. Yeah, nobody really gets too wasted at local bars and most people know their limits. But just the other night I was about to leave Uncle Dukes and some drunk stepped on my hand.

  12. Uncle Dukes is a nice place. I was very sad when it was shut down a while ago. I thought the end of the world was near when they took down the Surfing Madonna and closed Uncle Dukes.

  13. As someone who lives a bottle toss away from Uncle Dukes, most nights are uneventful and the pub crawlers are usually well behaved when closing time comes. I don't like the Harley's starting up after midnight though. That's just rude!

  14. I know what you mean. I think everyone else should roll their Harleys home after 2am like me.

  15. Thanks for pushing your Harley home but I'm cofused Winston. How does one step on one's hand if he isn't crawling home? Back in the day I always walked to and crawled home from the Luecadian. It is much better to crawl home down Neptune than to drive drunk or have to walk your Harley.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. You are correct. I tried crawling home on Neptune once but come sunrise I discovered it didn't connect with Clark Street. I did however avoid loud Harleys and 101 puddles.

  18. Go to the Daley Double Saloon - the noxious sewer gases from their latrine will float you home on the green fumes.


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