Sunday, July 01, 2012

Leucadia after dark

Homegrown jazz group The Mattson 2 headlined Summer Fun on the 101 to past sunset.
Homegrown jazz group Boaz & Friends supplied the live soundtrack to the Orate brothers surf film L-Town (thanks DEMA for loaning that amazing screen).
It was amazing to see so many Leucadians enjoying our little Roadside Park. A unique venue!


  1. Great event. Awesome music in the park. Loved Madison 2 + 1.

    As far as surf films go... Not so much. I'd like to see more than one guy on a longboard in shitty surf. I did like the Grandview footage with the fish though.

    We can do better.

  2. My apologies to Mattson 2.

    Long day yesterday. I need some coffee.


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